How much new debt did Obama create that wasn't a direct/indirect result of Bush actions/policies?

He had 8 years and it's still Bush's fault.

So apparently the Obamacare spending was Bush's fault? The repay my donors bill aka the so called stimulus bill was bushes fault too?

Man up and take responsibility for what you supported
He had 8 years and it's still Bush's fault.

So apparently the Obamacare spending was Bush's fault? The repay my donors bill aka the so called stimulus bill was bushes fault too?

Man up and take responsibility for what you supported
That'll be the day.
Very funny that the usual RWNJs say Obama was responsible for what Bush did but won't give him credit for cutting the deficit by morevthatb2/3rds.

Now trump is getting ready to do the same thing that bush did - spend trillions but pay for nothing.

RWNJs will say Obama did that too.

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I invite anyone to give an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies. The Bush debt clock didn't just stop on the day Obama was sworn in. Let me give you some starting tips: TWO wars that Bush kept OFF budget that Obama kept ON budget and the Bush tax cuts. Obama was about $1.3 trillion in the hole on the day he was sworn in. In short, Bush-era policies are still driving the numbers.


10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts

Every bad thing that happened under Obama was Bush's fault. Everybody knows this!!
Very funny that the usual RWNJs say Obama was responsible for what Bush did but won't give him credit for cutting the deficit by morevthatb2/3rds.
What bullshit that is. You want to give him credit for cutting it by two thirds but conveniently leave out the fact that he TRIPLED it first.
Nothing Bush did ad an effect on the oshitass deficit. It was all his. I like the link to the "Fair" accounting of oshitasses deficit. It also leaves out the fact that there was no recorded budget for the years they controlled both houses of congress. They didn't even keep a complete record of their spending. I would like for the op igmo to tell us all what he would have cut OUT of the Bush years budgets. Oh and the cost of a war is NOT even close to the entire military budget for the year, it is just the actual in theatre cost and does not include the cost of the standing military. as for the war in Afghanistan that was a clinton war. Bush's budget by your method should not include any of the clinton caused problems like the housing bubble, the building of all of the NEW departments like Homeland Security, and the increase in FEMA. >>>>>>> !!!
The illegal Iraq invasion and all the disastrous consequences are the Bush League's. The provoked in chain reaction the dire position any subsequent President would have faced. Obama wasn't great, but even the greatest could not have totally overcome the debacle of "W".
The illegal Iraq invasion and all the disastrous consequences are the Bush League's. The provoked in chain reaction the dire position any subsequent President would have faced. Obama wasn't great, but even the greatest could not have totally overcome the debacle of "W".

Actually, all the problems of the day stem from the illegal Spanish American War of 1898 -- this is clearly on the shoulders of William McKinley
The Democrats controlled Congress and the White House for the first 2 years of Obama's first term. They had two years to fix the tax code, partisan gerrymandering, immigration, etc. if they wanted to do so. Instead, Obama shoved Obamacare down America's throat.
I invite anyone to give an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies. The Bush debt clock didn't just stop on the day Obama was sworn in. Let me give you some starting tips: TWO wars that Bush kept OFF budget that Obama kept ON budget and the Bush tax cuts. Obama was about $1.3 trillion in the hole on the day he was sworn in. In short, Bush-era policies are still driving the numbers.


10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts

Funny, I don't see the trillion a year caused by maobamacare. I guess this comes from another regressive hack site the OP is so well known for.


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