How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

Well they were wrong. His chief military advisors called for a minimum of 10,000 for a SOFA and Obama wanted between 3,500 and 5,000.

Obama had different positions at different times. Just like he's done with ISIS in the past few weeks. Haven't you been watching tht?
I got that; I'm quoting his last position before SOFA was declared a failure. I don't believe he will get any backing from congress because he's shown himself to be an unwilling leader - and that's why his "broad coalition" will fail to win members; for lack of trust. Unlike Bush II which fielded troops from 38 countries, he can only claim the Kurds, a reconstituted Iraqi contingent, and some folks from the Free Syrian Army.

Nothing's going to happen and it's better that it doesn't. Leave it for a real leader in 2017. The American people don't trust him to fulfill a military mission and that's reflected by congress .

Holy shit.... a post I almost agree with. I agree that no matter what O does, it will only embolden ISIS because they don't fear him. And I agree we have to wait for the real leader in 2017.

The only problem is we can't just do nothing. Just since June they've tripled their recruits. Our weakness only emboldens them. Doing nothing at all is even worse then O doing little.
We are most fortunate that EconChick and 1776 are not in charge, and no one who is thinks like them.
The time to cut loses is now, before the US gets sucked in for another decade and another trillion. Let the Iraqis work it out, and then deal with whoever is left standing.
The US invasion and occupation to find the WMD that were supposedly hidden from UN inspectors in March 2003 was over in 2008 when Bush announced the Iraqis were ready to defend themselves and no WMD were ever found. So that means that zero US troops should have been left in Iraq after the deadline that Bush and Maliki agreed to came to pass. What is going on now is a new war against the IS terrorists.

And No US troops will be needed for direct combat in Iraq so your question is as wrong and stupid as the statement you made a couple months ago.

He requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations.

Give it up. You've been exposed. You have no idea what you are talking about in the past. So you have nothing worthwhile to say about the future.

Air strikes and advisers will suffice in Iraq.
Yup, when we stick our military nose into the business of other sovereign countries, shit like this happens.

You break it, you own it.


Like I've established before you're pretty uninformed when it comes to macroeconomics....and certainly the global economy.

So, you're both an economic expert and an expert in Iraqi relations? I can't wait to see what other fields you coincidentally are an expert in. Maybe an expert in race relations in the next Ferguson, MO thread? An expert in healthcare in the next Obamacare thread? Ha! Nobody really believes you. :lol:

Why? Is that because as a highly accomplished person who has come out of the woodwork because I'm sick of you fucking lying libs destroying my can't relate to being so accomplished?

When I was briefing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a member of the military, I was working on the first of my two master's at the time just for fun. And it happened to be in economics at the time.

Who gives a shit if a low life believes me. You losers couldn't be more different than a hard worker like myself.
The US invasion and occupation to find the WMD that were supposedly hidden from UN inspectors in March 2003 was over in 2008 when Bush announced the Iraqis were ready to defend themselves and no WMD were ever found. So that means that zero US troops should have been left in Iraq after the deadline that Bush and Maliki agreed to came to pass. What is going on now is a new war against the IS terrorists.

And No US troops will be needed for direct combat in Iraq so your question is as wrong and stupid as the statement you made a couple months ago.

He requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations.

Give it up. You've been exposed. You have no idea what you are talking about in the past. So you have nothing worthwhile to say about the future.

Air strikes and advisers will suffice in Iraq.

Shut the fuck up asshole. You've already been destroyed by the military people on this site, shit for brains.
"Here is what we need to do:

  • Stop creating wars.
  • Stop funding and arming mercenaries.
  • Stop causing abject chaos by “liberating” countries and delivering them to illegitimate non-state actors, i.e. terrorists.
  • Stop NATO and other Western front groups from promoting neo-conservative agendas which lust for empire, for control of oil and gas resources, and which bait countries into conflict to cause an increase in arms trade.
  • Stop playing the naïve fool and falling for the theater of propaganda while interest groups and arms dealers stand at the cash register."
The Islamic State ISIS Libya NATO and Preventing the Next 9 11 Global Research
aaronleland....with its mental disease talking shit, ludicrous and hilarious.

Hey, you want to see the consummate idiot on this subject though? Wait till you hear this retard NotFooled talk. LMAO.
I told you months ago to find a bus bumper with your name on it.

The US invasion and occupation to find the WMD that were supposedly hidden from UN inspectors in March 2003 was over in 2008 when Bush announced the Iraqis were ready to defend themselves and no WMD were ever found. So that means that zero US troops should have been left in Iraq after the deadline that Bush and Maliki agreed to came to pass. What is going on now is a new war against the IS terrorists.

And No US troops will be needed for direct combat in Iraq so your question is as wrong and stupid as the statement you made a couple months ago.
He requires that the Iraqi Legislature had to approve the agreement. Well a) that's difficult for a western legis but especially for one as messy as this one but b) that has never been a requirement in any of the 40 other SOFA agreements we have with other nations.


And you STILL can't tell the dif between 2008 and 2011 SOFAs moron!!! LMAO.

Go back to bed Tokyo Rose, no one wants to hear your bullshit.
I told you months ago to find a bus bumper with your name on it.

The US invasion and occupation to find the WMD that were supposedly hidden from UN inspectors in March 2003 was over in 2008 when Bush announced the Iraqis were ready to defend themselves and no WMD were ever found. So that means that zero US troops should have been left in Iraq after the deadline that Bush and Maliki agreed to came to pass. What is going on now is a new war against the IS terrorists.

And No US troops will be needed for direct combat in Iraq so your question is as wrong and stupid as the statement you made a couple months ago.

Why? Is that because as a highly accomplished person who has come out of the woodwork because I'm sick of you fucking lying libs destroying my can't relate to being so accomplished?

When I was briefing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a member of the military, I was working on the first of my two master's at the time just for fun. And it happened to be in economics at the time.

Who gives a shit if a low life believes me. You losers couldn't be more different than a hard worker like myself.

You're a sock who spends too much time on message boards. You are not an expert in either of those subjects. Even your friends on this site don't really believe you. Like you, they are hacks. :lol:
Liberal and losertarian scum that hate the CIA and US military talk about killing terrorists/fighting wars is a waste of money, but they don't understand the concept that means they support the terrorists/our enemies.

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