How Old Were They On July 4, 1776?

Those ages (assuming they are more or less accurate) are quite striking in today's context.

But think about the stage of life we call "adolescence." It didn't exist at that time.

In rough terms, "adolescence" is the period from puberty until adulthood. In 1776 it DID NOT EXIST. at puberty, a young man either went to the university (if he were rich), started an apprenticeship, or started working full time on the family farm.

A 20-year-old in 1776 had been functioning as an adult for 6-8 years. With no radio, television, internet, etc., he had probably read the Bible many times over, the Greek and Roman classics, was familiar with other literature and music that were popular at the time. CONVERSATION was also raised to an art form, and one can see from the writings of the Founding Fathers that they were experienced and making and defending arguments, understanding complex philosophical points, and using logic to apply philosophical theories to practical situations.

On a more personal note, the culture of "instant gratification" had not been invented yet, and they understood that sometimes taking a step in the right direction was a satisfactory activity, even if the final result lay decades in the future.

Moreover, they were able to see fairly quickly that the Articles of Confederation were not working, so they did what was perhaps the finest "do-over" in the history of Government.

Certainly, these were not super-men, but we are fortunate to have had them, and to live with their legacy.
Those ages (assuming they are more or less accurate) are quite striking in today's context.

But think about the stage of life we call "adolescence." It didn't exist at that time.

In rough terms, "adolescence" is the period from puberty until adulthood. In 1776 it DID NOT EXIST. at puberty, a young man either went to the university (if he were rich), started an apprenticeship, or started working full time on the family farm.

A 20-year-old in 1776 had been functioning as an adult for 6-8 years. With no radio, television, internet, etc., he had probably read the Bible many times over, the Greek and Roman classics, was familiar with other literature and music that were popular at the time. CONVERSATION was also raised to an art form, and one can see from the writings of the Founding Fathers that they were experienced and making and defending arguments, understanding complex philosophical points, and using logic to apply philosophical theories to practical situations.

On a more personal note, the culture of "instant gratification" had not been invented yet, and they understood that sometimes taking a step in the right direction was a satisfactory activity, even if the final result lay decades in the future.

Moreover, they were able to see fairly quickly that the Articles of Confederation were not working, so they did what was perhaps the finest "do-over" in the history of Government.

Certainly, these were not super-men, but we are fortunate to have had them, and to live with their legacy.

You seem to be mixing up the Revolution with the Civil War. Before the Revolution, the states were colonies of the crown. The Articles of Confederation was developed as our Constitution when we were Colonies.

The Articles of Confederation, formally the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13 founding states that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution.[1] Its drafting by the Continental Congress began in mid-1776, and an approved version was sent to the states for ratification in late 1777. The formal ratification by all 13 states was completed in early 1781. Even when not yet ratified, the Articles provided domestic and international legitimacy for the Continental Congress to direct the American Revolutionary War, conduct diplomacy with Europe and deal with territorial issues and Native American relations. Nevertheless, the weakness of the government created by the Articles became a matter of concern for key nationalists. On March 4, 1789, the Articles were replaced with the U.S. Constitution.[2][3] The new Constitution provided for a much stronger national government with a chief executive (the president), courts, and taxing powers.

Articles of Confederation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was the Confederacy that wanted them back.
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It just further demonstrates how serious those people took the founding of this country and the ideas that they had.

These people didn't "feel" their way to a new country. They used their brains and thought it through.

BTW, less than 35% of the population actually was for seperating from England at the time, IIRC. About half the population didn't care one or the other prior to the actually starting. About 20% was loyal to England.

So today's republicans worship Putin and would like to run him for president. How things change.
A couple of questions for the history buffs.

Why did Adams believe July 2 was the date of our independence?

Why did Jefferson change Locke's property to the pursuit of happiness?

Did the Congress accept Jefferson's Declaration with no changes?

Why did Jefferson direct so much of the Declaration to George III and not to the British Parliament?
It just further demonstrates how serious those people took the founding of this country and the ideas that they had.

These people didn't "feel" their way to a new country. They used their brains and thought it through.

BTW, less than 35% of the population actually was for seperating from England at the time, IIRC. About half the population didn't care one or the other prior to the actually starting. About 20% was loyal to England.

So today's republicans worship Putin and would like to run him for president. How things change.
If that is what you truly believe, then I would urge you to seek help for your addiction.
It just further demonstrates how serious those people took the founding of this country and the ideas that they had.

These people didn't "feel" their way to a new country. They used their brains and thought it through.

BTW, less than 35% of the population actually was for seperating from England at the time, IIRC. About half the population didn't care one or the other prior to the actually starting. About 20% was loyal to England.

So today's republicans worship Putin and would like to run him for president. How things change.
If that is what you truly believe, then I would urge you to seek help for your addiction.
Have you seen my sigline? :lol:
Has anyone noticed that the Progressives have really been laying the smear on the Founding Fathers lately?
In what way? By listing their ages? :lol:

What was the purpose of this thread then?
To show how young the FF were on July 4, 1776.

Most people, when they hear 'Founding Fathers', picture old wise men. But they were young wise men.

I have a question: why are you so slow-witted?
Has anyone noticed that the Progressives have really been laying the smear on the Founding Fathers lately?

They always have indirectly, for the founders represent everything they find abominable, independence, service, risk. They risked it all. Every person who signed the Irish Declaration of Independence was murdered by the crown. That could have happened to all of our signers as well.

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