How much will your premiums increase under Obamacare? See table for each state

Perhaps you can explain something for me. Why would the premiums be going up for people who already have insurance when they'll have nothing to do with Obamacare. I ask because those people already have employer-based insurance or purchase their own policies. In other words, the only people who will be ON Obamacare don't currently have insurance.

that's a LIE.

starting 2018 there won't be any employer-base insurance - because of the excise tax - that 's first, and second - having employer-based insurance this year does not mean you will have it next year - as employer might drop the benefit entirely

You need to read some facts on the subject. I'll point you in the right direction.

ObamaCare Tax: Full List of ObamaCare Taxes
You're correct this isn't a fair comparison because the plans under the ACA have additional benefits such as additional preventive care, wellness exams, immunizations for adults will include flu shots, HPV, pneumonia, tetanus, chicken pox, measles, meningitis, hepatitis A/B and a number of free screens. In general, the yearly out of pocket maximums have been reduced. Lastly, the study did not take into account the federal subsidies. Since this study is coming out of the Heritage Foundation, you can be pretty sure of the conclusion before you read the study.

So if you're buying individual insurance and you make too much money to benefit from subsidies and you and have no interest in the benefits, then in general the plans are more expensive.

that's a LIE. it has been in every insurance for "free" all the time, so it did not suddenly appear in obamacare - it was well before it and many other goodies as well.

a yearly out of the pocket maximum is not only INCREASED exponentially but increased to the measure unbearable - as I have just shown - a family of four from Tennessee having a bad accident in Florida on vacation will have out of the pocket maximum of 63,000$ ( yes, sixty three thousand dollars!!!)
given their yearly income is 94,000 - that is enough to bankrupt the family.
Perhaps you can explain something for me. Why would the premiums be going up for people who already have insurance when they'll have nothing to do with Obamacare. I ask because those people already have employer-based insurance or purchase their own policies. In other words, the only people who will be ON Obamacare don't currently have insurance.

I've carried an employer subsidized medical insurance plan for over 30 years. Out of all those years, the only time my insurance ever decreased was two times. The first being when I got divorced and dropped the coverage for my spouse. The second being when my youngest daughter secured her own medical insurance from her own employer and i was able to drop her coverage. Every other year, my insurance increased, and the last two years have seen the highest increase in both percentage and real dollars. Open enrollment for next year is currently occurring where I work and next years premiums contain the highest increase I have ever seen. What do you think the reason for that is?
Perhaps you can explain something for me. Why would the premiums be going up for people who already have insurance when they'll have nothing to do with Obamacare. I ask because those people already have employer-based insurance or purchase their own policies. In other words, the only people who will be ON Obamacare don't currently have insurance.

Companies are raising rates and deductibles and they say it's because of Obamacare.

On my facebook page I posted a letter someone shared from BCBS and a friend said she got a similar letter.

The version available online: Show and tell with Shane Jansen » MacBourne's Musings

Because of the changes they've made my friend can no longer get pain management therapy because it went from affordable to $600 per month for her out of pocket and she can't do the out of pocket.
Perhaps you can explain something for me. Why would the premiums be going up for people who already have insurance when they'll have nothing to do with Obamacare. I ask because those people already have employer-based insurance or purchase their own policies. In other words, the only people who will be ON Obamacare don't currently have insurance.

that's a LIE.

starting 2018 there won't be any employer-base insurance - because of the excise tax - that 's first, and second - having employer-based insurance this year does not mean you will have it next year - as employer might drop the benefit entirely

You need to read some facts on the subject. I'll point you in the right direction.

ObamaCare Tax: Full List of ObamaCare Taxes

that is exactly the link I have posted 2 weeks ago here - and it is confirming my assertion to the letter.
starting from 2018 every employer who spends more than 10,200$ on employer ( which is easily spent as anybody can check with the prices) will have to pay 40% excise tax - and this will eliminate employer-based insurance entirely:

Starting in 2018, the new health care law imposes a 40% excise tax on the portion of most employer-sponsored health coverage (this excludes dental and vision) that exceed $10,200 a year and $27,500 for families. The tax has been dubbed a "Cadillac" tax because it hits only high-end "gold", "platinum" and high-end health care plans not purchased on the exchange. The tax raises over $150 billion over the next 10 years.

gold and platinum plans in exchanges are equal to standard PPO plans now - they are not even close to anything "cadillac"
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My intent is not to derail this thread, so please don't focus on what I am about to say, it's just a funny thought I had.

What if life insurance was handled the same way medical insurance was handled? As in co-pays and max out of pocket.
Could I purchase a life insurance policy with a 20% co-pay? Whereas my $500,000 life insurance policy with my kids as beneficiary required a 20% co-pay from a family member? Could my family member then purchase a max out of pocket policy for say $10,000 to mitigate their risk?
What about a life insurance policy that paid different percentages based upon method of death, kind of like a dental policy pays a different percentage for a filling than it pays for a crown or other major orthodontia? Hey kids, if I die from a heart attack, you get $500k but if I die in a car accident you only get $300k. Lung cancer only pays $100k because I smoke, so hope for my death by plane accident as that pays a whopping million dollars.

Again, just a funny thought and not intended to alter the direction of this thread.
Perhaps you can explain something for me. Why would the premiums be going up for people who already have insurance when they'll have nothing to do with Obamacare. I ask because those people already have employer-based insurance or purchase their own policies. In other words, the only people who will be ON Obamacare don't currently have insurance.

Companies are raising rates and deductibles and they say it's because of Obamacare.

On my facebook page I posted a letter someone shared from BCBS and a friend said she got a similar letter.

The version available online: Show and tell with Shane Jansen » MacBourne's Musings

Because of the changes they've made my friend can no longer get pain management therapy because it went from affordable to $600 per month for her out of pocket and she can't do the out of pocket.

Companies have been raising their insurance rates for years at a lot higher rate than what's happening now, and there was no OC to blame it on. That's leades me to conclude that it's possible that OC makes a pretty good excuse for an insurance company which just might be planning on raising their rates anyway for totally different reasons, but this way they figure they can escape blame by pointing the finger at OC.
Perhaps you can explain something for me. Why would the premiums be going up for people who already have insurance when they'll have nothing to do with Obamacare. I ask because those people already have employer-based insurance or purchase their own policies. In other words, the only people who will be ON Obamacare don't currently have insurance.

Companies are raising rates and deductibles and they say it's because of Obamacare.

On my facebook page I posted a letter someone shared from BCBS and a friend said she got a similar letter.

The version available online: Show and tell with Shane Jansen » MacBourne's Musings

Because of the changes they've made my friend can no longer get pain management therapy because it went from affordable to $600 per month for her out of pocket and she can't do the out of pocket.

Companies have been raising their insurance rates for years at a lot higher rate than what's happening now, and there was no OC to blame it on. That's leades me to conclude that it's possible that OC makes a pretty good excuse for an insurance company which just might be planning on raising their rates anyway for totally different reasons, but this way they figure they can escape blame by pointing the finger at OC.

Whether your explanation is correct or not, it's still a fact that even people who already have insurance are having to worry about premiums, deductibles and copays going up in connection with OC.
Companies are raising rates and deductibles and they say it's because of Obamacare.

On my facebook page I posted a letter someone shared from BCBS and a friend said she got a similar letter.

The version available online: Show and tell with Shane Jansen » MacBourne's Musings

Because of the changes they've made my friend can no longer get pain management therapy because it went from affordable to $600 per month for her out of pocket and she can't do the out of pocket.

Companies have been raising their insurance rates for years at a lot higher rate than what's happening now, and there was no OC to blame it on. That's leades me to conclude that it's possible that OC makes a pretty good excuse for an insurance company which just might be planning on raising their rates anyway for totally different reasons, but this way they figure they can escape blame by pointing the finger at OC.

Whether your explanation is correct or not, it's still a fact that even people who already have insurance are having to worry about premiums, deductibles and copays going up in connection with OC.

Anyone over the age of probably 25 has one or more stories to tell about someone in a position of responsibility or authority who lied to them in an effort to shift blame or responsibility to someone else or something else. In fact, everyone does it to one degree or another. Generally, by the time you're old enough to recognize it when it happens, you almost have an expectation that it's going to happen at certain times when the powers that be find that the truth is embarrassing to them or it's inconvenient in some way.

With that said, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if insurance company executives see Obamacare as a convenient excuse for why they're raising their rates when the real reason may have absolutely nothing to do with Obamacare at all. They figure that it's easy to pass the buck in such a case.
Uh, FOXNews had a real man and his family of 4 from TN on this week where he said his insurance plan for his family went from $400 a month to over $1100 a month with a $24,000 deductible.

Yes, I said $24,000 deductible. Why the fuck even have insurance if you have to spend $24,000 before the insurance covers your expenses....

SEE, this is the kind of CRAP that people keep spouting on FOX News but is simply a lie...a BIG OLE FAT LIE.............

just a simple google search for maximum out of pocket expense per Law, and you would have found that it is $12,700 maximum allowed by law...

Under the law, the maximum amount a consumer with single coverage will pay out-of-pocket in 2014 will generally be $6,350 while a family could pay up to $12,700. Those totals include copayments and deductibles, but not premiums, and they apply only to plans that are not grandfathered under the law.

some of the grandfathered plans max was $10k a family, I believe?

SO THESE LIES being passed around by FOX news are just counting on the American citizen's ignorance and gullibility....

Bravo....they gotcha to believe them and pass the lie around!!! :clap2:
I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Heritage Foundation has demonstrated itself to be entirely inept at economic modelling.

Heritige Report Bush Tax Cut Predictions => The Economic Impact of President Bush's Tax Relief Plan

"Under President Bush's plan, an average family of four's inflation-adjusted disposable income would increase by $4,544 in fiscal year (FY) 2011, and the national debt would effectively be paid off by FY 2010."

And, the reality is that the economy tanked in a recession of 2009 which forced massive stimulus spending.

So, that didn't work out very will, as predictions go.

We should stick with Kaiser.

Kiaser Report => Average Obamacare Premiums Will Be Lower Than Projected - Kaiser Health News

The recession did not automatically trigger an increase in government spending.
You mean the 700 billion dollar bank bail out spending wasn't triggered by the crash/recession? Or the Auto bail out, or the goldman sachs bailout etc etc etc etc.? Or all of the bank and mortgage co. failures that the fed had to guarantee (FDIC) and pay? and the increase in Unemployment compensation, over and above what employers had contributed to the kitty? The list can go on forever quantum, for the spending rises due to the crash/great recession....imo.

Nope, it was triggered by idiots that believed the "Too big to fail" crap that was invented as an excuse to save rich people from their own stupidity.
It says right in their methodology this from the link in op:

This comparison is different from others in that, rather than comparing specific plans, it is designed to capture the difference in premium levels between the exchange and what could be acquired in the market.
So this IS NOT an apple to apple comparison, and the figures shown in the chart tell us nothing...

I truly wish someone out there would show us an apple to apple comparison, so we can see what it truly is....instead of this meaningless crud.....

I'd really like to know, how much it has gone up for an EQUAL policy, before and after exchange, if indeed it has gone up for 'an equal in' benefit coverage, deductible, and copay plan....
You may have answered your own question when it comes to comparing apples to apples.
many and most without insurance and/or those buying full coverage individual plans on their own, can and will benefit from the Exchange, via subsidies or via a lower costing plan with equal ded, out of poc, and coverage as their existing plan....

here is who will not be helped that I can gather:

-Adults without children earning less than the poverty level, whose State does not offer the expanded medicaid coverage the ACA offered to each State.

-People who don't want insurance, never wanted insurance will be hurt slightly with the tax penalty if they are middle class and above, (lower income will get exceptions for the penalty.) providing both continue to not have insurance

-People who are middle income and above, who have bought insurance plans each year, that have minimal coverage for the basic things, or very high deductibles, but cover them with catastrophic/hospitalization, because those plans are not meeting minimum coverage...many are being dropped....though I do know a few people who have chosen the catastrophic plans still and chose to pay the penalty as well, with still savings from not having to buy a full coverage plan.

help me, if I left anyone out?

Regardless of subsidies, plans are still cheaper in group plans at employers for the middle income every day Joe....

I don't understand why our gvt, once more people sign up for insurance policies from the companies on the exchange, should not be able to negotiate a "group policy" plan from these Insurance guys....just like any group of company can.....???

Many people see insurance as a protection against a catastrophic event and would prefer to purchase only insurance for a catastrophic event. Unfortunately, no such medical insurance like that now exists under the new laws. Automobile insurance was never meant to replace an accidental flat tire and medical insurance shouldn't be used for an annual physical.

Personally, I would prefer a low cost medical insurance plan where I paid for the common things like an annual physical, the occasional stitches from a cut or occasional tetanus vaccine and insurance only kicked in if I had something really expensive happen. At which point, I'd want my insurance to cover 100% of costs above the threshold I had determined with my premiums. Note, my maximum threshold may be higher than yours, thus my insurance would be cheaper than yours if all other things were equal.
You can buy a bronze plan with a fairly high deductible and you will pay almost all your medical expenses up to the deductible. How high the deductible is depends on the the state and the plan. In my state a 35 year old male can get a bronze plan with a:
$6300 deductible
$6300 maximum out of pocket expense so everything is paid for after the deductible.
Premium is $212/mo.

If you have an income of less than $48000/yr then the premium will be less because of the subsidy, however if you want the subsidy you must buy the plan on the exchange. If your income is $24000, then the premium drops to about $120/mo.
The bureaucrats fumbling their way through Obamacare have come up with complicated formulas to decide how much each of us will pay for Obamacare, once the mandate forces us to comply. The formulas have not been released, having been kept secret for some reason.

But some people have sat down and gone through the Federal and State exchanges to find the rates required for a young person, an older person, and a family of four, for each state.

Most people in most states will see large increases. A few will see decreases.


Enrollment in Obamacare Exchanges: How Will Your Health Insurance Fare?

My state seems to be the highest! Then I read this little footnote:
"Virginia’s data likely has data entry errors. Omitting the entries that are likely incorrect suggests that Virginia’s likely premium increases are 115 percent for 27-year-olds, 65 percent for 50-year-olds, and 30 percent for a family of four."

If they think that there are errors, why portray it in the numbers that they did?
Why is anyone surprised? The law explicitly forces millions of people to buy something they do not want or need. Of course it costs more.
That table was concocted by confirmed anti-Obamacare partisans from, or affiliated with, the Heritage foundation.

That makes them effectively an interested party, and thus their 'testimony' unless objectively verified, is suspect.
The simplest reason the thread title is a lie?

I have employer based healthcare insurance that is not increasing at all because of Obamacare. I suspect most people on this forum fall into that, or a similar, category.

What is it with conservatives and their starting thread after thread premised on outright lies?
Uh, FOXNews had a real man and his family of 4 from TN on this week where he said his insurance plan for his family went from $400 a month to over $1100 a month with a $24,000 deductible.

Yes, I said $24,000 deductible. Why the fuck even have insurance if you have to spend $24,000 before the insurance covers your expenses....

You're dealing with Yankee, mostly New Yawk sleaze on this site. They couldn't give a a damn about the plight of someone in TN.

Yup, Southerners are considered subhuman.
many and most without insurance and/or those buying full coverage individual plans on their own, can and will benefit from the Exchange, via subsidies or via a lower costing plan with equal ded, out of poc, and coverage as their existing plan....

here is who will not be helped that I can gather:

-Adults without children earning less than the poverty level, whose State does not offer the expanded medicaid coverage the ACA offered to each State.

-People who don't want insurance, never wanted insurance will be hurt slightly with the tax penalty if they are middle class and above, (lower income will get exceptions for the penalty.) providing both continue to not have insurance

-People who are middle income and above, who have bought insurance plans each year, that have minimal coverage for the basic things, or very high deductibles, but cover them with catastrophic/hospitalization, because those plans are not meeting minimum coverage...many are being dropped....though I do know a few people who have chosen the catastrophic plans still and chose to pay the penalty as well, with still savings from not having to buy a full coverage plan.

help me, if I left anyone out?

Regardless of subsidies, plans are still cheaper in group plans at employers for the middle income every day Joe....

I don't understand why our gvt, once more people sign up for insurance policies from the companies on the exchange, should not be able to negotiate a "group policy" plan from these Insurance guys....just like any group of company can.....???

How can they chose a plan that is not aca compliant? What companies are offering a plan that does not follow the law?

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