How Nice to Discover This Message Board!

You'll see a few familiar faces here. And a few of us with names changed to protect the not so innocent. ;)

Welcome aboard!
Were you voted off the MCNBC Island or did you manage to escape on an inner tube?

I've not been to the MSNBC site, but I can gare roan tee this is a better place. This is about as unbiased as you can get...thanks to the participation of the moderators...from all facets of the political gem, with posters running the gamut in all metrics. The bell shaped curve is proved continuously to be alive a well on USMB.
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Welcome. I found two acronyms for MSNBC:

A. Microsoft/National Broadcasting Company (I find this one very dubious)
B. More Snotty Nonsense by Creeps (Maybe.... Just maybe..... )

Hope ya brought your haz-mat suit. Your gonna need it.
Welcome. You will find you will be more neg rep'd by the idiot righty's in here than pos rep'd by us thoughful lefty's. You see, the righty's in here have more rep power, so good luck with that.

Oh and welcome aboard. This is a crazy righty world here, just take a look at the new thread titles.
well, if you come from MSNBC, we may have problems.

But until then, Glad to see you.

Let us shake hands, go to our corners and come out fighting.
Opposite political poles.

she seems a sweetie though. which is good. Which doesn't mean we won't have disagreements.
I, too, am an MSNBC Message Board Refugee. (sigh) I miss the "Pope Board." I miss T's Bar, too.

:welcome: 2 USMB LisaMC-D, your 'journeys end' a new one begins, enjoy and don't forget your meds, you'll need them in a couple weeks anyway in order to reply to some threads.:D

Another NJ blogger who can still afford an internet connection after taxes. :clap2:

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