How Much Longer Can the Charade Be Maintained?

He even gets confused reading his own notes.
"And uh, I've said before and I apologize for the. Oh, I didn't Jake Sullivan from the State Department [inaudible]... But, anyway, we'll get back to that. But um we um you know..." - Biden.

Oh puhleeeze......This is gonna' hurt your feelings. Probably shouldn't watch, actually.

Your TDS / Trump OCD is showing.

This is a Xiden thread.

Joe and his supporters are pathetic.

Worse than pathetic.

Nothing is more pathetic than a one-term president who was impeached twice and is in the crosshairs of the NY AG and Manhattan DA for RICO charges, then sics his toothless, white trailer trash rednecks on the Capitol with a noose and gallows chanting to hang Mike Pence....except maybe you, pinhead.
Nothing like the white supremacists son Biden raised. Lol, you loons prove how racist you really are.
This is the guy the Dems, the media, and the Zionist 911 w crowd want us to believe got 80 million votes and won many states that voted

GOP state house and state senate


This is why this guy always goes off a cliff as the voters check him out. He is a deranged senile mental case, challenging Iowa voters to push ups and talking like Clint Eastwood....
Dude, say Zionist 911 one more are such a retard.

911 was a total fraud.

The north tower was not hit by anything, it blew up from inside.
The south tower was hit by the only plane used on 911, a 767 cargo version with no visible brand markings.
The pentagon was hit by a cruise missile
The initial log filed by the county coroner of shanksville read as follows....

It appears that someone dug a trench, dumped some metal in the trench, and set it on fire. There were clearly no bodies to examine....

911 was a Zionist fraud done by the CIA and Mossad. Saudi lied about Osama, who is/was col Tim osman, CIA/Mossad.

W is the worst traitor in us history.

If you do not understand basic science, that is your problem.
You should be banned for your Horse Shit. People saw the planes with their own eyes. I saw it live on TV when the 2nd plane hit. There was Landing Gear and parts of the planes on the ground.

You are a Satanic Liar and Anti-Semite so why should we believe your hateful lies?

If you want to talk about traitors, then you need to look no further than the Criminal Cabal of Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Faux Xiden.

You saw a plane, one plane, a 767, hit the south tower. That collision had momentum - i.e. Debris and flaming jet fuel barreled out of the other side. The north tower explosion was very different. It came out all four sides at the same time, no momentum. No plane hit the north tower.

The explanation that burning jet fuel caused molten steel to pour out of the south tower is short by 1600F.

If you do not understand basic science, and your entire take is that you saw one plane (without airliner markings, and with a cargo hatch at the center bottom of the fuselage, meaning it was the cargo version of the 767, not the passenger), and you have a beak and a birdbrain....

Some of us are interested in truth.

Some of us care about America more than Israel....

Joe and his supporters are pathetic.

Worse than pathetic.

Nothing is more pathetic than a one-term president who was impeached twice and is in the crosshairs of the NY AG and Manhattan DA for RICO charges, then sics his toothless, white trailer trash rednecks on the Capitol with a noose and gallows chanting to hang Mike Pence....except maybe you, pinhead.

The kid sniffing finger rapist is more pathetic, sorry.
This is the guy the Dems, the media, and the Zionist 911 w crowd want us to believe got 80 million votes and won many states that voted

GOP state house and state senate


This is why this guy always goes off a cliff as the voters check him out. He is a deranged senile mental case, challenging Iowa voters to push ups and talking like Clint Eastwood....
Dude, say Zionist 911 one more are such a retard.

911 was a total fraud.

The north tower was not hit by anything, it blew up from inside.
The south tower was hit by the only plane used on 911, a 767 cargo version with no visible brand markings.
The pentagon was hit by a cruise missile
The initial log filed by the county coroner of shanksville read as follows....

It appears that someone dug a trench, dumped some metal in the trench, and set it on fire. There were clearly no bodies to examine....

911 was a Zionist fraud done by the CIA and Mossad. Saudi lied about Osama, who is/was col Tim osman, CIA/Mossad.

W is the worst traitor in us history.

If you do not understand basic science, that is your problem.
You should be banned for your Horse Shit. People saw the planes with their own eyes. I saw it live on TV when the 2nd plane hit. There was Landing Gear and parts of the planes on the ground.

You are a Satanic Liar and Anti-Semite so why should we believe your hateful lies?

If you want to talk about traitors, then you need to look no further than the Criminal Cabal of Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Faux Xiden.

You saw a plane, one plane, a 767, hit the south tower. That collision had momentum - i.e. Debris and flaming jet fuel barreled out of the other side. The north tower explosion was very different. It came out all four sides at the same time, no momentum. No plane hit the north tower.

The explanation that burning jet fuel caused molten steel to pour out of the south tower is short by 1600F.

If you do not understand basic science, and your entire take is that you saw one plane (without airliner markings, and with a cargo hatch at the center bottom of the fuselage, meaning it was the cargo version of the 767, not the passenger), and you have a beak and a birdbrain....

Some of us are interested in truth.

Some of us care about America more than Israel....
LMaO but you have proof it was Zionists… idiot
He even gets confused reading his own notes.
"And uh, I've said before and I apologize for the. Oh, I didn't Jake Sullivan from the State Department [inaudible]... But, anyway, we'll get back to that. But um we um you know..." - Biden.

Oh puhleeeze......This is gonna' hurt your feelings. Probably shouldn't watch, actually.

deflection noted....enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
This is the guy the Dems, the media, and the Zionist 911 w crowd want us to believe got 80 million votes and won many states that voted

GOP state house and state senate


This is why this guy always goes off a cliff as the voters check him out. He is a deranged senile mental case, challenging Iowa voters to push ups and talking like Clint Eastwood....
Dude, say Zionist 911 one more are such a retard.

911 was a total fraud.

The north tower was not hit by anything, it blew up from inside.
The south tower was hit by the only plane used on 911, a 767 cargo version with no visible brand markings.
The pentagon was hit by a cruise missile
The initial log filed by the county coroner of shanksville read as follows....

It appears that someone dug a trench, dumped some metal in the trench, and set it on fire. There were clearly no bodies to examine....

911 was a Zionist fraud done by the CIA and Mossad. Saudi lied about Osama, who is/was col Tim osman, CIA/Mossad.

W is the worst traitor in us history.

If you do not understand basic science, that is your problem.
You should be banned for your Horse Shit. People saw the planes with their own eyes. I saw it live on TV when the 2nd plane hit. There was Landing Gear and parts of the planes on the ground.

You are a Satanic Liar and Anti-Semite so why should we believe your hateful lies?

If you want to talk about traitors, then you need to look no further than the Criminal Cabal of Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Faux Xiden.

You saw a plane, one plane, a 767, hit the south tower. That collision had momentum - i.e. Debris and flaming jet fuel barreled out of the other side. The north tower explosion was very different. It came out all four sides at the same time, no momentum. No plane hit the north tower.

The explanation that burning jet fuel caused molten steel to pour out of the south tower is short by 1600F.

If you do not understand basic science, and your entire take is that you saw one plane (without airliner markings, and with a cargo hatch at the center bottom of the fuselage, meaning it was the cargo version of the 767, not the passenger), and you have a beak and a birdbrain....

Some of us are interested in truth.

Some of us care about America more than Israel....
LMaO but you have proof it was Zionists… idiot

The main players in 911

CIA director George tenet - went 0 for 9 in actually attacking "Osama" when he and sandy the burglar had the chance. Why? Because col tim osman, CIA Mossad double agent, was his guy....

Silversteins - owners of WTC - had Israeli firm doing lots and lots of work to elevator shafts and structural things aka spraying it all with THERMITE... How to demolish a steel framed skyscraper to fall precisely into its footprint...

George w bush aka Karl rove's puppet

Fox News

Jeff Epstein, Mikey Bloomberg, Romney, and the others who made billions investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks....

Notice any Zionists there?
This is the guy the Dems, the media, and the Zionist 911 w crowd want us to believe got 80 million votes and won many states that voted

GOP state house and state senate


This is why this guy always goes off a cliff as the voters check him out. He is a deranged senile mental case, challenging Iowa voters to push ups and talking like Clint Eastwood....
Dude, say Zionist 911 one more are such a retard.

911 was a total fraud.

The north tower was not hit by anything, it blew up from inside.
The south tower was hit by the only plane used on 911, a 767 cargo version with no visible brand markings.
The pentagon was hit by a cruise missile
The initial log filed by the county coroner of shanksville read as follows....

It appears that someone dug a trench, dumped some metal in the trench, and set it on fire. There were clearly no bodies to examine....

911 was a Zionist fraud done by the CIA and Mossad. Saudi lied about Osama, who is/was col Tim osman, CIA/Mossad.

W is the worst traitor in us history.

If you do not understand basic science, that is your problem.
You should be banned for your Horse Shit. People saw the planes with their own eyes. I saw it live on TV when the 2nd plane hit. There was Landing Gear and parts of the planes on the ground.

You are a Satanic Liar and Anti-Semite so why should we believe your hateful lies?

If you want to talk about traitors, then you need to look no further than the Criminal Cabal of Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Faux Xiden.

You saw a plane, one plane, a 767, hit the south tower. That collision had momentum - i.e. Debris and flaming jet fuel barreled out of the other side. The north tower explosion was very different. It came out all four sides at the same time, no momentum. No plane hit the north tower.

The explanation that burning jet fuel caused molten steel to pour out of the south tower is short by 1600F.

If you do not understand basic science, and your entire take is that you saw one plane (without airliner markings, and with a cargo hatch at the center bottom of the fuselage, meaning it was the cargo version of the 767, not the passenger), and you have a beak and a birdbrain....

Some of us are interested in truth.

Some of us care about America more than Israel....
LMaO but you have proof it was Zionists… idiot

The main players in 911

CIA director George tenet - went 0 for 9 in actually attacking "Osama" when he and sandy the burglar had the chance. Why? Because col tim osman, CIA Mossad double agent, was his guy....

Silversteins - owners of WTC - had Israeli firm doing lots and lots of work to elevator shafts and structural things aka spraying it all with THERMITE... How to demolish a steel framed skyscraper to fall precisely into its footprint...

George w bush aka Karl rove's puppet

Fox News

Jeff Epstein, Mikey Bloomberg, Romney, and the others who made billions investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks....

Notice any Zionists there?
Did you know every keyboard records what you type and sends it to Mossad?
This is the guy the Dems, the media, and the Zionist 911 w crowd want us to believe got 80 million votes and won many states that voted

GOP state house and state senate


This is why this guy always goes off a cliff as the voters check him out. He is a deranged senile mental case, challenging Iowa voters to push ups and talking like Clint Eastwood....
Dude, say Zionist 911 one more are such a retard.

911 was a total fraud.

The north tower was not hit by anything, it blew up from inside.
The south tower was hit by the only plane used on 911, a 767 cargo version with no visible brand markings.
The pentagon was hit by a cruise missile
The initial log filed by the county coroner of shanksville read as follows....

It appears that someone dug a trench, dumped some metal in the trench, and set it on fire. There were clearly no bodies to examine....

911 was a Zionist fraud done by the CIA and Mossad. Saudi lied about Osama, who is/was col Tim osman, CIA/Mossad.

W is the worst traitor in us history.

If you do not understand basic science, that is your problem.
You should be banned for your Horse Shit. People saw the planes with their own eyes. I saw it live on TV when the 2nd plane hit. There was Landing Gear and parts of the planes on the ground.

You are a Satanic Liar and Anti-Semite so why should we believe your hateful lies?

If you want to talk about traitors, then you need to look no further than the Criminal Cabal of Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Faux Xiden.

You saw a plane, one plane, a 767, hit the south tower. That collision had momentum - i.e. Debris and flaming jet fuel barreled out of the other side. The north tower explosion was very different. It came out all four sides at the same time, no momentum. No plane hit the north tower.

The explanation that burning jet fuel caused molten steel to pour out of the south tower is short by 1600F.

If you do not understand basic science, and your entire take is that you saw one plane (without airliner markings, and with a cargo hatch at the center bottom of the fuselage, meaning it was the cargo version of the 767, not the passenger), and you have a beak and a birdbrain....

Some of us are interested in truth.

Some of us care about America more than Israel....
LMaO but you have proof it was Zionists… idiot

The main players in 911

CIA director George tenet - went 0 for 9 in actually attacking "Osama" when he and sandy the burglar had the chance. Why? Because col tim osman, CIA Mossad double agent, was his guy....

Silversteins - owners of WTC - had Israeli firm doing lots and lots of work to elevator shafts and structural things aka spraying it all with THERMITE... How to demolish a steel framed skyscraper to fall precisely into its footprint...

George w bush aka Karl rove's puppet

Fox News

Jeff Epstein, Mikey Bloomberg, Romney, and the others who made billions investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks....

Notice any Zionists there?
Zero. I am a Zionist and I am coming for you. Take my advice. Run
This is the guy the Dems, the media, and the Zionist 911 w crowd want us to believe got 80 million votes and won many states that voted

GOP state house and state senate


This is why this guy always goes off a cliff as the voters check him out. He is a deranged senile mental case, challenging Iowa voters to push ups and talking like Clint Eastwood....
Dude, say Zionist 911 one more are such a retard.

911 was a total fraud.

The north tower was not hit by anything, it blew up from inside.
The south tower was hit by the only plane used on 911, a 767 cargo version with no visible brand markings.
The pentagon was hit by a cruise missile
The initial log filed by the county coroner of shanksville read as follows....

It appears that someone dug a trench, dumped some metal in the trench, and set it on fire. There were clearly no bodies to examine....

911 was a Zionist fraud done by the CIA and Mossad. Saudi lied about Osama, who is/was col Tim osman, CIA/Mossad.

W is the worst traitor in us history.

If you do not understand basic science, that is your problem.
You should be banned for your Horse Shit. People saw the planes with their own eyes. I saw it live on TV when the 2nd plane hit. There was Landing Gear and parts of the planes on the ground.

You are a Satanic Liar and Anti-Semite so why should we believe your hateful lies?

If you want to talk about traitors, then you need to look no further than the Criminal Cabal of Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Faux Xiden.

You saw a plane, one plane, a 767, hit the south tower. That collision had momentum - i.e. Debris and flaming jet fuel barreled out of the other side. The north tower explosion was very different. It came out all four sides at the same time, no momentum. No plane hit the north tower.

The explanation that burning jet fuel caused molten steel to pour out of the south tower is short by 1600F.

If you do not understand basic science, and your entire take is that you saw one plane (without airliner markings, and with a cargo hatch at the center bottom of the fuselage, meaning it was the cargo version of the 767, not the passenger), and you have a beak and a birdbrain....

Some of us are interested in truth.

Some of us care about America more than Israel....
LMaO but you have proof it was Zionists… idiot

The main players in 911

CIA director George tenet - went 0 for 9 in actually attacking "Osama" when he and sandy the burglar had the chance. Why? Because col tim osman, CIA Mossad double agent, was his guy....

Silversteins - owners of WTC - had Israeli firm doing lots and lots of work to elevator shafts and structural things aka spraying it all with THERMITE... How to demolish a steel framed skyscraper to fall precisely into its footprint...

George w bush aka Karl rove's puppet

Fox News

Jeff Epstein, Mikey Bloomberg, Romney, and the others who made billions investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks....

Notice any Zionists there?
Did you know every keyboard records what you type and sends it to Mossad?
He is on our list 100%. Tik tok tik tok
They've been trying for 20 years...

apparently, they are not as good as they think they are...


Truth about 911 still here....

We'll see if netwnyahu's replacement has any better results....

Us Mossad "assets" are not what they used to be

This is the guy the Dems, the media, and the Zionist 911 w crowd want us to believe got 80 million votes and won many states that voted

GOP state house and state senate


This is why this guy always goes off a cliff as the voters check him out. He is a deranged senile mental case, challenging Iowa voters to push ups and talking like Clint Eastwood....
Dude, say Zionist 911 one more are such a retard.

911 was a total fraud.

The north tower was not hit by anything, it blew up from inside.
The south tower was hit by the only plane used on 911, a 767 cargo version with no visible brand markings.
The pentagon was hit by a cruise missile
The initial log filed by the county coroner of shanksville read as follows....

It appears that someone dug a trench, dumped some metal in the trench, and set it on fire. There were clearly no bodies to examine....

911 was a Zionist fraud done by the CIA and Mossad. Saudi lied about Osama, who is/was col Tim osman, CIA/Mossad.

W is the worst traitor in us history.

If you do not understand basic science, that is your problem.
You should be banned for your Horse Shit. People saw the planes with their own eyes. I saw it live on TV when the 2nd plane hit. There was Landing Gear and parts of the planes on the ground.

You are a Satanic Liar and Anti-Semite so why should we believe your hateful lies?

If you want to talk about traitors, then you need to look no further than the Criminal Cabal of Obama Bin Lying, Hillary Rotten Clinton, and Faux Xiden.

You saw a plane, one plane, a 767, hit the south tower. That collision had momentum - i.e. Debris and flaming jet fuel barreled out of the other side. The north tower explosion was very different. It came out all four sides at the same time, no momentum. No plane hit the north tower.

The explanation that burning jet fuel caused molten steel to pour out of the south tower is short by 1600F.

If you do not understand basic science, and your entire take is that you saw one plane (without airliner markings, and with a cargo hatch at the center bottom of the fuselage, meaning it was the cargo version of the 767, not the passenger), and you have a beak and a birdbrain....

Some of us are interested in truth.

Some of us care about America more than Israel....
You are just an Idiot. Do you have any idea how hot Jet Fuel burns brain dead Anti-Semitic God Hating Moron?
He even gets confused reading his own notes.
"And uh, I've said before and I apologize for the. Oh, I didn't Jake Sullivan from the State Department [inaudible]... But, anyway, we'll get back to that. But um we um you know..." - Biden.

The charade lasted for four years under the orange guy so there's that.

The entire planet is laughing and pointing at us...... you stole an election for THAT drooling fucktard???
Day before yesterday.... I wouldn't use a hammer this fucking dumb.....

Huh? wha...?
Not for much longer.... we are almost at a breaking point with that turnip at the White House!


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