How much time and money is Trumps Ego going to cost us?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
The congressional investigation has concluded what we all already know, Trump was not telling the truth when he tweeted about Obama "wire tapping" trump tower. Most sane minds knew that this was an emotional middle of the night tweet about something trump heard from one of his conservative media conspiracy sources. A poor attempt to distract from Sessions recusal. Instead of rescinding the statement, Trumps ego lead him to double down and launch an investigation to give him time to spin the narrative and search for scraps of evidence that he could use to justify the tweet. Well he can't. So my question, how much time and money do you all think Trumps ego is going to cost us over the next 4 years?

House intel chairman: No evidence of wiretapping claim -
Less than Barry's stupidity, ignorance, and lack of experience would be my guess.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
The Russian interference is already confirmed. Nothing rigged. No evidence of collision yet, just a lot of shadiness and lies from the Trumpsters. Fair to ask why they lied, wouldn't you agree?
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
So it's fine for our president to lie if it defuses a story that He doesn't like? Is that what you're saying?
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
So it's fine for our president to lie if it defuses a story that He doesn't like? Is that what you're saying?
Did he lie? Not being able to prove something does not make a person a liar. He may actually believe that Obama is responsible for wiretapping Trump Tower.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
at the expense of us tax payers?
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
So it's fine for our president to lie if it defuses a story that He doesn't like? Is that what you're saying?
Did he lie? Not being able to prove something does not make a person a liar. He may actually believe that Obama is responsible for wiretapping Trump Tower.
Read his tweets... he said he found out Obama tapped him. Made three statements as proclaimations that it happened. All were unconfirmed. They were either lies or extremely irresponsible and inappropriate for a president to tweet unconfirmed accusations. Disturbing either way you look at it. How do the people ever trust what he is saying? They can't
Less than Barry's stupidity, ignorance, and lack of experience would be my guess.

You wish.
At the rate the cheeto is going, he will cost us more in 6 months than Obama did in 8 years.

And, in spite of all this noise, drumpf really has not done anything FOR the US but has already done plenty to enrich himself, his family and his 1% cronies.

Suggest you read other than the crap the American Pravda is putting out.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
The Russian interference is already confirmed. Nothing rigged. No evidence of collision yet, just a lot of shadiness and lies from the Trumpsters. Fair to ask why they lied, wouldn't you agree?

And more this morning.

Yes. As each was asked, they first lied and then confessed. All have said it was innocent.

They're lying about that too.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
So it's fine for our president to lie if it defuses a story that He doesn't like? Is that what you're saying?
Did he lie? Not being able to prove something does not make a person a liar. He may actually believe that Obama is responsible for wiretapping Trump Tower.
Read his tweets... he said he found out Obama tapped him. Made three statements as proclaimations that it happened. All were unconfirmed. They were either lies or extremely irresponsible and inappropriate for a president to tweet unconfirmed accusations. Disturbing either way you look at it. How do the people ever trust what he is saying? They can't

He's a drama queen. He must be the center of all attention and will do whatever to make sure of that. That's why he lied about Obama 'tapping his wires' and his microwave spying on him.

My bet is that he released the tax return for the same reason and to get attention away from the wire tapping lie.

What will next week's lie be? And how long before his lies catch up to him?
The Russian interference is already confirmed.
Here's a link to Trump and his administration confirming Russian interference... need more?

Trump Says ‘I Think It Was Russia’ That Hacked the Democrats
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.
How much money has the DNC's LIE that 'The Russians hacked the ELECTION & Trump is colluding with them' cost us and will continue to cost us.

It was 'proven' that the DNC's e-mails were stolen and released, exposing some incredibly embarrassing and damaging personal e-mails and information - such as the fact that Democrats rigged their own primary and fed Hillary debate questions in advance AND that the DNC is full of racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...much of what Americans already knew.

This, however, falls FAR short of 'hacking the election...unlike how Obama and Homeland security were exposed as having tried to hack the Indiana and Georgia election systems, during a time when Obama - pre-election - was trying to seize control of all State election systems....he must have seen Hillary's loss coming. :p

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