How not to end inflation

How not to end inflation? Keep spending trillions of dollars that we ain't got!

To do that we have to get people to quit voting for either Rs or Ds.

what are the chances that happens?
I'm not so sure that containers on a ship could support lives for weeks on end.
The mass amount of drugs entering our country is not coming from China, but
is coming from Mexico.
WTF? I really thought you knew that.

And all this time the people on this forum have been blaming China for all the fentanyl coming into the country. I will send them your way from now on when they do that .
Dude, they are making the chemical, and it's being processed in Mexico.
The drug not coming from China.
And all this time the people on this forum have been blaming China for all the fentanyl coming into the country. I will send them your way from now on when they do that .

Sorry to burst your bubble, also, there is no Easter Bunny
Create 5 plus hour delays for trucks at the Mexico/US border.

Trucks are facing lengthy delays along the Texas-Mexico border, with wait times at some border crossings exceeding five hours and commercial traffic dropping by as much as 60 percent. The longer than average wait times – and the subsequent supply chain disruptions – are unrelated to CBP screening activities and are due to additional and unnecessary inspections being conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) at the order of the Governor of Texas.

View attachment 630264
Having a hard time getting your cocaine I see. Not enough slave labor?
5 hours? OMG. Horrific.
Just a typical Friday afternoon on the 405 in LA.
Make it in America with American labor.
Create 5 plus hour delays for trucks at the Mexico/US border.

Trucks are facing lengthy delays along the Texas-Mexico border, with wait times at some border crossings exceeding five hours and commercial traffic dropping by as much as 60 percent. The longer than average wait times – and the subsequent supply chain disruptions – are unrelated to CBP screening activities and are due to additional and unnecessary inspections being conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) at the order of the Governor of Texas.

View attachment 630264
I guess maybe they could start doing that, but it sure has not happened yet

You've got to be kidding. During Trump's term in office, EVERY spending bill that got passed were always deals with the democrats cuz outside of a reconciliation the GOP had to have some democrat support, and EVERY TIME it was always the democrats that wanted to spend more. Sometimes almost double what the repubs wanted and they'd both compromise in the middle somewhere.

Even now, with Biden in the WH it is the democrats who want to spend crazy money, a lot more than the repubs do and even a few democrats don't want to spend as much as the rest of them do. Which is not to say the repubs want to balance the budget to keep spending down to whatever the revenue is, despite the tough talk, it appears not be politically wise to do that these days. And maybe it's fair to say that the repubs did spend a lot of COVID relief money that did lead to the inflation we have now, BUT clearly nowhere near as much as the democrats wanted. And IMHO it was the democrats who passed the last huge relief bill under Biden without repub support.
You've got to be kidding. During Trump's term in office, EVERY spending bill that got passed were always deals with the democrats cuz outside of a reconciliation the GOP had to have some democrat support, and EVERY TIME it was always the democrats that wanted to spend more. Sometimes almost double what the repubs wanted and they'd both compromise in the middle somewhere.

Even now, with Biden in the WH it is the democrats who want to spend crazy money, a lot more than the repubs do and even a few democrats don't want to spend as much as the rest of them do. Which is not to say the repubs want to balance the budget to keep spending down to whatever the revenue is, despite the tough talk, it appears not be politically wise to do that these days. And maybe it's fair to say that the repubs did spend a lot of COVID relief money that did lead to the inflation we have now, BUT clearly nowhere near as much as the democrats wanted. And IMHO it was the democrats who passed the last huge relief bill under Biden without repub support.

The starting point for every year's budget is what the President submits. During Trump's term in office EVERY budget request was larger than the one before it. By the time he was done he was asking for 1.1 trillion dollars more than Obama did.

Trump never tried to cut spending, he just wanted to spend it in different places than the Dems.
The starting point for every year's budget is what the President submits. During Trump's term in office EVERY budget request was larger than the one before it. By the time he was done he was asking for 1.1 trillion dollars more than Obama did.

Trump never tried to cut spending, he just wanted to spend it in different places than the Dems.

We ain't talking about budgets, that has zip to do with inflation. We're talking about the actual spending that took place, who cares what the starting point was. It is the actual spending that mattered, that's what actually flooded the economy with too much money that led to the inflation we have now. And BTW I have not checked, but I'd bet money that the % raise in Trump's budgets were less than Obama's and Biden's. It's true he wasn't what you might call fiscal conservative by any stretch, but many repubs in congress were/are and that is what really matters because they and not the prez actually pass the appropriation bills. There's no way the democrats and the repubs in Congress are the same when it comes to spending our money.
We ain't talking about budgets, that has zip to do with inflation. We're talking about the actual spending that took place, who cares what the starting point was.

The actual spending that takes place comes from the budget.

The starting point is important for setting the tone of the negations. If you are buying a house will you start at more than you actually want to spend or less?

It's true he wasn't what you might call fiscal conservative by any stretch, but many repubs in congress were/are and that is what really matters because they and not the prez actually pass the appropriation bills. There's no way the democrats and the repubs in Congress are the same when it comes to spending our money.

Outside of maybe Rand Paul there is not a fiscal conservative. They both want to spend way more money than we have, the only place they differ is what they want to spend it on.
The actual spending that takes place comes from the budget.

Baloney. The actual spending that takes place may or may not start with the budget, but it ends with the appropriations and that is all that matters when it comes to inflation.

Outside of maybe Rand Paul there is not a fiscal conservative. They both want to spend way more money than we have, the only place they differ is what they want to spend it on.

That is so not true. The democrats ALWAYS want to spend more than the repubs do, except on natl defense and the southern wall. But to say that's the only place where they differ is totally false. The main driver in the overspending over the past couple of years was the COVID Relief bills, which were ALWAYS more than the GOP wanted and far less than what the democrats wanted. Except for the last time when the democrats passed it under reconciliation last March over republican objections for being too inflationary. The difference in spending between the 2 parties is stark; ever hear of the Green New Deal? $94 Trillion according to some estimates, and which party wants to spend that much? Hint: it ain't the GOP.
Baloney. The actual spending that takes place may or may not start with the budget, but it ends with the appropriations and that is all that matters when it comes to inflation.

The budget is the starting point for setting the appropriations. Do you think Congress just makes up numbers out of the blue for each Department?

That is so not true. The democrats ALWAYS want to spend more than the repubs do, except on natl defense and the southern wall.

As I said they only differ on where to spend the money. Who was the last Repub POTUS to cut the deficit?

The main driver in the overspending over the past couple of years was the COVID Relief bills, which were ALWAYS more than the GOP wanted and far less than what the democrats wanted.

Really, odd as I recall Trump asking for even more in the bill passed and signed by him in Dec 2020.

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