How much of a SUCKER are you?

Why is it that you beta's when triggered always turn into angry, unfocused and mentally unstable driveling fools. Is it my fault your reading comprehension is at a 2nd grade level and your only interest in being here is to off load your self hatred onto others?

The answer is, NO, its not. Follow along in the conversation instead of solely looking to make a point about god knows what. Don't inject yourself into a conversation if you cannot grasp what is being said lest you like like a fool.... or in your case, a tool.

BTW swimming exclusively in the shallow end of the gene pool does not make one a swim expert.

Thank you for this example of a post in violation of the Zone 2 rules regarding posts which flame and lack content relevant to the subject of the thread. The staff at USMB are dedicated to enforcing the rules fairly and your multiple rule violations will be addressed appropriately and without bias, I am sure. :banned:

Meanwhile, Trump supporters are still suckers.
Trump could be a worshiper of Dread C'Thulhu and the Christian Right would still support him. They hate Hillary that much for no good reason.


"He's released the Great Old Ones!!! The World is Doomed!"

"Yeah, but at least we kept that evil bitch out of the White House!!! Benghazi!!!!!"

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