How many MAGA ancestors were met with serious discrimination when they first came to America?

What does that have to do with what a retarded op this thread began with?
If you were able to comprehend the post you would not ask that question.
Even your fellow MAGA followers look at your question as stupid.
Just to reiterate the glaringly obvious:

The Original Poster for this abortion of a thread is retarded and his thread is drooling gibberish.
What about legal immigrants? What about children born in the USA to illegals.
There was no illegal or legal immigration until almost 1900.
Not many people oppose legal immigration not even those who did it the right way.
So you think a felons family should be rewarded for the fruits of their crime?
My comprehension is fine. It is yours that doesn’t exist. 👍

Link? Or maybe you’re busy making more shit up out of thin air because you’re a compulsive liar.
MAGA follower Joe, said that Back Again does not get it. He emberasses fellow MAGA followers
Not many people oppose legal immigration not even those who did it the right way.
So you think a felons family should be rewarded for the fruits of their crime?
No children should have to pay for their parents crimes.
How many MAGA ancestors were met with serious discrimination when they first came to America?
When the Irish, Germans and Italians first came to the USA, as immigrants, they faced discrimination and resistence from the US citizens. It was based on nationality, religon and politics.
The irony is many of these early German, Irish and Italians descendants are treating the new immigrants to the USA in the same way their ancestors were with treated with resistence and discrimination

While it's true that xenophobia has always existed in this country, when the people you mention migrated here they had to find work straight off the boat or they starved and died in the gutter. The people swarming over the border today are being bused or flown to other cities where they are provided with food, shelter, and in some cases cell phones and reuseable debit cards all paid for by the taxpayers. To say that today's situation is the same as those who came over in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is a dishonest comparison.
But you don't reward the family for the activity of a criminal.
NOT THE ADULTS, THE KIDS. The kids are born in the US. They attend school. They work jobs. Many want to go to college and become productive tax paying citizens.
While it's true that xenophobia has always existed in this country, when the people you mention migrated here they had to find work straight off the boat or they starved and died in the gutter. The people swarming over the border today are being bused or flown to other cities where they are provided with food, shelter, and in some cases cell phones and reuseable debit cards all paid for by the taxpayers. To say that today's situation is the same as those who came over in the late 19th and early 20th centuries is a dishonest comparison.
Congress needs to get off their fat asses and pass immigration reform.
The difference is the difference in our country for everybody. Everyone, imigrant or citizen, faced extremely tough working conditions
But discrimnation is discrimination.
Yes. Though, the crime problem here is bad enough without indiscriminately importing more. It’s part of the reason we and every other country on this planet has immigration laws.
Congress needs to pass new immigration laws.
There are many jobs go unfilled. Immigrants are needed for our work force.
How many MAGA ancestors were met with serious discrimination when they first came to America?
When the Irish, Germans and Italians first came to the USA, as immigrants, they faced discrimination and resistence from the US citizens. It was based on nationality, religon and politics.
The irony is many of these early German, Irish and Italians descendants are treating the new immigrants to the USA in the same way their ancestors were with treated with resistence and discrimination

One big difference is my Irish, German and English ancestors entered our nation legally. I have nothing against legal immigration.
NOT THE ADULTS, THE KIDS. The kids are born in the US. They attend school. They work jobs. Many want to go to college and become productive tax paying citizens.
Wow, those MS13 Fentanyl mules/human traffickers/rapists must be some great parents if their kids all turn out like that . . .
NOT THE ADULTS, THE KIDS. The kids are born in the US. They attend school. They work jobs. Many want to go to college and become productive tax paying citizens.
Fuckem you don't reward families for the criminal actions of a felon

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