How much more are you personally spending on Groceries.

Our kids are out of the house, so it is me and the Mrs. I used to budget $300 per months for groceries which she would spend at Sam's club and HEB. Then $200 per week for gas, groceries, stuff you buy in the grocery store like dish soap, toilet paper, etc., and also for eating out. Due to this year's skyrocketing prices, I made the monthly budget $340, and he weekley $240. That additional two hundred dollars came out of money we are putting aside for retirement, so that is $2,400 less per year that we can save. With that we can only eat out once a week, so I have started to spend poker winnings for another eating out. So, day-to-day, we are living the same, just with sticker shock for spending thirty dollars on sliced beef sandwiches at Papas BBQ.

We're in a good place, now. When our kids were little, we had much less available, but luckily, Mrs. Flops never complained. She could feed us on much less by her cooking skills. Our once a week eating out was Wendy's or What-a-Burger with a monthly payday treat at a Chili's or Chuy's. I'm lucky that I can play a game with money, and usually win some.

Lot's of folks are not so lucky. Wendy's is their once a month treat and they struggle to have meat every meal, as Americans are used to for the good or the bad. Those are the working class people that Democrats at least used to give lip service to. Now they are too busy promoting child sexual education, and racial reparations.
Assuming most of you have Money management capabilities with your online banking where you can look it up.

Me - 2022, same time period over 2021 is $48 more per week. Not quite $200 more per month.
2022, same time period as 2018 - unFUCKingbelievable!!... $71 a week. Over $280 a month more.
I have come to see the $10 bill as the new dollar and the $1 bill as the new penny. I thought we got rid of mill coins.
Our kids are out of the house, so it is me and the Mrs. I used to budget $300 per months for groceries which she would spend at Sam's club and HEB. Then $200 per week for gas, groceries, stuff you buy in the grocery store like dish soap, toilet paper, etc., and also for eating out. Due to this year's skyrocketing prices, I made the monthly budget $340, and he weekley $240. That additional two hundred dollars came out of money we are putting aside for retirement, so that is $2,400 less per year that we can save. With that we can only eat out once a week, so I have started to spend poker winnings for another eating out. So, day-to-day, we are living the same, just with sticker shock for spending thirty dollars on sliced beef sandwiches at Papas BBQ.

We're in a good place, now. When our kids were little, we had much less available, but luckily, Mrs. Flops never complained. She could feed us on much less by her cooking skills. Our once a week eating out was Wendy's or What-a-Burger with a monthly payday treat at a Chili's or Chuy's. I'm lucky that I can play a game with money, and usually win some.

Lot's of folks are not so lucky. Wendy's is their once a month treat and they struggle to have meat every meal, as Americans are used to for the good or the bad. Those are the working class people that Democrats at least used to give lip service to. Now they are too busy promoting child sexual education, and racial reparations.
Yep... I identify.
It crushes my soul to check out of the store with the cart not close to full and the tab comes up to $200 and more. Knowing a couple years ago, that same cart would have been more like $130.
I believe the massive cheating started with barry,no way in hell would America vote for a muslim so soon after 911.

Well, there IS the thing where after Obumma was elected-- one Saudi official was quoted as saying that they now had one of their operatives in the WH, or something to that effect. Then there was the other matter where Obumma almost didn't even get on the ticket in 2008 because he wasn't recognized as an actual American-born citizen by all of the states! So Nancy did some political voodoo there and Voila!-- got him on the ballot so he could run in a national election. Yet I have some pretty compelling evidence that he was indeed born in Mombasa.

Then there is Mitch's GOP:
  • Obumma isn't a natural-born American qualified to hold office! GOP: You still questioning that? We must just move on!
  • Obumma used the IRS to steal reelection from Romney! GOP: You still questioning that? We must just move on!
  • Hillary and democrats made up Russia Collusion! GOP: You still questioning that? We must just move on!
  • Democrats stole 2020! GOP: You are an election denier? We must just move on!
  • J6 is a cover-up for election fraud! GOP: You still debating that? We must just move on!
  • Now, something was wrong with many races in 2022 we should have won! GOP: You still questioning that? We helped some of the democrats to win! Move on!

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