How Much For One Peanut?

And no matter how the 'Conservatives' post twaddle against wind and solar, both continue to expand, and will do so in the future. Nuclear may, if they can actually build the plants for what they say they can. Past performance is not encouraging on that, however.
So now it seems that offshore wind farms are fouling up whale's navigation resulting in them beaching themselves. Tell me, are you going to be as OK with off shore wind farms killing whales as you are with land based wind farms killing raptors, bats and migratory birds? We already know that you want skeptics there anything you won't kill to see your socialist, marxist dream come true?

Not to mention that if wind was going to be anywhere near viable as a major source of power we would have to use tens of thousands of square miles of land
Pure fucking bullshit, Skull, and you know it. There are hundreds of wind mills standing in the wheat fields east of The Dalles, Oregon. They grow wheat right up to the base of the mills. And the wheat farmers get a nice royalty payment from each of the mills, plus the county gets tax benefits. The bases for the mills are 30 to 50 feet across. That is not much space at all.

National Wind Watch | Size of Industrial Wind Turbines

Tell me do you think people are going to need more land or less land in the future?

Or would you rather cover ever single ridge line of every single mountain with those fucking ugly contraptions?
And no matter how the 'Conservatives' post twaddle against wind and solar, both continue to expand, and will do so in the future. Nuclear may, if they can actually build the plants for what they say they can. Past performance is not encouraging on that, however.

PAst performance?

WTF are you talking about? We have INCREASED our nuclear power output by almost 10% even though we have had no new plants come on line in years

And we all know that for you wind nuts to get the power we need we'll have to more than triple the number of windmills you say we will need which will more than triple the cost and use more than triple the land
So now it seems that offshore wind farms are fouling up whale's navigation resulting in them beaching themselves. Tell me, are you going to be as OK with off shore wind farms killing whales as you are with land based wind farms killing raptors, bats and migratory birds? We already know that you want skeptics there anything you won't kill to see your socialist, marxist dream come true?
Liar. Post a link for that. Whales have been beaching themselves for long before there were any offshore mills.

Rocks...we all know that you are the and yours have proven it over and over...interesting that you are unable to research such a simple thing for yourself..

Are wind turbines killing whales? - Eco-Imperialism
Wind farms blamed for stranding of whales | Wind Energy News

Now go ahead and take the predictable action of attempting to defend the indefensible rather than simply admit that you would be willing to see everything that flies or swims die if it meant more wind power....
Nor poor nick choices. The question stands.

A representative democracy has an obligation to act in ways that can reasonably be considered beneficial to its populace. It is reasonable to assume that working against AGW is beneficial and thus there is no basis to demand the government cease such efforts.

The problem isn't the government or its actions. The problem is denier ignorance.

The problem is the "solution" increases the use of hydrocarbons thus increasing co2, which shows the whole thing as a scam to make select corporations and banks rich.


The other problem is Crick who thinks NASA does not predict weather shows himself to simply not know anything.


I like how crick posted that the government gives me money so I can buy my house. What a complete idiot.


This is what you get when ignorance speaks.
right, right, right, making a million wind turbines that each weigh over 1,300 tons takes hydrocarbons, you can not make the cement for the foundation without hydrocarbons nor the steel for the bearing, gear box, or generator. Smelting the Aluminum and the Copper requires hydrocarbons as does melting silica to make fiberglass. Then there are chemicals we get from hydrocarbons that certain materials require as well.

Either way you look at it, when you have a field, a county or state full of idle Wind Turbines, that is millions of tons of materials you manufactured that required increasing manufacturing production. Heavy Industry thus used more Hydrocarbons, basic common sense that the idiots that do not understand.

Crick, you still think the government is giving me money to buy a house? That the mortgage is deductible? Or do you now understand it is just the interest that is deducted, because it is wrong to tax the interest twice?
And no matter how the 'Conservatives' post twaddle against wind and solar, both continue to expand, and will do so in the future. Nuclear may, if they can actually build the plants for what they say they can. Past performance is not encouraging on that, however.
And of course, we will know the cost of building a nuclear power plant, specifically a Westinghouse AP-1000 when China completes theirs. We have to look at China's cost because the cost in the USA is artificially high due to the restrictive regulations and lawsuits.

Wind and Solar is extremely expensive, that is why the Government pays for it and then burdens the citizens with taxes and higher electric bills.
What makes you think wind turbines are "extremely expensive?" What makes you think the added costs of building a nuclear power plant in the US are"artificially high?"
Even if you do NOT shop at Whole Foods, you will still pay for the higher prices:

Whole Foods is going to use more solar panels to power its supermarkets... because it's so GOOOOOD for the ENVIRO-MENT.....


Solar energy is in keeping with the Whole Foods image but it will also save the company money, because the solar providers can offer electricity at prices below what the stores and centers would normally pay utilities.

That's a lie. Solar power is many times more expensive than conventional power. The supermarket will have to pass on this faddish devotion on in the form of higher prices. $3 bananas will become $5 bananas. $5 oranges will become $8 oranges. If there are subsidies to compensate for this, it will still come out of the pocket of you, the taxpayer.


This is not about saving money. It won't. It will cost money, whether Whole Foods or ultimately you, the taxpayer.

Whole Foods using solar power so it can charge $5 for a banana

Whole Foods using solar power so it can charge $5 for a banana

If environmental freakazoids want to cover the cost of higher food prices they should find a sucker and bet the family jewels that Whole Foods will get a subsidy in one form or another.

I do not know which is wackier, one $5.00 banana or this:

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday that she has explored ways to “take action” on turning climate-change denial into a federal crime.​

DOJ explores 'action' against climate-change deniers
Posted By Douglas Ernst On 03/09/2016 @ 9:43 pm

DOJ explores ‘action’ against climate-change deniers


Question: Can anyone be arrested for not buying food from Whole Foods?

I guess they are going to close their refrigerated and frozen sections and turn it into a MidEast bazaar. That would be GREAT for the environment..

To run a Whole Foods store on solar-- you'd need about 3X the daily noon power draw for sizing the installation and about 4 tractor trailers full of toxic batteries and control electronics parked in the lot.

And if a weather event causes a daily outage or rips your panels to shreds --- you can have a SIDEWALK sale that looks like the rest of the 3rd world..
What makes you think wind turbines are "extremely expensive?" What makes you think the added costs of building a nuclear power plant in the US are"artificially high?"
Considering you need to build 3 turbines to get the actual output to equal the nominal output of one I'd say it's pretty expensive

Any new nuclear plant will be beset by permitting delays and frivolous law suits for years and you don't think that artificially increases the price tag?
The government refuses to issue permits for any reactor except the outdated light water designs which are the most expensive to build

In Texas, Austin Energy signed a deal this spring for 20 years of output from a solar farm at less than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. In September, the Grand River Dam Authority in Oklahoma announced its approval of a new agreement to buy power from a new wind farm expected to be completed next year. Grand River estimated the deal would save its customers roughly $50 million from the project.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

All your lies look real silly, and the price for both wind and solar have come down since this was printed.
OK, you say that our government is delaying the building of the new designs. So, where are they being built and at what cost?

It seems to me the regulatory environment in other countries capable of implementing MSRs is just as backwards and mired in the China Syndrome myth as is our own

I do know that I have posted several estimates that indicate a modular MSR would cost far less to manufacture, install and operate than any light water reactor so why don't you tell me why the government refuses to approve any new technology
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Whole Foods is going to use more solar panels to power its supermarkets... because it's so GOOOOOD for the ENVIRO-MENT.....
This picture was not published as a political cartoon, but the headline makes it the most informative environment cartoon I’ve seen in a long time:


Let the Subsidized Sunshine In

Rooftop Solar companies will play only if the game is stacked in their favor.
By Marita Noon – 4.8.16

Let the Subsidized Sunshine In
Alternative energy sources is a tax dollar scam from top to bottom. The sharpshooters in the financial community jump in for a bite after tax dollars begin flowing to alternative energy companies. Simply put: Wall Street brokers cannot manipulate stock prices on non-existent companies.
The lying piece of garbage in the White House runs around telling the world that global warming is a threat to national security. And all the time he is lying he was hiding the billions he gave to parasite filth just like him:

Another attempt by the Obama administration to run out the clock on a scandal.

For more than 3 years, the Treasury Department has been looking into fraud committed by solar companies who received tax payer loans from the Obama administration.​


That solar program appears to be little better than a slush fund for Democratic party contributors. When there's $25 billion in basically free money floating around, the charlatans and crooks will have a field day. That appears to be what transpired here.

It's no mystery why Treasury is dragging its heel on the investigation. Solar power is part of the president's ever burgeoning "legacy" and to have a multi billion dollar scandal taint it just won't do.

April 13, 2016
Treasury Dept. sitting on solar scandal far worse than Solyndra
By Rick Moran

Blog: Treasury Dept. sitting on solar scandal far worse than Solyndra

In a just world the Chicago sewer rat’s legacy would go down as a community organizer famous for sucking up to white parasites while he hurt the poorest of poor Americans most of all. Adding brutal Muslim cruelty to his legacy he is going to flood the country with as many UNITED NATIONS REFUGEES he can get away with before he leaves office:

See map below showing the number of Syrian refugees each state has received in first six months of fiscal 2016. The numbers are expected to grow much faster in the second half of the year due a White House-ordered “surge.”​


Syrian surge! 'Refugees' flood into U.S. at rate of 358 per week
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 04/12/2016 @ 8:23 pm

Syrian surge! ‘Refugees’ flood into U.S. at rate of 358 per week

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