How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
During the time of the Nazis the German people we're Christians.

It doesn't matter what Hitler or bush believed. They used religion to manipulate their citizens.
Like Mao and Stalin used atheism to murder millions of their own people?

Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.
Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.

link ...

the correction of religion is shared by the sincerity of the individuals pursuit, the true path to the Everlasting is one of them. and that certainly for those at the turn of the previous century encompassed by the magnitude of religious indiscretion the remedy was mirrored by the consequential necessity to make the change. the history of religious zealots through time, the response was nothing new.

Sorry, it wasn't religion that caused the Holocaust and black genocide. Darwin is linked to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. They're still doing it today with abortion. You noticed atheists jumped aboard Darwin's bandwagon posthaste. You have to wonder why because the default position before then was Christianity. You had to go to church on Sundays. You have to wonder why Christians are attacked online for their beliefs from atheists and liberals while Muslims get a free pass. All of this is tied together. There are threads going through these topics.

Atheists have no moral values. They just want to do the gay pile-on and not feel guilty about it. They think there is no free will and these choices could not be helped. They want to do hard drugs and pornography with no recriminations. All of these are addictive behaviors and God warns us against them. Atheists and liberals want no repercussions from living the lifestyle of Hollywood values -- public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. This isn't what core values are about. Core values are about doing onto your neighbor what you would have them do onto you. You end paying the price in life and in the afterlife for one's moral indiscretions. Atheists and liberals do not want to hear this. Instead, the mentally ill liberals think morality is about masturbation and that's what Christianity is against. It's no wonder the liberals go crazy and end up killing people and in jail. It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals. I think it starts with atheists being so obsessed with God. Obsession is not good. It's a wonder that God does not file a restraining order against the heathens.
This isn't what core values are about.

It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
Darwin's common ancestor theory uses similarity to determine ancestry. If we look at Darwin's scientific racist group, we find all white scientists. If we dig a little deeper at the history, then we find they supported slavery and were Democrats. Could it be they were your ancestors?

Scientific Racism
Scientific Racism |

Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s History
Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s History
That Hitler was Christian story is fake news. The rest of what you posted about Christians sound like Salon propaganda or is the stupid RationaWiki? Hitler was able to piggy back Darwin's ideas on Darwinism and from those in The Descent of Man into backing the racial superiority of Aryans. The Nazis were the National Socialist Party. They wanted to distinguish themselves from Communists. Notice that Darwin had the perfect white man as the top of the evolution heap. There is nothing in the Bible to distinguish black men and aborigines as closer to apes (2nd and 3rd from left) and white men (farthest right) as the top of the food chain. Not only that Darwin's cousin was the one who wrote with Hitler's chief scientist on Eugenics. Hitler became like a schoolboy having a crush on Darwin's and his cousin ideas. Not only that, the social Darwinists took up the survival of the "fittest" as their rally cry for getting rid of the lower races and for fascism. The fittest means those who can pass down their genes the most.


Christianity leads to knowledge and truth. It's not as politically based such as that of atheism. Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita has predicted that Iran and China won't be the ones that pose a danger to the United States as most people believe. What's happening today is talk of Russia causing friction and the heated rhetoric leading to the possibility of another Cold War period. It was Obama who first leaked intel to the Russians and then blamed Trump about it. Thus, one can see the ideas of Marx starting to take shape. Could this be something that leads to a major war with Russia and possible WWIII? I don't think it will, but it is a possibility. However, I won't be speculating about it anytime soon or say that the Bible prophecised it. These types of stories are best left to the experts. While I won't say that Christianity does not have its share of religious fanatics and Biblical end of the world nuts, I don't think it's as bad as those on the left who are into extremism and anarchy. I can see bloodshed in the streets, but don't think I'll worry about it. It was expected with atheists turning to Communism and it starting under Obama. My motto is to walk softly and carry a big semi-auto rifle with plenty of ammo.

During the time of the Nazis the German people we're Christians.

It doesn't matter what Hitler or bush believed. They used religion to manipulate their citizens.
Like Mao and Stalin used atheism to murder millions of their own people?

Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.
That's why it's better that it happens naturally like it is now U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious

And your argument is bad. It's number 38 on why there is no god.

Atheism inspired Nazism/Communism/Social Darwinism.
An ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic. See also: Association fallacy, appeal to emotion and irrelevant thesis.

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Stalinism and Communism exercised gosateizm (state atheism) based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. Atheism was a means to an end, not a cause. See also: Soviet Union and Religion.

Social Darwinism and Eugenics supplant actual natural selection with an unobjective personal perception of ‘fitness’. They are based on bad biology (genetic variability is actually very important for a species) and are completely independent of atheism.

Darwin observed and described evolution the same way Newton did for gravity. It was simply a discovery of a fact about the world – not an engineered philosophy on how to behave. Just as we do not blame Newton for the fact that gravity is used as a tool in the deployment of bombs, we cannot blame Darwin for individually misguided applications of ‘natural selection’.

Note: Religion inspires theocracy.

Note: ‘Survival of the Fittest‘ does not simply mean fastest, strongest, or most violent. It is a measure of an individual’s adaptation to the local environment, which can often mean demonstrating cooperation, intelligence and compassion [2]. Humans are outmatched in many ways by animals, but are successful because of their social skills and tool use.

See also: Early Critics of Eugenics were biologists, Natualistic Fallacy, Evolution and Philosophy, Talkorigins: Hitler, Stalin, Social Darwinism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


I'm sure God is going to get you for, "It's number 38 on why there is no god." Pain and suffering is not uncommon in our lives. I found the number one prescribed medicine is for pain relief; It's opioids.

Anyway, the millenials are,

"But the Pew Research Center study also finds a great deal of stability in the U.S. religious landscape. The recent decrease in religious beliefs and behaviors is largely attributable to the “nones” – the growing minority of Americans, particularly in the Millennial generation, who say they do not belong to any organized faith. Among the roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults who do claim a religion, there has been no discernible drop in most measures of religious commitment. Indeed, by some conventional measures, religiously affiliated Americans are, on average, even more devout than they were a few years ago."

This does not mean they do not believe in God, but do not have a religious affiliation."
Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign

>>Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign<<

They are, but not the extremists. I would think any religion, including atheism, has their extremists such as a Karl Marx type.

BTW do you know we had the 3rd Antichrist? His code name is Mabus. He knew the first two antichrists, Napoleon and Hitler. He died a sudden death. The prediction is World War III will come next.
During the time of the Nazis the German people we're Christians.

It doesn't matter what Hitler or bush believed. They used religion to manipulate their citizens.
Like Mao and Stalin used atheism to murder millions of their own people?

Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.
That's why it's better that it happens naturally like it is now U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious

And your argument is bad. It's number 38 on why there is no god.

Atheism inspired Nazism/Communism/Social Darwinism.
An ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic. See also: Association fallacy, appeal to emotion and irrelevant thesis.

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Stalinism and Communism exercised gosateizm (state atheism) based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. Atheism was a means to an end, not a cause. See also: Soviet Union and Religion.

Social Darwinism and Eugenics supplant actual natural selection with an unobjective personal perception of ‘fitness’. They are based on bad biology (genetic variability is actually very important for a species) and are completely independent of atheism.

Darwin observed and described evolution the same way Newton did for gravity. It was simply a discovery of a fact about the world – not an engineered philosophy on how to behave. Just as we do not blame Newton for the fact that gravity is used as a tool in the deployment of bombs, we cannot blame Darwin for individually misguided applications of ‘natural selection’.

Note: Religion inspires theocracy.

Note: ‘Survival of the Fittest‘ does not simply mean fastest, strongest, or most violent. It is a measure of an individual’s adaptation to the local environment, which can often mean demonstrating cooperation, intelligence and compassion [2]. Humans are outmatched in many ways by animals, but are successful because of their social skills and tool use.

See also: Early Critics of Eugenics were biologists, Natualistic Fallacy, Evolution and Philosophy, Talkorigins: Hitler, Stalin, Social Darwinism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


I'm sure God is going to get you for, "It's number 38 on why there is no god." Pain and suffering is not uncommon in our lives. I found the number one prescribed medicine is for pain relief; It's opioids.

Anyway, the millenials are,

"But the Pew Research Center study also finds a great deal of stability in the U.S. religious landscape. The recent decrease in religious beliefs and behaviors is largely attributable to the “nones” – the growing minority of Americans, particularly in the Millennial generation, who say they do not belong to any organized faith. Among the roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults who do claim a religion, there has been no discernible drop in most measures of religious commitment. Indeed, by some conventional measures, religiously affiliated Americans are, on average, even more devout than they were a few years ago."

This does not mean they do not believe in God, but do not have a religious affiliation."
Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign

>>Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign<<

They are, but not the extremists. I would think any religion, including atheism, has their extremists such as a Karl Marx type.

BTW do you know we had the 3rd Antichrist? His code name is Mabus. He knew the first two antichrists, Napoleon and Hitler. He died a sudden death. The prediction is World War III will come next.
The religious extremists always have a religious affiliation. They never believe in a generic creator that never visited. Unless they believe the creator doesn't care. I tend to agree. If something created the universe it probably doesn't care what animals do.
During the time of the Nazis the German people we're Christians.

It doesn't matter what Hitler or bush believed. They used religion to manipulate their citizens.
Like Mao and Stalin used atheism to murder millions of their own people?

Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.
That's why it's better that it happens naturally like it is now U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious

And your argument is bad. It's number 38 on why there is no god.

Atheism inspired Nazism/Communism/Social Darwinism.
An ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic. See also: Association fallacy, appeal to emotion and irrelevant thesis.

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Stalinism and Communism exercised gosateizm (state atheism) based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. Atheism was a means to an end, not a cause. See also: Soviet Union and Religion.

Social Darwinism and Eugenics supplant actual natural selection with an unobjective personal perception of ‘fitness’. They are based on bad biology (genetic variability is actually very important for a species) and are completely independent of atheism.

Darwin observed and described evolution the same way Newton did for gravity. It was simply a discovery of a fact about the world – not an engineered philosophy on how to behave. Just as we do not blame Newton for the fact that gravity is used as a tool in the deployment of bombs, we cannot blame Darwin for individually misguided applications of ‘natural selection’.

Note: Religion inspires theocracy.

Note: ‘Survival of the Fittest‘ does not simply mean fastest, strongest, or most violent. It is a measure of an individual’s adaptation to the local environment, which can often mean demonstrating cooperation, intelligence and compassion [2]. Humans are outmatched in many ways by animals, but are successful because of their social skills and tool use.

See also: Early Critics of Eugenics were biologists, Natualistic Fallacy, Evolution and Philosophy, Talkorigins: Hitler, Stalin, Social Darwinism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


I'm sure God is going to get you for, "It's number 38 on why there is no god." Pain and suffering is not uncommon in our lives. I found the number one prescribed medicine is for pain relief; It's opioids.

Anyway, the millenials are,

"But the Pew Research Center study also finds a great deal of stability in the U.S. religious landscape. The recent decrease in religious beliefs and behaviors is largely attributable to the “nones” – the growing minority of Americans, particularly in the Millennial generation, who say they do not belong to any organized faith. Among the roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults who do claim a religion, there has been no discernible drop in most measures of religious commitment. Indeed, by some conventional measures, religiously affiliated Americans are, on average, even more devout than they were a few years ago."

This does not mean they do not believe in God, but do not have a religious affiliation."
Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign

>>Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign<<

They are, but not the extremists. I would think any religion, including atheism, has their extremists such as a Karl Marx type.

BTW do you know we had the 3rd Antichrist? His code name is Mabus. He knew the first two antichrists, Napoleon and Hitler. He died a sudden death. The prediction is World War III will come next.
You Christians won't claim any horrible deeds. Anyone who claims they are christian and does bad things is written off as not a real christian.

And in a way I agree. Lots of people say they believe but don't really. I do it too. Someone says thank God or praise Jesus I dont correct them.

They did an anonymous survey and found more that 1 in 4 don't believe.
During the time of the Nazis the German people we're Christians.

It doesn't matter what Hitler or bush believed. They used religion to manipulate their citizens.
Like Mao and Stalin used atheism to murder millions of their own people?

Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.
That's why it's better that it happens naturally like it is now U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious

And your argument is bad. It's number 38 on why there is no god.

Atheism inspired Nazism/Communism/Social Darwinism.
An ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic. See also: Association fallacy, appeal to emotion and irrelevant thesis.

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism. See also: Nazism and Religion, Reductio ad Hitlerum.

Stalinism and Communism exercised gosateizm (state atheism) based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. Atheism was a means to an end, not a cause. See also: Soviet Union and Religion.

Social Darwinism and Eugenics supplant actual natural selection with an unobjective personal perception of ‘fitness’. They are based on bad biology (genetic variability is actually very important for a species) and are completely independent of atheism.

Darwin observed and described evolution the same way Newton did for gravity. It was simply a discovery of a fact about the world – not an engineered philosophy on how to behave. Just as we do not blame Newton for the fact that gravity is used as a tool in the deployment of bombs, we cannot blame Darwin for individually misguided applications of ‘natural selection’.

Note: Religion inspires theocracy.

Note: ‘Survival of the Fittest‘ does not simply mean fastest, strongest, or most violent. It is a measure of an individual’s adaptation to the local environment, which can often mean demonstrating cooperation, intelligence and compassion [2]. Humans are outmatched in many ways by animals, but are successful because of their social skills and tool use.

See also: Early Critics of Eugenics were biologists, Natualistic Fallacy, Evolution and Philosophy, Talkorigins: Hitler, Stalin, Social Darwinism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler


I'm sure God is going to get you for, "It's number 38 on why there is no god." Pain and suffering is not uncommon in our lives. I found the number one prescribed medicine is for pain relief; It's opioids.

Anyway, the millenials are,

"But the Pew Research Center study also finds a great deal of stability in the U.S. religious landscape. The recent decrease in religious beliefs and behaviors is largely attributable to the “nones” – the growing minority of Americans, particularly in the Millennial generation, who say they do not belong to any organized faith. Among the roughly three-quarters of U.S. adults who do claim a religion, there has been no discernible drop in most measures of religious commitment. Indeed, by some conventional measures, religiously affiliated Americans are, on average, even more devout than they were a few years ago."

This does not mean they do not believe in God, but do not have a religious affiliation."
Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign

>>Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign<<

They are, but not the extremists. I would think any religion, including atheism, has their extremists such as a Karl Marx type.

BTW do you know we had the 3rd Antichrist? His code name is Mabus. He knew the first two antichrists, Napoleon and Hitler. He died a sudden death. The prediction is World War III will come next.
Hitler believed in mystical stuff. That makes him a theist. Kim Jung un is a god. That means he's a theist.

You're confusing atheism with anti religious evil dictators who banned religions. Two different things. I just believe there is no God and they use religion to manipulate
Like Mao and Stalin used atheism to murder millions of their own people?

Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.
Again, as much as the atheists want to stomp out religion, they can't do so without looking as evil as the theists they complain about.

link ...

the correction of religion is shared by the sincerity of the individuals pursuit, the true path to the Everlasting is one of them. and that certainly for those at the turn of the previous century encompassed by the magnitude of religious indiscretion the remedy was mirrored by the consequential necessity to make the change. the history of religious zealots through time, the response was nothing new.

Sorry, it wasn't religion that caused the Holocaust and black genocide. Darwin is linked to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. They're still doing it today with abortion. You noticed atheists jumped aboard Darwin's bandwagon posthaste. You have to wonder why because the default position before then was Christianity. You had to go to church on Sundays. You have to wonder why Christians are attacked online for their beliefs from atheists and liberals while Muslims get a free pass. All of this is tied together. There are threads going through these topics.

Atheists have no moral values. They just want to do the gay pile-on and not feel guilty about it. They think there is no free will and these choices could not be helped. They want to do hard drugs and pornography with no recriminations. All of these are addictive behaviors and God warns us against them. Atheists and liberals want no repercussions from living the lifestyle of Hollywood values -- public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. This isn't what core values are about. Core values are about doing onto your neighbor what you would have them do onto you. You end paying the price in life and in the afterlife for one's moral indiscretions. Atheists and liberals do not want to hear this. Instead, the mentally ill liberals think morality is about masturbation and that's what Christianity is against. It's no wonder the liberals go crazy and end up killing people and in jail. It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals. I think it starts with atheists being so obsessed with God. Obsession is not good. It's a wonder that God does not file a restraining order against the heathens.
This isn't what core values are about.

It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.
link ...

the correction of religion is shared by the sincerity of the individuals pursuit, the true path to the Everlasting is one of them. and that certainly for those at the turn of the previous century encompassed by the magnitude of religious indiscretion the remedy was mirrored by the consequential necessity to make the change. the history of religious zealots through time, the response was nothing new.

Sorry, it wasn't religion that caused the Holocaust and black genocide. Darwin is linked to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. They're still doing it today with abortion. You noticed atheists jumped aboard Darwin's bandwagon posthaste. You have to wonder why because the default position before then was Christianity. You had to go to church on Sundays. You have to wonder why Christians are attacked online for their beliefs from atheists and liberals while Muslims get a free pass. All of this is tied together. There are threads going through these topics.

Atheists have no moral values. They just want to do the gay pile-on and not feel guilty about it. They think there is no free will and these choices could not be helped. They want to do hard drugs and pornography with no recriminations. All of these are addictive behaviors and God warns us against them. Atheists and liberals want no repercussions from living the lifestyle of Hollywood values -- public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. This isn't what core values are about. Core values are about doing onto your neighbor what you would have them do onto you. You end paying the price in life and in the afterlife for one's moral indiscretions. Atheists and liberals do not want to hear this. Instead, the mentally ill liberals think morality is about masturbation and that's what Christianity is against. It's no wonder the liberals go crazy and end up killing people and in jail. It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals. I think it starts with atheists being so obsessed with God. Obsession is not good. It's a wonder that God does not file a restraining order against the heathens.
This isn't what core values are about.

It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.
It's true. Even most christian conservatives today are liberal compared to 50 years ago. They believe in evolution. They don't take religion literally. The harmful aspect of religion isnt as much anymore. For example it's not universally agreed that gays are bad. And a lot of theists don't want to ban stem cell or deny evolution.

Religions aren't benign. But hey, they are a big business. They pay no taxes and make nothing but they employ lots of people. I'll shut up
Priest asked a dieing woman if she renounced Satan. Dieing woman says "no. Woman in my position can't afford to make any enemies"
I'm sure God is going to get you for, "It's number 38 on why there is no god." Pain and suffering is not uncommon in our lives. I found the number one prescribed medicine is for pain relief; It's opioids.

>>Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign<<

They are, but not the extremists. I would think any religion, including atheism, has their extremists such as a Karl Marx type.

BTW do you know we had the 3rd Antichrist? His code name is Mabus. He knew the first two antichrists, Napoleon and Hitler. He died a sudden death. The prediction is World War III will come next.
You Christians won't claim any horrible deeds. Anyone who claims they are christian and does bad things is written off as not a real christian.

And in a way I agree. Lots of people say they believe but don't really. I do it too. Someone says thank God or praise Jesus I dont correct them.

They did an anonymous survey and found more that 1 in 4 don't believe.

I think I did accept responsibility in the post before yours, and am doing things so there won't be "1 in 4 don't believe." I acknowledged there are extremist Christians just like there are extremist atheists. Not all Christians are going to heaven. Some will end up on earth again or in hell.

I need you to understand that stating things outwardly like, "There is no God" leads to pain and suffering or woe. This means you continue to follow what Adam and Eve did. It is no joking matter. They were selfish and instead of being grateful and worshiping God for everything he gave them, they disobeyed God. The ToK was a test of their free will. You are being selfish in saying there is no God. Instead, you try to explain everything that exists in the world and in your life is the product of natural occurrences. It doesn't matter how far out these natural occurrences seem, you still believe that is the truth.

The strange part is even though God knows you are going to hell, there is still time to change it because you have free will. If you change, then God can change. That's the part that's difficult to convince people of.

One of the best evidence for God is whether you believe in materialism like the atheists or duality like the believers, the world is all in your brain (mind for the dualists). What you see and sense is a 2D representation of the world. Your brain/mind just fills in the 3D or depth part. Your brain/mind fills in the five senses. Your brain/mind fills in the sixth sense. It's all in your brain/mind. God is spirit. We are like him, but we aren't 100% spirit. Not yet anyway. Do you see what I am trying to say?
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link ...

the correction of religion is shared by the sincerity of the individuals pursuit, the true path to the Everlasting is one of them. and that certainly for those at the turn of the previous century encompassed by the magnitude of religious indiscretion the remedy was mirrored by the consequential necessity to make the change. the history of religious zealots through time, the response was nothing new.

Sorry, it wasn't religion that caused the Holocaust and black genocide. Darwin is linked to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. They're still doing it today with abortion. You noticed atheists jumped aboard Darwin's bandwagon posthaste. You have to wonder why because the default position before then was Christianity. You had to go to church on Sundays. You have to wonder why Christians are attacked online for their beliefs from atheists and liberals while Muslims get a free pass. All of this is tied together. There are threads going through these topics.

Atheists have no moral values. They just want to do the gay pile-on and not feel guilty about it. They think there is no free will and these choices could not be helped. They want to do hard drugs and pornography with no recriminations. All of these are addictive behaviors and God warns us against them. Atheists and liberals want no repercussions from living the lifestyle of Hollywood values -- public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. This isn't what core values are about. Core values are about doing onto your neighbor what you would have them do onto you. You end paying the price in life and in the afterlife for one's moral indiscretions. Atheists and liberals do not want to hear this. Instead, the mentally ill liberals think morality is about masturbation and that's what Christianity is against. It's no wonder the liberals go crazy and end up killing people and in jail. It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals. I think it starts with atheists being so obsessed with God. Obsession is not good. It's a wonder that God does not file a restraining order against the heathens.
This isn't what core values are about.

It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.

Again, you just continue to ignore what I said and proved to you. Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books. Before you were claiming the KKK were Catholics and now are saying they were trying to prevent Catholicism. That follows what the atheists and liberals are doing today. They want to disavow Christianity for Communism.

What about the Nostradamos prophecy? Did another of his prophecies using the Bible come true?

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear. We had Napoleon, Hitler and Usama (Mabus).

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

During the end times, between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming, there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power. 1 John 2:18 states it as the "last hour."

The one great antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

Don't be the liar and deceiver, BW.
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I'm sure God is going to get you for, "It's number 38 on why there is no god." Pain and suffering is not uncommon in our lives. I found the number one prescribed medicine is for pain relief; It's opioids.

>>Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign<<

They are, but not the extremists. I would think any religion, including atheism, has their extremists such as a Karl Marx type.

BTW do you know we had the 3rd Antichrist? His code name is Mabus. He knew the first two antichrists, Napoleon and Hitler. He died a sudden death. The prediction is World War III will come next.
You Christians won't claim any horrible deeds. Anyone who claims they are christian and does bad things is written off as not a real christian.

And in a way I agree. Lots of people say they believe but don't really. I do it too. Someone says thank God or praise Jesus I dont correct them.

They did an anonymous survey and found more that 1 in 4 don't believe.

I think I did accept responsibility in the post before yours, and am doing things so there won't be "1 in 4 don't believe." I acknowledged there are extremist Christians just like there are extremist atheists. Not all Christians are going to heaven. Some will end up on earth again or in hell.

I need you to understand that stating things outwardly like, "There is no God" leads to pain and suffering or woe. This means you continue to follow what Adam and Eve did. It is no joking matter. They were selfish and instead of being grateful and worshiping God for everything he gave them, they disobeyed God. The ToK was a test of their free will. You are being selfish in saying there is no God. Instead, you try to explain everything that exists in the world and in your life is the product of natural occurrences. It doesn't matter how far out these natural occurrences seem, you still believe that is the truth.

The strange part is even though God knows you are going to hell, there is still time to change it because you have free will. If you change, then God can change. That's the part that's difficult to convince people of.

One of the best evidence for God is whether you believe in materialism like the atheists or duality like the believers, the world is all in your brain (mind for the dualists). What you see and sense is a 2D representation of the world. Your brain/mind just fills in the 3D or depth part. Your brain/mind fills in the five senses. Your brain/mind fills in the sixth sense. It's all in your brain/mind. God is spirit. We are like him, but we aren't 100% spirit. Not yet anyway. Do you see what I am trying to say?

I am grateful for everything I have. I just don't believe there is a god. I am agnostic when it comes to a generic creator but the Abraham god, I don't believe exists. In my mind not a chance in hell so I'm pretty safe doubting that stuff. And a generic creator doesn't care about sin.

I'm not any more or less selfish than the average Christian. If I believed a god existed I would thank it but as for right now I'm just thankful that I was born. I'm lucky.

I haven't disobeyed God. God never told me one thing. When he does I will obey his every command.
Sorry, it wasn't religion that caused the Holocaust and black genocide. Darwin is linked to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. They're still doing it today with abortion. You noticed atheists jumped aboard Darwin's bandwagon posthaste. You have to wonder why because the default position before then was Christianity. You had to go to church on Sundays. You have to wonder why Christians are attacked online for their beliefs from atheists and liberals while Muslims get a free pass. All of this is tied together. There are threads going through these topics.

Atheists have no moral values. They just want to do the gay pile-on and not feel guilty about it. They think there is no free will and these choices could not be helped. They want to do hard drugs and pornography with no recriminations. All of these are addictive behaviors and God warns us against them. Atheists and liberals want no repercussions from living the lifestyle of Hollywood values -- public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. This isn't what core values are about. Core values are about doing onto your neighbor what you would have them do onto you. You end paying the price in life and in the afterlife for one's moral indiscretions. Atheists and liberals do not want to hear this. Instead, the mentally ill liberals think morality is about masturbation and that's what Christianity is against. It's no wonder the liberals go crazy and end up killing people and in jail. It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals. I think it starts with atheists being so obsessed with God. Obsession is not good. It's a wonder that God does not file a restraining order against the heathens.
This isn't what core values are about.

It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.

Again, you just continue to ignore what I said and proved to you. Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books. Before you were claiming the KKK were Catholics and now are saying they were trying to prevent Catholicism. That follows what the atheists and liberals are doing today. They want to disavow Christianity for Communism.

What about the Nostradamos prophecy? Did another of his prophecies using the Bible come true?

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear. We had Napoleon, Hitler and Usama (Mabus).

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

During the end times, between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming, there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power. 1 John 2:18 states it as the "last hour."

The one great antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

Don't be the liar and deceiver, BW.
I said the KKK were catholics? I think you are hearing what you want to hear pal. Try going back and comprehending what I read. I said the Nazi's were Catholics. If not, please tell me when the German people stopped being Catholic and then tell me when they officially went back and rejoined the church.

You can't, because the Nazi's were always catholics. Thank you.
Sorry, it wasn't religion that caused the Holocaust and black genocide. Darwin is linked to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. They're still doing it today with abortion. You noticed atheists jumped aboard Darwin's bandwagon posthaste. You have to wonder why because the default position before then was Christianity. You had to go to church on Sundays. You have to wonder why Christians are attacked online for their beliefs from atheists and liberals while Muslims get a free pass. All of this is tied together. There are threads going through these topics.

Atheists have no moral values. They just want to do the gay pile-on and not feel guilty about it. They think there is no free will and these choices could not be helped. They want to do hard drugs and pornography with no recriminations. All of these are addictive behaviors and God warns us against them. Atheists and liberals want no repercussions from living the lifestyle of Hollywood values -- public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. This isn't what core values are about. Core values are about doing onto your neighbor what you would have them do onto you. You end paying the price in life and in the afterlife for one's moral indiscretions. Atheists and liberals do not want to hear this. Instead, the mentally ill liberals think morality is about masturbation and that's what Christianity is against. It's no wonder the liberals go crazy and end up killing people and in jail. It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals. I think it starts with atheists being so obsessed with God. Obsession is not good. It's a wonder that God does not file a restraining order against the heathens.
This isn't what core values are about.

It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.

Again, you just continue to ignore what I said and proved to you. Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books. Before you were claiming the KKK were Catholics and now are saying they were trying to prevent Catholicism. That follows what the atheists and liberals are doing today. They want to disavow Christianity for Communism.

What about the Nostradamos prophecy? Did another of his prophecies using the Bible come true?

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear. We had Napoleon, Hitler and Usama (Mabus).

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

During the end times, between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming, there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power. 1 John 2:18 states it as the "last hour."

The one great antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

Don't be the liar and deceiver, BW.

You think John wrote the bible? Sorry but he didn't.

The traditional Church has portrayed the authors as the apostles Mark, Luke, Matthew, & John, but scholars know from critical textural research that there simply occurs no evidence that the gospel authors could have served as the apostles described in the Gospel stories. Yet even today, we hear priests and ministers describing these authors as the actual disciples of Christ. Many Bibles still continue to label the stories as "The Gospel according to St. Matthew," "St. Mark," "St. Luke," St. John." No apostle would have announced his own sainthood before the Church's establishment of sainthood. But one need not refer to scholars to determine the lack of evidence for authorship. As an experiment, imagine the Gospels without their titles. See if you can find out from the texts who wrote them; try to find their names.

The gospel of Mark describes the first written Bible gospel. And although Mark appears deceptively after the Matthew gospel, the gospel of Mark got written at least a generation before Matthew. From its own words, one can deduce that the author of Mark had neither heard Jesus nor served as his personal follower. Whoever wrote the gospel simply accepted the story of Jesus without question and wrote a crude an ungrammatical account of the popular story at the time. Historians tell us of the three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), Mark served as the common element between Matthew and Luke and provided the main source for both of them. Of Mark's 666* verses, some 600 appear in Matthew, some 300 in Luke. According to Randel Helms, the author of Mark, stands at least a third remove from Jesus and more likely at the fourth remove.

Do you understand what hearsay is? That means John didn't see Jesus do miracles and then write it down. No no. The person who wrote the gospel according to John heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend.

Do you really think Jesus' 11 deciples penned the bible? Like actually sat down and wrote the bible?
No one has the slightest physical evidence to support a historical Jesus; no artifacts, dwelling, works of carpentry, or self-written manuscripts. All claims about Jesus derive from writings of other people. There occurs no contemporary Roman record that shows Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus. Devastating to historians, there occurs not a single contemporary writing that mentions Jesus. All documents about Jesus came well after the life of the alleged Jesus from either: unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. Although one can argue that many of these writings come from fraud or interpolations, I will use the information and dates to show that even if these sources did not come from interpolations, they could still not serve as reliable evidence for a historical Jesus, simply because all sources about Jesus derive from hearsay accounts.

Did Jesus exist?
Sorry, it wasn't religion that caused the Holocaust and black genocide. Darwin is linked to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. They're still doing it today with abortion. You noticed atheists jumped aboard Darwin's bandwagon posthaste. You have to wonder why because the default position before then was Christianity. You had to go to church on Sundays. You have to wonder why Christians are attacked online for their beliefs from atheists and liberals while Muslims get a free pass. All of this is tied together. There are threads going through these topics.

Atheists have no moral values. They just want to do the gay pile-on and not feel guilty about it. They think there is no free will and these choices could not be helped. They want to do hard drugs and pornography with no recriminations. All of these are addictive behaviors and God warns us against them. Atheists and liberals want no repercussions from living the lifestyle of Hollywood values -- public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. This isn't what core values are about. Core values are about doing onto your neighbor what you would have them do onto you. You end paying the price in life and in the afterlife for one's moral indiscretions. Atheists and liberals do not want to hear this. Instead, the mentally ill liberals think morality is about masturbation and that's what Christianity is against. It's no wonder the liberals go crazy and end up killing people and in jail. It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals. I think it starts with atheists being so obsessed with God. Obsession is not good. It's a wonder that God does not file a restraining order against the heathens.
This isn't what core values are about.

It seems the only defense is buying a semi-auto rifle to go along with your pistol and plenty of ammo and learning how to use it and the law (use a gun and not go to jail) to protect oneself, one's families and their neighbors from these unhinged, wacko mentally ill liberals

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.

Again, you just continue to ignore what I said and proved to you. Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books. Before you were claiming the KKK were Catholics and now are saying they were trying to prevent Catholicism. That follows what the atheists and liberals are doing today. They want to disavow Christianity for Communism.

What about the Nostradamos prophecy? Did another of his prophecies using the Bible come true?

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear. We had Napoleon, Hitler and Usama (Mabus).

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

During the end times, between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming, there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power. 1 John 2:18 states it as the "last hour."

The one great antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

Don't be the liar and deceiver, BW.
Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books.

no but your evaluation to be blunt is corrupt by the historical consequences since the 4th century of the former and the results of the latter.

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

the events of the 1st century were the consequence of the spoken religion from the Almighty, The Triumph of Good vs Evil and the confluence of one over the other in its conclusion, evil over good. they murdered Jesus. that crime of society must be brought to justice before the path to the Everlasting can be reestablished otherwise the end will be a catastrophe however that is not a certainty till the last good person on earth as Jesus perishes. no bible is necessary. the bible itself is a corruption of the spoken religion.

justice will be the bibles rewording to bring Jesus back to life.
I'm sure God is going to get you for, "It's number 38 on why there is no god." Pain and suffering is not uncommon in our lives. I found the number one prescribed medicine is for pain relief; It's opioids.

>>Without the religious affiliation theists are pretty benign<<

They are, but not the extremists. I would think any religion, including atheism, has their extremists such as a Karl Marx type.

BTW do you know we had the 3rd Antichrist? His code name is Mabus. He knew the first two antichrists, Napoleon and Hitler. He died a sudden death. The prediction is World War III will come next.
You Christians won't claim any horrible deeds. Anyone who claims they are christian and does bad things is written off as not a real christian.

And in a way I agree. Lots of people say they believe but don't really. I do it too. Someone says thank God or praise Jesus I dont correct them.

They did an anonymous survey and found more that 1 in 4 don't believe.

I think I did accept responsibility in the post before yours, and am doing things so there won't be "1 in 4 don't believe." I acknowledged there are extremist Christians just like there are extremist atheists. Not all Christians are going to heaven. Some will end up on earth again or in hell.

I need you to understand that stating things outwardly like, "There is no God" leads to pain and suffering or woe. This means you continue to follow what Adam and Eve did. It is no joking matter. They were selfish and instead of being grateful and worshiping God for everything he gave them, they disobeyed God. The ToK was a test of their free will. You are being selfish in saying there is no God. Instead, you try to explain everything that exists in the world and in your life is the product of natural occurrences. It doesn't matter how far out these natural occurrences seem, you still believe that is the truth.

The strange part is even though God knows you are going to hell, there is still time to change it because you have free will. If you change, then God can change. That's the part that's difficult to convince people of.

One of the best evidence for God is whether you believe in materialism like the atheists or duality like the believers, the world is all in your brain (mind for the dualists). What you see and sense is a 2D representation of the world. Your brain/mind just fills in the 3D or depth part. Your brain/mind fills in the five senses. Your brain/mind fills in the sixth sense. It's all in your brain/mind. God is spirit. We are like him, but we aren't 100% spirit. Not yet anyway. Do you see what I am trying to say?

I am grateful for everything I have. I just don't believe there is a god. I am agnostic when it comes to a generic creator but the Abraham god, I don't believe exists. In my mind not a chance in hell so I'm pretty safe doubting that stuff. And a generic creator doesn't care about sin.

I'm not any more or less selfish than the average Christian. If I believed a god existed I would thank it but as for right now I'm just thankful that I was born. I'm lucky.

I haven't disobeyed God. God never told me one thing. When he does I will obey his every command.

>>God never told me one thing.<<


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.

Again, you just continue to ignore what I said and proved to you. Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books. Before you were claiming the KKK were Catholics and now are saying they were trying to prevent Catholicism. That follows what the atheists and liberals are doing today. They want to disavow Christianity for Communism.

What about the Nostradamos prophecy? Did another of his prophecies using the Bible come true?

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear. We had Napoleon, Hitler and Usama (Mabus).

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

During the end times, between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming, there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power. 1 John 2:18 states it as the "last hour."

The one great antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

Don't be the liar and deceiver, BW.
Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books.

no but your evaluation to be blunt is corrupt by the historical consequences since the 4th century of the former and the results of the latter.

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

the events of the 1st century were the consequence of the spoken religion from the Almighty, The Triumph of Good vs Evil and the confluence of one over the other in its conclusion, evil over good. they murdered Jesus. that crime of society must be brought to justice before the path to the Everlasting can be reestablished otherwise the end will be a catastrophe however that is not a certainty till the last good person on earth as Jesus perishes. no bible is necessary. the bible itself is a corruption of the spoken religion.

justice will be the bibles rewording to bring Jesus back to life.

Noooooooooooooooooo! I am trying to point out here that the WWIII prophecies aren't Biblical prophecies. You have no idea, so like most people believe it is from the Bible. Nostradamus may be successful in his "prophecies," but skeptics think its a trick since his words are vague enough to apply to anything. He takes topics from the Bible and ascribe things to it. Thus, you have been exposed for the liar and charlatan that you are.

You do not even have Nostradamus in the correct century, so your history is mixed up, too*. All of this will come out and drive you mad during the darkness, just like you are mad already.

* - Nostradamus was a French Christian Jew who lived in the 16th century.

... use a gun and not go to jail


being caught red handed isn't what it use to be, cry a 1000 tears bond.


your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...

And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.

Again, you just continue to ignore what I said and proved to you. Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books. Before you were claiming the KKK were Catholics and now are saying they were trying to prevent Catholicism. That follows what the atheists and liberals are doing today. They want to disavow Christianity for Communism.

What about the Nostradamos prophecy? Did another of his prophecies using the Bible come true?

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear. We had Napoleon, Hitler and Usama (Mabus).

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

During the end times, between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming, there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power. 1 John 2:18 states it as the "last hour."

The one great antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

Don't be the liar and deceiver, BW.

You think John wrote the bible? Sorry but he didn't.

The traditional Church has portrayed the authors as the apostles Mark, Luke, Matthew, & John, but scholars know from critical textural research that there simply occurs no evidence that the gospel authors could have served as the apostles described in the Gospel stories. Yet even today, we hear priests and ministers describing these authors as the actual disciples of Christ. Many Bibles still continue to label the stories as "The Gospel according to St. Matthew," "St. Mark," "St. Luke," St. John." No apostle would have announced his own sainthood before the Church's establishment of sainthood. But one need not refer to scholars to determine the lack of evidence for authorship. As an experiment, imagine the Gospels without their titles. See if you can find out from the texts who wrote them; try to find their names.

The gospel of Mark describes the first written Bible gospel. And although Mark appears deceptively after the Matthew gospel, the gospel of Mark got written at least a generation before Matthew. From its own words, one can deduce that the author of Mark had neither heard Jesus nor served as his personal follower. Whoever wrote the gospel simply accepted the story of Jesus without question and wrote a crude an ungrammatical account of the popular story at the time. Historians tell us of the three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), Mark served as the common element between Matthew and Luke and provided the main source for both of them. Of Mark's 666* verses, some 600 appear in Matthew, some 300 in Luke. According to Randel Helms, the author of Mark, stands at least a third remove from Jesus and more likely at the fourth remove.

Do you understand what hearsay is? That means John didn't see Jesus do miracles and then write it down. No no. The person who wrote the gospel according to John heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend.

Do you really think Jesus' 11 deciples penned the bible? Like actually sat down and wrote the bible?

Now, you're putting words in my mouth. Don't confuse what I reply to BW from you.

Yes, the Bible was penned by some of Jesus' disciples, but that is besides the point. The Book of James is that of Jesus' brother (actually half-brother). John the Apostle, writer of Bible, is not the same person as John the Baptist. The important point to know is that it was God the Father who had others pen what he wanted to say and witnessed. Any other tricks you have up your sleeve?

There is much we can learn from the apostles and people in the Bible.

Who were the twelve apostles?
Who were the twelve (12) disciples / apostles of Jesus Christ?

Why is it important to study the characters in the Bible? (They're like us.)
Why is it important to study the various characters in the Bible?

As for your Randel Helms, there are many who take the Bible and use it for their own purpose. His income comes from writing books critical of the Bible. I follow Nostradamus, but don't take him seriously. Many write books about him and make money. You sound like you believe this Randel Helms person and not God. Aren't you the one believing in hearsay?

There is no question, the Bible is difficult to read and comprehend. Yet, it is very simple, at the same time. If I do not understand something, then I leave it to the scholars and experts. I've thought about points in the Bible and ended up being wrong or mislead several times. It leads to one being more confident of God's word. I do not know where you went wrong, but perhaps you can find something in the above to help find your way to truth and knowledge.
And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?

>>And the crosses they burn are Christian crosses, yes?<<

No, it's supposed to be a Scottish "X-shaped" cross. Look at the patches on their uniform. The history is here -- The Straight Dope: Why does the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?.

>>your people are coming out of the woodwork, speaking of the holocaust how many of the KKK are jewish ...<<

The KKK are Democrats and started in the South immediately after the Civil War to support slavery. Just the fact that BW brings it up shows that he's wrong and so are you trying to implicate them with Catholics. White supremacy and hate is not that which is taught in the Catholic religion, but by Darwin's racist theories leading to social Darwinism and fascism. I don't think any are Jewish, but white fascists and social Darwinists.

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views. If BW wasn't so ignorant, then he would not have posted such rubbish. Most people understand what the atheists and racists such as Hitler, Darwin, Darwin's cousin and now BW are trying to do. Very creepy. BW has hit a new low with his ignorant and ugly posts.
They are known to use the fascist tactics of Hitler that I mentioned in trying to associate themselves with the Catholic religion, like Hitler did with the bishops and priests, in order to drum up support for their leftist socialist organization and views.


the KKK were determined to prevent catholicism from being established in the south, your comment is pure ignorance and were active in that regard as a threat to their "fundamental" biblical beliefs.

they are your people bond, every last one of them, the southern bible belt those above as in the first example are in civilian attire how you must miss the good old days. history will not repeat itself in this country those days are gone forever despite rightwing fanatics as yourself.

Again, you just continue to ignore what I said and proved to you. Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books. Before you were claiming the KKK were Catholics and now are saying they were trying to prevent Catholicism. That follows what the atheists and liberals are doing today. They want to disavow Christianity for Communism.

What about the Nostradamos prophecy? Did another of his prophecies using the Bible come true?

The name "antichrist" is only found in 1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, and 2 John 7. The Apostle John was the only Bible writer to use the name antichrist. Studying these verses, we learn that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear. We had Napoleon, Hitler and Usama (Mabus).

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

During the end times, between the time of Christ's first and Second Coming, there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power. 1 John 2:18 states it as the "last hour."

The one great antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

Don't be the liar and deceiver, BW.
Instead, you call me ignorant when I read the Bible and science books.

no but your evaluation to be blunt is corrupt by the historical consequences since the 4th century of the former and the results of the latter.

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

the events of the 1st century were the consequence of the spoken religion from the Almighty, The Triumph of Good vs Evil and the confluence of one over the other in its conclusion, evil over good. they murdered Jesus. that crime of society must be brought to justice before the path to the Everlasting can be reestablished otherwise the end will be a catastrophe however that is not a certainty till the last good person on earth as Jesus perishes. no bible is necessary. the bible itself is a corruption of the spoken religion.

justice will be the bibles rewording to bring Jesus back to life.

Noooooooooooooooooo! I am trying to point out here that the WWIII prophecies aren't Biblical prophecies. You have no idea, so like most people believe it is from the Bible. Nostradamus may be successful in his "prophecies," but skeptics think its a trick since his words are vague enough to apply to anything. He takes topics from the Bible and ascribe things to it. Thus, you have been exposed for the liar and charlatan that you are.

You do not even have Nostradamus in the correct century, so your history is mixed up, too*. All of this will come out and drive you mad during the darkness, just like you are mad already.

* - Nostradamus was a French Christian Jew who lived in the 16th century.

According to Nostradamos, WWIII is to happen next.

Thus, you have been exposed for the liar and charlatan that you are.

I gave the 1st century time for the final Judgement, when the last member of either good or evil perishes, that calamity is not a certainty. no one needs your "written" bible to know the truth and if they are seeking it they will not find it in your 4th century book.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that they gave their one and only Son, that whoever believes in them shall not perish but have eternal life."

your book is a forgery, nothing religious about it, purely political. and no, Jesus was not offered by the Almighty, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” however that crime remains the same from that time to this day. your book fails to bring justice for the very subject it relys on for remission.

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