Zone1 How Might Secession be Worked Out?

This has already been tried.
It failed.
We are still dealing with the ugly fallout with many of the vanquished southern states still fighting to keep the participation trophies of their looser war heroes standing in public places.

Oh don't worry.

In a few days, the same folks who want to leave the nation will be claiming they are "true Americans". It's comical to watch.
Clean Debate, please. HYPOTHETICALLY, if a State was allowed to secede from the U.S., what would be the biggest issues and how might they be resolved? I suppose that a State could simply keep all the federal tax revenues and provide all of the attendant services, but should it also accept its share of the national debt and contribute to mutual defense costs? I think Social Security and Medicare could be taken over by a State since they are essentially pay-as-you go programs. Any other major issues that would have to be worked out?

You invade the seceeding state.
YOu arrest all the leaders for Treason.
You promptly hang them.

problem solved.

The biggest mistake we made after the Civil War was not hanging Davis, Lee, and every other traitor.
Clean Debate, please. HYPOTHETICALLY, if a State was allowed to secede from the U.S., what would be the biggest issues and how might they be resolved? I suppose that a State could simply keep all the federal tax revenues and provide all of the attendant services, but should it also accept its share of the national debt and contribute to mutual defense costs? I think Social Security and Medicare could be taken over by a State since they are essentially pay-as-you go programs. Any other major issues that would have to be worked out?
How? You can’t separate out those programs. Easiest thing would be automatic dual citizenship.
Clean Debate, please. HYPOTHETICALLY, if a State was allowed to secede from the U.S., what would be the biggest issues and how might they be resolved? I suppose that a State could simply keep all the federal tax revenues and provide all of the attendant services, but should it also accept its share of the national debt and contribute to mutual defense costs? I think Social Security and Medicare could be taken over by a State since they are essentially pay-as-you go programs. Any other major issues that would have to be worked out?
Water rights would be a huge factor. Travel paperwork would be huge. Trade.

You want to see border control? Let Texas secede. Border control would be implemented so quick it would make people's head spin. The United States of Petty.

I think SS could be paid out.

I think it might be easier for landlocked states to secede and it is appropriate for them to pay for mutual defense costs. Any state with a coast is going to---and should--have a harder time trying to secede. This is not 1776 and I think it's imperative for our national defense that we remain united. But if this is where we are at then there can be no BS. These states can have zero representation in our system. No perks. No BS.

OTOH, it is doable.
Clean Debate, please. HYPOTHETICALLY, if a State was allowed to secede from the U.S., what would be the biggest issues and how might they be resolved? I suppose that a State could simply keep all the federal tax revenues and provide all of the attendant services, but should it also accept its share of the national debt and contribute to mutual defense costs? I think Social Security and Medicare could be taken over by a State since they are essentially pay-as-you go programs. Any other major issues that would have to be worked out?

Any and all Fed Govt Property would need to be returned prior to secession.

All land owned by the Fed Govt would have to be paid for by the state prior to secession.

Percent of the national debt based upon population.

New trade laws would need to be worked out.

New travel laws would need to be worked out.

The tax situation for those that live in one state and work in the state that is now a new country.

Just to name a few off the top of my head.
Clean Debate, please. HYPOTHETICALLY, if a State was allowed to secede from the U.S., what would be the biggest issues and how might they be resolved? I suppose that a State could simply keep all the federal tax revenues and provide all of the attendant services, but should it also accept its share of the national debt and contribute to mutual defense costs? I think Social Security and Medicare could be taken over by a State since they are essentially pay-as-you go programs. Any other major issues that would have to be worked out?

All social conservatives, preferably of European decent, would move to one or two states at the most. Let's say Alaska or Washington and Oregon. After a decade or two at the most, of tens of millions of conservatives, and traditionalists, relocating to those states, you would have a very strong political base upon which to turn those states into enclaves of whatever politics or ideology you want to establish. You would destroy all of your political opponents by being an overwhelming majority. You can then perhaps attempt to secede from the union legally and peacefully, and if that leads to the federal government deploying troops to prevent it, you would perhaps resist via guerilla warfare. If you take Alaska, that's near Russia, and you could probably get plenty of help from both Russia and China (they'd arm and train you).

The US government in the 1990s armed the Chechens when they were trying to secede from the Russian Federation. The US government is also right now, sending billions in arms to Ukraine to kill Russians, hence Russia would gladly assist American patriots fighting to secede from Washington DC. Alaska would be the best state for social conservatives to take because it's full of natural resources and it's near Russia. The Russians could become your close allies and so can the Chinese. You could join BRICS, the new financial order being established by Russia and China. You would have plenty of commodities to sell on the world market, due to how rich Alaska is in natural resources. Alaskan America would become a world power, provided you know what you're doing. Not too many people want to move to Alaska due to the weather and it being dark half of the year. That's exactly the reason why you want to move to Alaska and turn it into a bastion of social conservatism and freedom. Those harsh conditions will keep the purple-haired queers and "woke" crowd away.

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How about greater autonomy for the States? Would this require a Constitutional Amendment?
Don’t know but I would think it would fracture our country.

What constitutes greater automy?
Clean Debate, please. HYPOTHETICALLY, if a State was allowed to secede from the U.S., what would be the biggest issues and how might they be resolved? I suppose that a State could simply keep all the federal tax revenues and provide all of the attendant services, but should it also accept its share of the national debt and contribute to mutual defense costs? I think Social Security and Medicare could be taken over by a State since they are essentially pay-as-you go programs. Any other major issues that would have to be worked out?

Monumentally stupid idea.
Secession can only be achieved if a great majority of people in a particular state want to secede from the union and are willing to fight and even die for it if the US federal government decides not to honor their decision. A legal, peaceful process is in place but if DC doesn't honor that, then there's no secession without a shooting war. I'm not suggesting anyone should do anything, I'm just pointing out what is required to achieve it and what the options are for a state that wants to secede. I never suggested anyone should do anything. It's just me expressing my opinion, and in this country, we have something called the "1st Amendment".

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