How Much You Wanna Bet We Put The Amount Of Troops Back In Iraq We Should've Left There?

Are you saying you want to have respectful discourse back and forth? Let me know if I'm reading you right...because I will then hold you to it. And I've got Vigilante as my witness if you back track. :)

yeah...feel free to answer...once you go partisan im out

Feel free? Dude, you're the one extending the olive branch. Give me a reason to trust you. Feel free would suggest I gave the olive branch. You need to demonstrate an act of good faith.

Actually, can you give me a feel for your background so I know what your reference point is?

Are you ex military?
i am an opinionated ass.....thats about it. My beliefs are my own. I deal in logic and I deal in everything with an agnostic viewpoint. You have to prove it in order for me to believe it. My .reference point is objective observation

I extended it, whether or not you take up the offer is your issue, not mine.

Plasma, did you watch the PBS documentary, Losing Iraq?
yes.....had you read my posts which i know you have, you would know i ave an overview of what happened.

I don't remember what many people have said....only those I've had extensive exchange with. You're saying you watched that and came away with the conclusion Obama had no choice.

It clearly showed why Obama lost Iraq.
Does OP like the prospect of spending more borrowed $$$ on top of the TRILLIONS already spent on that country where the people throw down their guns and walk away at the first hint of trouble AFTER the Repub admin spent how many BILLIONS of TAXPAYER money training them for years?

Why did Bu$hCo go in there when his daddy wrote a book on why NOT to go in & then Sen. Obama said it was a fools errand to go in as well. :eusa_think: WHY?!!! :(


Oh yeah, four presidents have gone into Iraq because of Bush's daddy.....roll eyes...

Love how you ran away. Dum dum.
Over a trillion dollars wasted.

Thousands of young American lives lost.

Thousands more young American limbs and minds lost.

Thousands of young American families destroyed.

Hundreds of thousands of Middle East citizens dead.

The Middle East hornets' nest we warned about, kicked wide open.

All because someone convinced us about the "mushroom cloud".

A self-inflicted wound of historic proportions, brought to us by Commander In Chief Bush.

yeah...feel free to answer...once you go partisan im out

Feel free? Dude, you're the one extending the olive branch. Give me a reason to trust you. Feel free would suggest I gave the olive branch. You need to demonstrate an act of good faith.

Actually, can you give me a feel for your background so I know what your reference point is?

Are you ex military?
i am an opinionated ass.....thats about it. My beliefs are my own. I deal in logic and I deal in everything with an agnostic viewpoint. You have to prove it in order for me to believe it. My .reference point is objective observation

I extended it, whether or not you take up the offer is your issue, not mine.

Plasma, did you watch the PBS documentary, Losing Iraq?
yes.....had you read my posts which i know you have, you would know i ave an overview of what happened.

I don't remember what many people have said....only those I've had extensive exchange with. You're saying you watched that and came away with the conclusion Obama had no choice.

It clearly showed why Obama lost Iraq.

Well i came with the fact that Obama isnt just to blame and the context is a tad more deep than " Obama lost Iraq"

You could go back to putting Saddam in charge, or even the Europeans splitting up the Middle East as part of the cause for this. But too keep it closer in time you Start with bush, and end with Obama. The blame is everywhere,
Obama has been proven to be a fucking idiot.

The Bush plan was to keep between 5K-10K US troops in Iraq to maintain the peace while helping Iraq grow their military and government in "peace."

Obama fucked that all up and now has to send in 5K-10K troops to fight ISIS....maybe more all the while costing more money than if we just stayed in place a few years ago.

Asswipe, it's called being proven right....a foreign concept to you, inbred.

There are a lot of moistened panties in the GOP over the prospect of troops being put on the ground over there.

You guys might get your fix after all these years congrats :clap2:
Over a trillion dollars wasted.

Thousands of young American lives lost.

Thousands more young American limbs and minds lost.

Thousands of young American families destroyed.

Hundreds of thousands of Middle East citizens dead.

The Middle East hornets' nest we warned about, kicked wide open.

All because someone convinced us about the "mushroom cloud".

A self-inflicted wound of historic proportions, brought to us by Commander In Chief Bush.


Yo dum dum, what do you think sarin gas that's in Syria is???????????? You know, the stuff O drew a red line for. It's chem WMD. Let me repeat this ...chem WMD.

The only thing anyone can claim is WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ. One more time...IN IRAQ. (and even that is debated due to 500 tons of yellowcake shipped out in 2008)
Over a trillion dollars wasted.

Thousands of young American lives lost.

Thousands more young American limbs and minds lost.

Thousands of young American families destroyed.

Hundreds of thousands of Middle East citizens dead.

The Middle East hornets' nest we warned about, kicked wide open.

All because someone convinced us about the "mushroom cloud".

A self-inflicted wound of historic proportions, brought to us by Commander In Chief Bush.


Yo dum dum, what do you think sarin gas that's in Syria is???????????? You know, the stuff O drew a red line for. It's chem WMD. Let me repeat this ...chem WMD.

The only thing anyone can claim is WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ. One more time...IN IRAQ. (and even that is debated due to 500 tons of yellowcake shipped out in 2008)

You have to defend this atrocity, I don't.

You have to defend the costs, I don't.

Too bad.


Yeah, retard, I'm the one that's gone to those funerals, not you.

Ask those people if they believed in what they were doing. If you'd gone to funerals you'd know many did.You're just a fuckin hack that knows not the first thing about this topic.

Yeah, retard, I'm the one that's gone to those funerals, not you.

Ask those people if they believed in what they were doing. If you'd gone to funerals you'd know many did.You're just a fuckin hack that knows not the first thing about this topic.

I would ask them, but they're dead.

Their kids are without their father.

Over a trillion dollars wasted.

Thousands of young American lives lost.

Thousands more young American limbs and minds lost.

Thousands of young American families destroyed.

Hundreds of thousands of Middle East citizens dead.

The Middle East hornets' nest we warned about, kicked wide open.

All because someone convinced us about the "mushroom cloud".

A self-inflicted wound of historic proportions, brought to us by Commander In Chief Bush.


Yo dum dum, what do you think sarin gas that's in Syria is???????????? You know, the stuff O drew a red line for. It's chem WMD. Let me repeat this ...chem WMD.

The only thing anyone can claim is WMD wasn't found IN IRAQ. One more time...IN IRAQ. (and even that is debated due to 500 tons of yellowcake shipped out in 2008)

You have to defend this atrocity, I don't.

You have to defend the costs, I don't.

Too bad.


You're damn right you fucking pansy ass wimp. People like the ones you just showed pictures of and people like me have done the heavy lifting for you wimp ass pussies that reap the benefits.

How's it feel to have no inner core?

Yeah, retard, I'm the one that's gone to those funerals, not you.

Ask those people if they believed in what they were doing. If you'd gone to funerals you'd know many did.You're just a fuckin hack that knows not the first thing about this topic.

I would ask them, but they're dead.

Their kids are without their father.


Nice punt, wimp ass. You say that about WWII Vets too, coward?
As usual, limp dick pussy losertarians talk out their ass as if they know what the troops want to do in Iraq and other places.

As a 20-year veteran that deployed 4 times since 2005....I say shut the fuck up about what you think the troops want to do in regards to killing terrorists overseas.

It is too bad we can't hand you scum over to ISIS so they can wear themselves out cutting off your heads.
Obama has already put the 1400 he publicly announced over the past few weeks. After the election he will certainly pour more in. By December 31, I predict at LEAST a Brigade will be sent. By next year there will be more.

Zero was the amount we should have ever put there.

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