How nothing burgers start everything wars


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
I have never been a fan of sanctions. Their major impact is to give the rulers we oppose an excuse for their own failings and close ranks with the people against the outsider. They hurt the people, of course, but help the rulers, when our stated goal is to weaken the rulers on behalf of the people (I hate how stupid we are).

I can't think of a single time sanctions accomplished the stated goals. What they are is a weak way for members of Congress to appear "brave" or indignant. Or (and this is where the problems really begin to multiply), they are a way for warmongers to achieve their ends.

Does anyone remember what precipitated our entry into WWII? We would say the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. The Japanese would say it was our sanctions, that their bombing of Pearl Harbor was only retaliation for the sanctions we placed on them.

Now the weak, corrupt, timid, irresponsible Congress is unjustly imposing even more sanctions on Russia on top of already unjustifiable and provocative sanctions we have on them. And we move one step closer to war.

War with a nation that has the means to rain thermonuclear weapons on the United States.Thermonuclear. A thermonuclear bomb uses an atomic bomb like we dropped on Hiroshima as its ignition switch. A thermonuclear bomb is the largest bomb ever detonated and it was detonated by Russia. Forty years ago. That bomb caused shock waves that traveled through the earth's crust all the way around the world back to where it was detonated...three times.

There is an agreement between Russia and the United States that neither will ever use a thermonuclear device. How much is that agreement worth? The answer is: nothing. If a conventional war were to break out between Russia and the United States, even if, at the outset, everyone solemnly swore to leave the thermonuclear weapons in their silos, before the end of the war, the losing side is going to get to that "ah, fuck it" moment. When everything seems hopeless and you are losing and you still have these Tsar Bombas sitting in their silos... those agreements don't mean shit.

So it is hideously irresponsible for the Congress to be imposing sanctions on Russia for doing something--interfering in our election--that other countries like Israel, Mexico, and China routinely do--that we, in fact, routinely do ourselves--an interference half of our people don't even believe happened, that our president denies happened, and that there isn't a shred of evidence for.

Today, the Senate voted 98-2 for sanctions. Every single senator but two showed himself a weak, irresponsible puppet. Who were the two adults in the room? Rand Paul of Kentucky and Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
Hadn't thought that much of it before, other than what a failure a half century of sanctions have been against Cuba.
The sanctions are mostly against specific individuals close to Putin. That's smart.

Also sanctions helped end apartheid.
The sanctions are mostly against specific individuals close to Putin. That's smart.

Also sanctions helped end apartheid.
The Russians have already retaliated and we are one step closer to war. How is that smart? What have these "specific individuals" done that harms the United States to such a degree we are willing to risk thermonuclear war over it?

As for sanctions helping to end apartheid, apartheid has not ended, alas. In fact, there is a bill making its way through Congress that would make it a felony to support those sanctions, if you can believe it.

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