How much debt did GWB add? the truth

What tickles me is that Heritage is called extremist, and the information that is supplied comes form sources such as the US govt
Those sources also are given

CBS called Al Gore the winner in Florida with the polls still open in Florida, 1 hour still open. In an area in which GWB was in a huge lead according to the polls

CBS claimed events had taken place in the military with GWB, with documents that where typed on a toll that did not even exist in the 1970s

Please name 1 event that heritage has either lied about or was mis leading with
What tickles me is that Heritage is called extremist, and the information that is supplied comes form sources such as the US govt
Those sources also are given

CBS called Al Gore the winner in Florida with the polls still open in Florida, 1 hour still open. In an area in which GWB was in a huge lead according to the polls

CBS claimed events had taken place in the military with GWB, with documents that where typed on a toll that did not even exist in the 1970s

Please name 1 event that heritage has either lied about or was mis leading with
CBS called Florida at 7: 50: 10 PM, less than 10 minutes before the polls closed in the panhandle. How many Bush voters were waiting till less than 10 minutes before the polls closed, watching CBS and not FOX, still trying to decide whether to go out and vote or not???? I say not a single one. Prove me wrong.

The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries, CON$ just claim they are without proof. No one has been able to confirm their validity either. At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer.
Second Study

And I already posted the correct debt for Reagan in this very thread that Heritage misstated and you mindlessly parroted.
What tickles me is that Heritage is called extremist, and the information that is supplied comes form sources such as the US govt
Those sources also are given

CBS called Al Gore the winner in Florida with the polls still open in Florida, 1 hour still open. In an area in which GWB was in a huge lead according to the polls

CBS claimed events had taken place in the military with GWB, with documents that where typed on a toll that did not even exist in the 1970s

Please name 1 event that heritage has either lied about or was mis leading with
CBS called Florida at 7: 50: 10 PM, less than 10 minutes before the polls closed in the panhandle. How many Bush voters were waiting till less than 10 minutes before the polls closed, watching CBS and not FOX, still trying to decide whether to go out and vote or not???? I say not a single one. Prove me wrong.

The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries, CON$ just claim they are without proof. No one has been able to confirm their validity either. At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer.
Second Study

And I already posted the correct debt for Reagan in this very thread that Heritage misstated and you mindlessly parroted.

"The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries"


"At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer"

Dan Rather is not an expert. :lol:
What tickles me is that Heritage is called extremist, and the information that is supplied comes form sources such as the US govt
Those sources also are given

CBS called Al Gore the winner in Florida with the polls still open in Florida, 1 hour still open. In an area in which GWB was in a huge lead according to the polls

CBS claimed events had taken place in the military with GWB, with documents that where typed on a toll that did not even exist in the 1970s

Please name 1 event that heritage has either lied about or was mis leading with
CBS called Florida at 7: 50: 10 PM, less than 10 minutes before the polls closed in the panhandle. How many Bush voters were waiting till less than 10 minutes before the polls closed, watching CBS and not FOX, still trying to decide whether to go out and vote or not???? I say not a single one. Prove me wrong.

The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries, CON$ just claim they are without proof. No one has been able to confirm their validity either. At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer.
Second Study

And I already posted the correct debt for Reagan in this very thread that Heritage misstated and you mindlessly parroted.

"The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries"


"At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer"

Dan Rather is not an expert. :lol:
The link was provided. Here it is again, use it this time. :asshole:
JRK, do you think that all congresses and presidents should IGNORE the yearly interest rate payment on our debt when they are writing their new spending bills?
JRK, do you think that all congresses and presidents should IGNORE the yearly interest rate payment on our debt when they are writing their new spending bills?

Absolutely not
But you have to find a place to start also
apples to apples

It would be very unfair to BHO to compare his debt to RR with interest added each year
dont you agree?
But lets also not forget that without interest the budget was 162 billion from breaking even in 07
It was well over 1 trillion 2 years later

allot of that was lost revenue
but not all of it

where did the rest of it go
lets also not forget that in 09 the Iraqi war was winding down
apples to apples
Liberal Logic: "We shot heroin during the Bush administration so it would be racist of us if we stopped during the Obama administration."

We should continue to kill ourselves.
There was 1000s of people in line when NBC-CBS called Gore the winner
1000s that where going to be allowed to vote, IN THE PANHANDLE OF FLORIDA
That part of the state is on central standard time

And as far as those documents in 04
your joking right?
anyone trying to defend that or say that Dan rather is no expert as a defense is a political hack
There were people fired over it and rather got "run off" weeks after the lie was posted
CBS ousts four over Bush Guard story - CNN
CBS ousts four over Bush Guard story - CNN
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Please name 1 event that heritage has either lied about or was mis leading with

"Never has reconciliation been used to pass any bill on purely partisan lines."
-Heritage Foundation, March 3 2010.

That my friend is n opinion
you want to try that again?

No, it's not an opinion. It's factually wrong. It's a lie. Reconciliation was used to get the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act passed on partisan lines.

Heritage can have it's own opinion, but not its own facts.
JRK, do you think that all congresses and presidents should IGNORE the yearly interest rate payment on our debt when they are writing their new spending bills?

Absolutely not
But you have to find a place to start also
apples to apples

It would be very unfair to BHO to compare his debt to RR with interest added each year
dont you agree?
But lets also not forget that without interest the budget was 162 billion from breaking even in 07
It was well over 1 trillion 2 years later

allot of that was lost revenue
but not all of it

where did the rest of it go
lets also not forget that in 09 the Iraqi war was winding down
apples to apples
Bush borrowed $500 billion in 2007 to cover his out of control spending that Teabaggers did not enough of a problem with to protest. Bush was not paying $340 billion in interest on the GOP debt in 2007, and Bush II should count the interest on the $3.2 trillion in the national debt he ran up by 9/30/2011. There was $240 billion in interest on the Reagan, Bush I, Bush II debt in 2007, a 1/3 of which belongs to Bush II.
"Never has reconciliation been used to pass any bill on purely partisan lines."
-Heritage Foundation, March 3 2010.

That my friend is n opinion
you want to try that again?

No, it's not an opinion. It's factually wrong. It's a lie. Reconciliation was used to get the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act passed on partisan lines.

Heritage can have it's own opinion, but not its own facts.

You know the level of desperation the left has has good reason. They have nothing but to attack those who are supplying all of the information and as we seen in the budget fiasco all of the work
Thats desperate right there.
what your claiming there and what CBS did in 00 and 04 are just alike, right?
You want to keep that as your example as the heritage foundation being a un trust worthy source
Fine with me
What amazes me about all of this is how obvious Obama and his failing is.

Heritage has provided accurate information with there sources every time, and you cannot provide 1 example were they have provided false information

The left does not even have information to start with any more

GWB deficit numbers with 200+ years of interest added
not with Obama's
Blame 09 on GWB
He did not sign it
the GOP senate nor house had more than a hand full of votes if any to support it
part of BHO tarp was in it
part of his failed stimulus was in it
But its all GWB fault

Clintons budget in the 90s and every-one knows the truth
keep telling the same lie over and over and one day it will become the truth

you got nothing and you know it
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That my friend is n opinion
you want to try that again?

No, it's not an opinion. It's factually wrong. It's a lie. Reconciliation was used to get the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act passed on partisan lines.

Heritage can have it's own opinion, but not its own facts.

You know the level of desperation the left has has good reason. They have nothing but to attack those who are supplying all of the information and as we seen in the budget fiasco all of the work
Thats desperate right there. mean thats and what CBS did in 2004 are just alike, are they not?
You want to keep that as your example as the heritage foundation being a un trust worthy source
Fine with me
What amazes me about all of this is how obvious Obama and his failing is. Heritage has provided accurate information with there sources every time
The left does not even have information to start with

GWB deficit numbers with 200+ years of interest added
not with Obama's
Blame 09 on GWB
He did not sign it
the GOP senate nor house had more than a hand full of votes if any to support it
part of BHO tarp was in it
part of his failed stimulus was in it
But its all GWB fault

you got nothing and you know it

Fucking hilarious, JRK. You run away from your own claims like a mouse from a cat.

Posted by you:
Quote: Originally Posted by JRK View Post
Please name 1 event that heritage has either lied about or was mis leading with

With that, I prove an example. You first deny it, then dodge it....

Then run like a baby and start a laundry list of other bullshit. You got nothing, but I'm not sure you're smart enough to know it.

Oh, and this JRK: Heritage is a well-paid branch of the far-right corporatists and capitistas. They appreciate you aiding and abetting their bullshit.
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What tickles me is that Heritage is called extremist, and the information that is supplied comes form sources such as the US govt
Those sources also are given

CBS called Al Gore the winner in Florida with the polls still open in Florida, 1 hour still open. In an area in which GWB was in a huge lead according to the polls

CBS claimed events had taken place in the military with GWB, with documents that where typed on a toll that did not even exist in the 1970s

Please name 1 event that heritage has either lied about or was mis leading with
CBS called Florida at 7: 50: 10 PM, less than 10 minutes before the polls closed in the panhandle. How many Bush voters were waiting till less than 10 minutes before the polls closed, watching CBS and not FOX, still trying to decide whether to go out and vote or not???? I say not a single one. Prove me wrong.

The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries, CON$ just claim they are without proof. No one has been able to confirm their validity either. At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer.

And I already posted the correct debt for Reagan in this very thread that Heritage misstated and you mindlessly parroted.

"The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries"


"At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer"

Dan Rather is not an expert. :lol:

There was 1000s of people in line when NBC-CBS called Gore the winner
1000s that where going to be allowed to vote, IN THE PANHANDLE OF FLORIDA
That part of the state is on central standard time

And as far as those documents in 04
your joking right?
anyone trying to defend that or say that Dan rather is no expert as a defense is a political hack
There were people fired over it and rather got "run off" weeks after the lie was posted
CBS ousts four over Bush Guard story - CNN
CBS ousts four over Bush Guard story - CNN
And those 1,000s were watching CBS on TV as they were standing in line! :rofl::lmao: What an :asshole: And CBS called it at 7: 50: 10 PM eastern time which was less than 10 minutes before the polls closed at 7 PM central time.

And YOU were the "political hack" who said Rather was no expert! :asshole: :rofl::lmao:
"Never has reconciliation been used to pass any bill on purely partisan lines."
-Heritage Foundation, March 3 2010.

That my friend is n opinion
you want to try that again?

No, it's not an opinion. It's factually wrong. It's a lie. Reconciliation was used to get the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act passed on partisan lines.

Heritage can have it's own opinion, but not its own facts.
Both Bush tax cuts were passed by reconciliation also. These 4 bills were passed using reconciliation.

– The 2001 Bush Tax Cuts [HR 1836, 3/26/01]
– The 2003 Bush Tax Cuts [HR 2, 3/23/03]
– Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 [HR 4297, 5/11/06]
– The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 [H. Con Res. 95, 12/21/05]
CBS called Florida at 7: 50: 10 PM, less than 10 minutes before the polls closed in the panhandle. How many Bush voters were waiting till less than 10 minutes before the polls closed, watching CBS and not FOX, still trying to decide whether to go out and vote or not???? I say not a single one. Prove me wrong.

The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries, CON$ just claim they are without proof. No one has been able to confirm their validity either. At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer.

And I already posted the correct debt for Reagan in this very thread that Heritage misstated and you mindlessly parroted.

"The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries"


"At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer"

Dan Rather is not an expert. :lol:

There was 1000s of people in line when NBC-CBS called Gore the winner
1000s that where going to be allowed to vote, IN THE PANHANDLE OF FLORIDA
That part of the state is on central standard time

And as far as those documents in 04
your joking right?
anyone trying to defend that or say that Dan rather is no expert as a defense is a political hack
There were people fired over it and rather got "run off" weeks after the lie was posted
CBS ousts four over Bush Guard story - CNN
CBS ousts four over Bush Guard story - CNN
And those 1,000s were watching CBS on TV as they were standing in line! :rofl::lmao: What an :asshole: And CBS called it at 7: 50: 10 PM eastern time which was less than 10 minutes before the polls closed at 7 PM central time.

And YOU were the "political hack" who said Rather was no expert! :asshole: :rofl::lmao:

thats intelligent

There where 1000s of people standing in line
Were not talking about for 30 minutes

Whats so funny about any of this?
10-20% UE with over 1 trillion dollars being spent we do not have to achieve this?

I said Rather was no expert?
No those 1000s standing in line got word that Florida was given to Gore
And as far as CBS goes, CBS fired people over it

Look you try to justify any of this, I could care less
I use Heritage for information that is proven accurate
because the others have no desire to print what matters
both sides of the story

Its like Clinton and his "surplus"
Congress had nothing to do with it?

One other thing
I am 6th generation from Florida
I have some first hand knowledge of the events that took place in 2000
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CBS called Florida at 7: 50: 10 PM, less than 10 minutes before the polls closed in the panhandle. How many Bush voters were waiting till less than 10 minutes before the polls closed, watching CBS and not FOX, still trying to decide whether to go out and vote or not???? I say not a single one. Prove me wrong.

The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries, CON$ just claim they are without proof. No one has been able to confirm their validity either. At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer.
Second Study

And I already posted the correct debt for Reagan in this very thread that Heritage misstated and you mindlessly parroted.

"The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries"


"At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer"

Dan Rather is not an expert. :lol:
The link was provided. Here it is again, use it this time. :asshole:

Documents Suggest Special Treatment for Bush in Guard [post 47]
"The equipment that typed superscript and subscript existed in the 1970s and no one has been able to prove the documents to be forgeries"


"At least one expert has stated that the documents were from a typewriter, not a digital printer"

Dan Rather is not an expert. :lol:
The link was provided. Here it is again, use it this time. :asshole:

Documents Suggest Special Treatment for Bush in Guard [post 47]

The DJIA has lost 3-400 points, today
“Markets go up and down,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said. “We obviously are monitoring the situation in Europe closely. And there’s no question that this economy has faced headwinds this year, a variety of them, including the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the increase in oil prices – energy prices that resulted from the unrest in the Arab world, and the situation in Europe also.”

Read more: Despite Debt-Crisis Resolution, Wall Street Plummets Amid Economic Fears -
there has been a loss of 6 million jobs sense 08 and this is what you have to offer?

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