How much time and money is Trumps Ego going to cost us?

The Russian interference is already confirmed.
Here's a link to Trump and his administration confirming Russian interference... need more?

Trump Says ‘I Think It Was Russia’ That Hacked the Democrats
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
This has nothingness to do with credibility.... they have access to classified intel that you can't see. They denied the Russia interference for months. The fact that they now admit to it only confirms the truth of the matter. Give up on this one man, done deal.
The Russian interference is already confirmed.
Here's a link to Trump and his administration confirming Russian interference... need more?

Trump Says ‘I Think It Was Russia’ That Hacked the Democrats
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
This has nothingness to do with credibility.... they have access to classified intel that you can't see. They denied the Russia interference for months. The fact that they now admit to it only confirms the truth of the matter. Give up on this one man, done deal.
Classified? Then why did Obama say he was going to release the info three months ago?
I remember Rince saying trump thought it came form Russia, nothing about the state. THEN we get cables that talk about how the CIA can steal malware and use it to frame other countries.
Malware was the proof everyone is talking about.
Word of mouth might be acceptable to you depending on how you feel, but not me.
People lie. Especially our government. They lie and fuck us over EVERY DAY.
The Russian interference is already confirmed.
Here's a link to Trump and his administration confirming Russian interference... need more?

Trump Says ‘I Think It Was Russia’ That Hacked the Democrats
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
This has nothingness to do with credibility.... they have access to classified intel that you can't see. They denied the Russia interference for months. The fact that they now admit to it only confirms the truth of the matter. Give up on this one man, done deal.
Classified? Then why did Obama say he was going to release the info three months ago?
I remember Rince saying trump thought it came form Russia, nothing about the state. THEN we get cables that talk about how the CIA can steal malware and use it to frame other countries.
Malware was the proof everyone is talking about.
Word of mouth might be acceptable to you depending on how you feel, but not me.
People lie. Especially our government. They lie and fuck us over EVERY DAY.
Keep spinning dude but it only makes you look stupid. Look at motive, Trump gains nothing by confirming that Russia interfered, it only hurts him as he made claims otherwise. Claims you apparently bit, hook line and sinker... he wouldn't confirm the intel claims of there was any doubt that it was true.

If you still don't believe it then give me a rational justification as to why Trump and his admin would lie about it
Here's a link to Trump and his administration confirming Russian interference... need more?

Trump Says ‘I Think It Was Russia’ That Hacked the Democrats
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
This has nothingness to do with credibility.... they have access to classified intel that you can't see. They denied the Russia interference for months. The fact that they now admit to it only confirms the truth of the matter. Give up on this one man, done deal.
Classified? Then why did Obama say he was going to release the info three months ago?
I remember Rince saying trump thought it came form Russia, nothing about the state. THEN we get cables that talk about how the CIA can steal malware and use it to frame other countries.
Malware was the proof everyone is talking about.
Word of mouth might be acceptable to you depending on how you feel, but not me.
People lie. Especially our government. They lie and fuck us over EVERY DAY.
Keep spinning dude but it only makes you look stupid. Look at motive, Trump gains nothing by confirming that Russia interfered, it only hurts him as he made claims otherwise. Claims you apparently bit, hook line and sinker... he wouldn't confirm the intel claims of there was any doubt that it was true.

If you still don't believe it then give me a rational justification as to why Trump and his admin would lie about it
He confirmed and then said it might be someone else. It was in your link.
You believe it when he says something you believe in, and then don't when you don't want to believe it.
YOU sound stupid.
The congressional investigation has concluded what we all already know, Trump was not telling the truth when he tweeted about Obama "wire tapping" trump tower. Most sane minds knew that this was an emotional middle of the night tweet about something trump heard from one of his conservative media conspiracy sources. A poor attempt to distract from Sessions recusal. Instead of rescinding the statement, Trumps ego lead him to double down and launch an investigation to give him time to spin the narrative and search for scraps of evidence that he could use to justify the tweet. Well he can't. So my question, how much time and money do you all think Trumps ego is going to cost us over the next 4 years?

House intel chairman: No evidence of wiretapping claim -

About three-fiddy.
Here's a link to Trump and his administration confirming Russian interference... need more?

Trump Says ‘I Think It Was Russia’ That Hacked the Democrats
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
This has nothingness to do with credibility.... they have access to classified intel that you can't see. They denied the Russia interference for months. The fact that they now admit to it only confirms the truth of the matter. Give up on this one man, done deal.
Classified? Then why did Obama say he was going to release the info three months ago?
I remember Rince saying trump thought it came form Russia, nothing about the state. THEN we get cables that talk about how the CIA can steal malware and use it to frame other countries.
Malware was the proof everyone is talking about.
Word of mouth might be acceptable to you depending on how you feel, but not me.
People lie. Especially our government. They lie and fuck us over EVERY DAY.
Keep spinning dude but it only makes you look stupid. Look at motive, Trump gains nothing by confirming that Russia interfered, it only hurts him as he made claims otherwise. Claims you apparently bit, hook line and sinker... he wouldn't confirm the intel claims of there was any doubt that it was true.

If you still don't believe it then give me a rational justification as to why Trump and his admin would lie about it
He confirmed and then said it might be someone else. It was in your link.
You believe it when he says something you believe in, and then don't when you don't want to believe it.
YOU sound stupid.
Haha, yeah right. That's how TRump admits he is wrong, has to through a shadow of doubt cause his ego can't let him admit fault.

Show me anybody who has seen the classified information from any party or agency that still denies Russian interference. Anybody. Post a link to their statement
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
The Russian interference is already confirmed. Nothing rigged. No evidence of collision yet, just a lot of shadiness and lies from the Trumpsters. Fair to ask why they lied, wouldn't you agree?
Did someone hack the stupid people at the DNC? Maybe. Turn over the servers so it can be verified. Did the Obama administration hack state election systems? Yes.
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
This has nothingness to do with credibility.... they have access to classified intel that you can't see. They denied the Russia interference for months. The fact that they now admit to it only confirms the truth of the matter. Give up on this one man, done deal.
Classified? Then why did Obama say he was going to release the info three months ago?
I remember Rince saying trump thought it came form Russia, nothing about the state. THEN we get cables that talk about how the CIA can steal malware and use it to frame other countries.
Malware was the proof everyone is talking about.
Word of mouth might be acceptable to you depending on how you feel, but not me.
People lie. Especially our government. They lie and fuck us over EVERY DAY.
Keep spinning dude but it only makes you look stupid. Look at motive, Trump gains nothing by confirming that Russia interfered, it only hurts him as he made claims otherwise. Claims you apparently bit, hook line and sinker... he wouldn't confirm the intel claims of there was any doubt that it was true.

If you still don't believe it then give me a rational justification as to why Trump and his admin would lie about it
He confirmed and then said it might be someone else. It was in your link.
You believe it when he says something you believe in, and then don't when you don't want to believe it.
YOU sound stupid.
Haha, yeah right. That's how TRump admits he is wrong, has to through a shadow of doubt cause his ego can't let him admit fault.

Show me anybody who has seen the classified information from any party or agency that still denies Russian interference. Anybody. Post a link to their statement
See? Look at you. You think you know what he thinks better than he does.
This is getting old and pointless. Good day.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
at the expense of us tax payers?
How much did the tweet cost tax payers?
oh, so NOW they have credibility? Give me a fucking break. I want evidence. Not word of mouth.
Weird how word of mouth is only acceptable in certain situations, ey?
Our govt lies and fucks us over every fucking day and people like you keep the shit going with your inconsistent bullshit.
This has nothingness to do with credibility.... they have access to classified intel that you can't see. They denied the Russia interference for months. The fact that they now admit to it only confirms the truth of the matter. Give up on this one man, done deal.
Classified? Then why did Obama say he was going to release the info three months ago?
I remember Rince saying trump thought it came form Russia, nothing about the state. THEN we get cables that talk about how the CIA can steal malware and use it to frame other countries.
Malware was the proof everyone is talking about.
Word of mouth might be acceptable to you depending on how you feel, but not me.
People lie. Especially our government. They lie and fuck us over EVERY DAY.
Keep spinning dude but it only makes you look stupid. Look at motive, Trump gains nothing by confirming that Russia interfered, it only hurts him as he made claims otherwise. Claims you apparently bit, hook line and sinker... he wouldn't confirm the intel claims of there was any doubt that it was true.

If you still don't believe it then give me a rational justification as to why Trump and his admin would lie about it
He confirmed and then said it might be someone else. It was in your link.
You believe it when he says something you believe in, and then don't when you don't want to believe it.
YOU sound stupid.
Haha, yeah right. That's how TRump admits he is wrong, has to through a shadow of doubt cause his ego can't let him admit fault.

Show me anybody who has seen the classified information from any party or agency that still denies Russian interference. Anybody. Post a link to their statement
We know the DNC is corrupt. The emails helped collaborate it, but I don't think that fact had anything to do with the results of the General Election.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. Trumps Tweet about being illegally wiretapped defused the news stories pushed by the MSM that the Trump campaign somehow collaborated with the Russians to hack the DNC's email. There is not evidence of that. Mission Accomplished.
at the expense of us tax payers?
How much did the tweet cost tax payers?
IDK considering all the shit that has been going on with it, probably a lot.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
Yes, our entire govt is operating under a false pretense spread by word of mouth. :cuckoo: :laugh2:
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
Yes, our entire govt is operating under a false pretense spread by word of mouth. :cuckoo: :laugh2:
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
There are those with security clearance who have seen the evidence. That's not word of mouth. If there was a shadow of a doubt you know Trump and many others from the GOP would be speaking out about it. But they aren't. Can you point to one person that is? I didn't think so
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
I wonder how much that cost? Oh wait, I forgot.. now its Trump that rigged the election :lol:
Naw, I get it. Its fucking retarded, honestly. Too bad the precedent has already been set.
How is the release of evidence Russia hacked the election going?
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
There are those with security clearance who have seen the evidence. That's not word of mouth. If there was a shadow of a doubt you know Trump and many others from the GOP would be speaking out about it. But they aren't. Can you point to one person that is? I didn't think so
Why do you think I care? Those people also said Iraq had WMDs (that wasn't ours) and was going to kill a bunch of people.
The cable that came out about CIA using Russian malware so they could frame them also rises questions. At least with me. I try to stay as objective on this as I can. Especially since the only proof I have seen is Russian malware..
Im sorry dude. I cant take professional liars at their word..
That's already settled, fool.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
There are those with security clearance who have seen the evidence. That's not word of mouth. If there was a shadow of a doubt you know Trump and many others from the GOP would be speaking out about it. But they aren't. Can you point to one person that is? I didn't think so
Why do you think I care? Those people also said Iraq had WMDs (that wasn't ours) and was going to kill a bunch of people.
The cable that came out about CIA using Russian malware so they could frame them also rises questions. At least with me. I try to stay as objective on this as I can. Especially since the only proof I have seen is Russian malware..
Im sorry dude. I cant take professional liars at their word..
OK read this very slowly... The Trump administration and Donald Trump himself have confirmed the intel. There are a number of people who are conservatives that have confirmed the intel reports against their interest. It doesn't take much common sense to know that when somebody concedes to something that is against their own self interest then that pretty much confirms the reliability of that information.

There is a reason why you can't find one Republican or one Trump official who has seen the intel and still doubts that the Russians interfered.
GFY hutch. I have been waiting for you to present me evidence on that for over a month.

It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
There are those with security clearance who have seen the evidence. That's not word of mouth. If there was a shadow of a doubt you know Trump and many others from the GOP would be speaking out about it. But they aren't. Can you point to one person that is? I didn't think so
Why do you think I care? Those people also said Iraq had WMDs (that wasn't ours) and was going to kill a bunch of people.
The cable that came out about CIA using Russian malware so they could frame them also rises questions. At least with me. I try to stay as objective on this as I can. Especially since the only proof I have seen is Russian malware..
Im sorry dude. I cant take professional liars at their word..
OK read this very slowly... The Trump administration and Donald Trump himself have confirmed the intel. There are a number of people who are conservatives that have confirmed the intel reports against their interest. It doesn't take much common sense to know that when somebody concedes to something that is against their own self interest then that pretty much confirms the reliability of that information.

There is a reason why you can't find one Republican or one Trump official who has seen the intel and still doubts that the Russians interfered.
And then he said it could have been anyone. I got that from YOUR link.
Again, I DONT GIVE A SHIT. They lie every fucking day.
And then I have the malware thing.
I will be objective. You can sit in your safe space and contemplate hackery.
It's been shown in this thread. Accept it or don't.

Everyone else is operating with the knowledge that this has occurred. The investigating committees are.
Do you know of any member of Congress who denies it?
There is NO evidence. Just word of mouth.
Do you always accept word of mouth, or just when its something you want to hear?
There are those with security clearance who have seen the evidence. That's not word of mouth. If there was a shadow of a doubt you know Trump and many others from the GOP would be speaking out about it. But they aren't. Can you point to one person that is? I didn't think so
Why do you think I care? Those people also said Iraq had WMDs (that wasn't ours) and was going to kill a bunch of people.
The cable that came out about CIA using Russian malware so they could frame them also rises questions. At least with me. I try to stay as objective on this as I can. Especially since the only proof I have seen is Russian malware..
Im sorry dude. I cant take professional liars at their word..
OK read this very slowly... The Trump administration and Donald Trump himself have confirmed the intel. There are a number of people who are conservatives that have confirmed the intel reports against their interest. It doesn't take much common sense to know that when somebody concedes to something that is against their own self interest then that pretty much confirms the reliability of that information.

There is a reason why you can't find one Republican or one Trump official who has seen the intel and still doubts that the Russians interfered.
And then he said it could have been anyone. I got that from YOUR link.
Again, I DONT GIVE A SHIT. They lie every fucking day.
And then I have the malware thing.
I will be objective. You can sit in your safe space and contemplate hackery.
Go ahead and live in your fantasy world. The truth is pretty obvious for the sane minded

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