How Not To Show You Are NOT An Antisemite: Commissioner Khaliq Raufi Edition.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Meet Khaliq Raufi, member of San Diego County’s Human Relations Commission.

In a meeting focused on previous troubling comments by fellow Commissioner George Khoury, who was accused of antisemitism by calling Israel a “racist, fascist state,” Raufi showed just how lacking in self awareness some Jew haters are.

While coming to the defense of a fellow commissioner who had drawn outrage for earlier comments on Israel, Khaliq Raufi made offensive remarks of his own, falsely asserting that Judaism teaches Jews to kill.

Raufi said he’d read a few verses in Deuteronomy, the fifth book of both the Torah and Christian Old Testament. “It states ‘Go kill Palestinians. Wipe them all out,’” Raufi said Tuesday. “So it’s a teaching that they, on a daily basis, teach their followers in their synagogues.”

Audible surprise came from those in the audience. Among them was Sara Brown, regional director of the American Jewish Committee of San Diego, who could be heard saying, “Are you serious right now?”

“Antisemitism takes many forms, it is ever-shifting — so it’s crucial for the county leadership to understand the ways in which it can manifest,” Brown later told the San Diego Union-Tribune. “The HRC and the leadership failed the Jewish community.”

Personally, I always try to be sensitive to the Jewish people. I just learned recently that Jews don't like it, and consider it "offensive" when people use the word "Jew" as a verb.

e.g., the phrase "I went into the used car dealer, and I got a good deal after I jewed him down on the price" offends a lot of Jewish people. Try not to use the word "jew" as a verb, if you are speaking in earshot of Jewish people, else they might think you are an anti-semite even if you ain't.

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