How much do extremely poor people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

How much do extremely poor people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

Why don't you show us how they're prospering so much?
its the chance to prosper you idiot,,,
The chance? If they are extremely poor then obviously they didn't get the chance. Why would you charge them for it?
no it means they didnt take the opportunity seriously,,,

who said they should be charged,,

you can read english cant you??
Procreations is now a tax or just a fee?
where is that in the topic or are you trolling again???
The OP brought up procreation. You didn’t read it, did you
but where did it say a tax or fee???
By considering a demand to contribution labor for being able to access human rights.
who said anything about taking their rights away???
The OP that you didn’t read. Stop trolling.
I dont see where rights are being taken away,,, just that they should at least contribute something
What happens when you don’t contribute something you owe?
if you owe it its not a contribution its a bill,,,
Where is contribution in the topic or are you just trolling again?
thats the big question you seemed to have missed,,,
The OP says nothing about contribution. You’re just trolling.

The OP does say owed. Does say insist. And it does mention human rights such as procreation.

So yeah, looks like my characterization was spot on.

Ciao troll.
Should society insist they do a certain amount of labor each day to offset the cost to society that gives them a chance to freely procreate?

The poorest person in America has access to electricity, potable water and more information than the library of Alexandria
Procreations is now a tax or just a fee?
where is that in the topic or are you trolling again???
The OP brought up procreation. You didn’t read it, did you
but where did it say a tax or fee???
By considering a demand to contribution labor for being able to access human rights.
who said anything about taking their rights away???
The OP that you didn’t read. Stop trolling.
I dont see where rights are being taken away,,, just that they should at least contribute something
What happens when you don’t contribute something you owe?
if you owe it its not a contribution its a bill,,,
Where is contribution in the topic or are you just trolling again?
thats the big question you seemed to have missed,,,
The OP says nothing about contribution. You’re just trolling.

The OP does say owed. Does say insist. And it does mention human rights such as procreation.

So yeah, looks like my characterization was spot on.

Ciao troll.
procreation is a human function not a right,, kinda like taking a shit but with a good outcome,,

so are you ever going to comment on the OP or just keep trolling???
By considering a demand to contribution labor for being able to access human rights.
Rights can only be restricted or ignored- therefore they are accessible to the user, not the restricter, or the guy standing on the side of the road-
We need to tax the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans again.

So, if you and I are afforded the exact same opportunities to be successful, and I become successful and prove to be a failure at life, or you don't even try, I should pay more because you're a fuck up?
Should society insist they do a certain amount of labor each day to offset the cost of society that gives them a chance to freely procreate?

Those who receive public assistance should absolutely be put to work if they can't find it on their own...
They are. Sorry you missed reality. They also have to apply for jobs have meetings etc etc....
We need to tax the rich more like their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans again. This doesn't work. The GOP has reconciliation so they can cut taxes for the rich and services for the rest with only 51 votes, all they care about.

That's nuts, then again look at the source
Should society insist they do a certain amount of labor each day to offset the cost to society that gives them a chance to freely procreate?
WTF? You've got a Jewish circumcision and a Catholic castration and a half going on in a bloody red-light district downtown to even ask that question! And there's a dentist fooling around with fluorides, mercury amalgams, laughing gas, and nightclub blacklights pulling out all the poor people's teeth he can get his pliers on, to boot. Guns are banned and some ho's supposed to “put out” or you chain her to her bed.

You got a legitmate job to offer you aren't just trying to take advantage of someone and revoke people's gun rights?
okay, I guess.
There-in lies most of our problems- a lack of knowing anything about rights- especially UNalienable rights-
Procreation is a human right.

Failure to recognize this leads to things like China forcibly sterilizing undesirable ethnicities.

Not sure why there’s any controversy over this point, especially from people who supposedly value freedom and liberty. Or is that just a facade?
Now locally almost everyone can get free birth control, no thanks to the GOP, so they don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies. Excepting some red states of course...
The last 30 years have been a huge GOP giveaway to the rich and cuts in investment and infrastructure for our people so we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. screw the GOP sorry you missed reality over on your garbage propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
Which is why we have abortions galore
So, I guess you think the government may chose to sterilize people then? No human rights violation?
Did I say that? I believe that's what you want to believe- I'm not pro abortion either. Are you?

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