How PC pathetic Hollywood is ruining movies. Rogue One flop according to Gavin Mccinnes

Could care less what goes on in the world of Hollyweird. It's all make-believe and thus completely irrelevant to the real world. What they think is right or wrong, important or unimportant is completely meaningless and of no interest to me whatsoever. If they make a buck, fine. If not, that's fine too.
OP can't think for himself......a supporter of Drumplethinskin.

Well, do share all your brilliant and altruistic alternative ideas and political heroes with us sometime won't you?

We know you pride yourself in snarky snippets but it really does nothing for you (or us). In my opinion.

(Of course if your an atheist or some who-gives-a-shit agnostic then I retract all of my comments and criticisms. I cannot possibly hold your responsible for any thoughts on what is best for our world.)

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