How Police Treat Black and White Teens

So you lost to a white boy growing up? How else would you know that it's embarrassing?

Nope. Never lost to white boy growing up. 95% of white men could not beat me in unarmed 1 on combat. I'd destroy them,.

Woah, hold on, we got us an

You'll jiggle those man boobs and knock us the fuck out.....

I lost in Wrestling to this black guy my senior year. Cody was built like a god. Took 3rd his junior year. My senior year was only my 3rd year wrestling. I was Varsity my 1st year, All League my Junior year but got knocked out in regionals my junior year. So my senior year, Cody beat me during the regular season. Maybe a couple times. But every time we wrestled, I tested him and roughed him up. He was just a more skilled wrestler than me. So now I have to wrestle the great Cody to become All State. One of us is going home and will not be All State. Remember, he took 3rd the year before and had never lost to me. But this was for all the marbles. On the way to the match someone from Lakeland said, "hey Sealybobo, you got Cody next?" and I sadly said "yea" because I thought I was going to lose. He said, "Cody was complaining that he had to wrestle that crazy white boy". That was all it took. I knew he didn't want to be wrestling me. I whipped him.

You probably cheated. Or got gifted a decision.

What happened to him is my nightmare. I've actually had dreams I had one more year to wrestle and possibly place higher than I did the year before. Only I got knocked out instead of doing better. So I handed Cody my nightmare. I'm sure to this day he thinks of me and isn't happy. Me, I think of him and smile.

Cody is a white boys name. A black guy called Cody ? That's very rare. Cody is up there with the likes of Tanner, Connor, Wyatt and Billy Bob as proper white boy names. So I doubt your story


Bigot Boi, no doubt you've sucked every cock at the Greyhound station. :thup:
As a life long power lifter and body builder I assure you that black people have no more physical strength than whites or Mexicans.

Put the time and effort in.
White men have more brute strength than Blacks, which is why Whites dominate weightlifting events in the Olympics. Blacks have speed advantage in running events due to physiology. Not all groups are the same.
The police dont shoot unarmed white people. Putting up the Daniel Shaver dude proves that as they thought he had a gun and there is no video of the shooting either.
The police kill just as many or often more unarmed White men as they do Blacks. For instance, last year, just 9 unarmed Black men were killed by the police, yet 19 unarmed Whites were killed by the police. WE HAVE ALL OF THEIR NAMES.
White men have more brute strength than Blacks, which is why Whites dominate weightlifting events in the Olympics. Blacks have speed advantage in running events due to physiology. Not all groups are the same.

Again, nothing in my life experience supports that.

Black kids who ignore school work from 6 years old on to spend 12 hours a day shooting hoops develop basketball skills beyond those of white kids who are in the classroom and doing homework.
Again, nothing in my life experience supports that.

Black kids who ignore school work from 6 years old on to spend 12 hours a day shooting hoops develop basketball skills beyond those of white kids who are in the classroom and doing homework.
What does Basketball have to do with raw strength? That's a sport. Weightlifters wouldn't make great B-ball players. I understand that many Blacks ignore school in favor of playing games. That's true, but likely due to their very low average intelligence. They don't get much from education, so it bores them.
What does Basketball have to do with raw strength?

Straw man?

That's a sport. Weightlifters wouldn't make great B-ball players. I understand that many Blacks ignore school in favor of playing games. That's true, but likely due to their very low average intelligence. They don't get much from education, so it bores them.

Give the bigotry a rest.

Black kids bank their lives on basketball because the corrupt culture they follow says only crime and sports provide a brutha the ladder of success.
White men have more brute strength than Blacks, which is why Whites dominate weightlifting events in the Olympics.

They're not really sports. It's not a sport without black people. It's not a sport without us.

Blacks have speed advantage in running events due to physiology. Not all groups are the same.

Really. What physiology is that ?
Black kids bank their lives on basketball because the corrupt culture they follow says only crime and sports provide a brutha the ladder of success.

Blk ppl generally thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. High social and cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth as a pro.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitatating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be spent practicing as a kid in the streets. The rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on.

they follow says only crime and sports provide a brutha the ladder of success.

Really ? So why in that case in the past month or so there have been dozens of bomb threats phoned in against Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the country

I mean all of are just into crime. Right ?


They attack HBCUs because these institutions uplift the fullness of Black humanity. They are places where, most of the time, Black folks can congregate, learn, teach, love, and express joy, without having to worry about what white folks think about any of it.

Nothing scares white supremacists more than Black people ignoring them, learning and teaching and loving and being joyful despite racism, despite a system they know was built for their destruction.

When Black folks were restricted to HBCUs, white folks didn’t have to pay us much mind, but now, when we could go to any institution in the country, and we still pick an HBCU, it’s like the ultimate insult.

Also white people turn and hate even at a black reading club

And don't even get me started on the crimes of white people.
Black kids bank their lives on basketball because the corrupt culture they follow says only crime and sports provide a brutha the ladder of success.

Blk ppl generally thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. High social and cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth as a pro.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitatating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be spent practicing as a kid in the streets. The rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on.

they follow says only crime and sports provide a brutha the ladder of success.

Really ? So why in that case in the past month or so there have been dozens of bomb threats phoned in against Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the country

I mean all of are just into crime. Right ?

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They attack HBCUs because these institutions uplift the fullness of Black humanity. They are places where, most of the time, Black folks can congregate, learn, teach, love, and express joy, without having to worry about what white folks think about any of it.

Nothing scares white supremacists more than Black people ignoring them, learning and teaching and loving and being joyful despite racism, despite a system they know was built for their destruction.

When Black folks were restricted to HBCUs, white folks didn’t have to pay us much mind, but now, when we could go to any institution in the country, and we still pick an HBCU, it’s like the ultimate insult.

Also white people turn and hate even at a black reading club

And don't even get me started on the crimes of white people.

{Really ? So why in that case in the past month or so there have been dozens of bomb threats phoned in against Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the country}

Because black people keep making those threats.

Why is it that 100% of "hate crimes" are hoaxes?
I believe the killers of Ahmaud Arbery were just found guilty of a federal hate crime.
The crime was murder.

100% of these bomb threats, swastikas, etc are either outright lies or perpetrated by black people.


1/ Jussie Smollett MAGA Assault Hoax​

January 29, 2019. Jussie Smollett reported to police of a race assault by two MAGA supporters. This was false. In reality, he hired two Nigerian-Americans to stage a fake hate crime assault. Despite efforts by media, journalists and political jurists Smollett faces numerous charges against him.

2/ A Fishing Uni Knot Mistook for a Noose by UM Medical Dean​

June 20, 2019. In a case of mistaken knots, University of Michigan Medical School dean Marschall S. Runge, MD, PhD found a Uni Knot on a shared desk. He mistook it for a noose and reported it to authorities. The Uni Knot is a popular fishing knot.

3/ Georgia State Lawmaker, Erica Thomas Altercation at an Express Check-out Lane​

July 2019. The then 9-month pregnant lawmaker, Erica Thomas thought she would save some time using an express check-out lane. This upset Eric Sparkes who cursed at her and told her to get out of the line. In a Facebook Live feed, Thomas accused Sparkes of saying “go back to where you came from.” Sparkes disputes this claim, instead claiming that he said, “Well, you’re a selfish little bitch.” Although uncouth, this incident is hardly a hate crime, but national media framed it as such.

4/ Black Man Commits Hate Crime but Media and Prosecutors Refuse to Prosecute​

August 2019. Alvin Brown was accused of vandalizing a string of homes. Brown knew at least one of the victims. Although he spray painted racist messaging on the homes, Police did not see this as a racial hate crime. Apparently if you are Black then hateful speech can only appear as hateful. Soft racism at its finest!

5/ Edawn Coughman, former NFL player, stages a fake hate crime​

September 13, 2019. Edawn Coughman vandalized his own property in hopes of getting insurance money. Security footage of Coughman leaving his business during the time of the incident and police finding a crowbar and black spray paint in his truck sealed the deal for this one.

6/ Amari Allen dreadlock cutting hoax​

September 30, 2019. Twelve-year-old Amari Allen accused three white boys of cutting her dreadlocks. She also claimed that these boys called her “ugly” and her hair “nappy”. Soon after, though, Amari and her mother admitted that the accusations were false.

7/ 4 Teens Falsely Accused by Blind Transgender Woman​

December 11, 2019. An altercation occurred at the International Blvd. Station in Tukwila, WA between 4 teens and a blind transgender woman. The woman accused the teens of shouting slurs and attacking her. But after the release of footage, it became clear that she was the aggressor.

8/ Triggered Justice Warrior Falsely Associates Historical Document with Anti-Muslim flyer​

January 2020. In Dekalb County, GA a resident began sharing a document thought to be an Antisemitic flyer. Apparently this resident found a lost research document and associated it with a single anti-Muslim car flyer found by police earlier. Before things were figured out, demands that these documents be charged with a hate crime went viral throughout the Jewish community in the Toco Hills area.

9/ Black man Vandalizes Cecil B. Moore Mural​

February 2020. A Cecil B. Moore Mural in North Philadelphia. But before authorities put out images of a Black vandal, news organizations associated vandalism with white supremacists. What does the media do when the motives are first associated with historic racism but turn out to be something else entirely? Ignore it and move on to drum up a new outrage.

10/ Social Justice Warrior Creates Her Own Racism and is Caught​

March 2020. Starting in 2019 and into the 2020 a California University of La Verne experienced at least 10 reports of racism and hate crimes. After an extended investigation and numerous calls for diversity training, it turns out that 25 year old former student Anayeli Dominguez Pena made it all up. While the full motivations for her behavior may never be known, the quick to action triggered mob in the face of uncertain accusations is quite clear.

11/ Black Gym Owner Reflects Upon POC Writing “white pride” Outside his Business​

March 2020. A female person of color got arrested for minor vandalism outside of a place of business. The punchline? The owner is one of the few Black owners in the space. Fortunately, he kept his cool and compassion. Instead of going on a Twitter tirade, he investigated security footage and identified a woman clearly disheveled. What is the greater danger to our society? Racism or Mental Health?

12/ Online Troll Pretending to be a white MAGA terrorist actually a 20 year old Black man​

May 10, 2020. After threats against pro-Ahmaud Arbery protestors, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation announced they found the suspect. A 20 year old Black man by the name of Rashawn Smith. Rashawn created a false Facebook account under the name “John Hutto” and proceeded to go on a racially and violently charged rant.

13/ Black Man Responsible for Vandalizing Campus with Racial Slurs​

June 2020. A string of racist graffiti for over a year on the campus of Salisbury University in Mayland came to an end with the arrest of 54 year old Jerome Kevin Jackson. These attacks caused great distress on the campus and a series of steps for greater racial awareness was set forth by the University. It just so happens that these hate crimes were perpetuated by a Black man. Apparently racism can be colorblind. Or perhaps this is but another example that rejects the false-binary of anti-racism.

14/ Detectives’ Endowment Association falsely claim Shake Shack poisoning as Intentional​

June 2020. Three officers got sick from cleaning solution accidentally left in a Shake Shack Milkshake machine. Prior to this finding, the NYPD Detectives Union went on a Twitter rampage claiming the offers were “intentionally poisoned by one or more workers.” These incindiary accusations came during George Floyd protests around the country and the world.

15/ Construction Knot Mistaken for a Racist Noose​

June 2020. Another story that does more to perpetuate our ignorance of knots than it does to highlight systemic racism in America. A passerby at Harlem Park noticed a rope closely resembling a Bowline knot and called it a noose. After taking pictures and sharing it online, the media took the story by the horns It turns out the rope was used for hauling construction material. The moral of the story? Learn your knots people!

16/ Ropes Used for Exercise in Oakland, Mistaken for Nooses by Mayor​

June 18, 2020. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the Mayor of Oakland called for a hate crime investigation for ropes found hanging in a city park. The site of bowline knots on trees and the direct testimony of Victor Sengbe (a Black man!) are not enough to dissuade this mayor of her triggered crusade. Apparently, Black people are triggered by the site of rope on trees, regardless of the knot deployed or its intended purpose. Good to know.

17/ The Bubba Wallace Knot Conspiracy​

June 2020. It appears that June was Knot month for the United States. Despite the posturing of NASCAR officials and the obfuscation by NASCAR fans, it would seem that the preferred knot deployed in hangar #4 was a hangman’s noose. But was this a hate crime? Not likely. Instead, I would chock this up to good ol’ boy “humor” that Bubba unwittingly fell into.

18/ Oregonian Running for Local Office Busted for Sending Self Hate Mail​

July 7, 2020. In a ploy to get elected for county commissioner, Jonathan Lopez wrote a racist letter to himself. Authorities and activists alike condemned this action upon discovering this letter of self-hate. There is a positive note to this story, though. Before Lopez shut down his public Facebook account, he let the world know that “I hold no resentment for whom ever wrote this; I’m just simply heart broken for the lack of knowledge, education and respect missing.”
The crime was murder.
Yes, and they were found guilty in criminal court then tried separately for federal hate crimes.

These incidents you list are not 100% of all hate crimes, just a hand full. Here are accurate stats from the Sothern Poverty Law Center:

The targets of hate crime​

In its most recent report, the FBI reported 8,263 against persons, institutions, and property in 2020, compared to 7,314 reported in 2019, a 13% increase and the highest number reported since 2001.
Of the 8,263 hate crimes reported in 2020:
  • 2,871 were because of anti-Black bias;
  • 1,376 because of sexual orientation or gender identity bias;
  • 869 because of anti-white bias;
  • 683 because of antisemitic bias;
  • 517 because of anti-Hispanic or anti-Latino bias;
  • 110 because of anti-Muslim bias;
  • 96 because of anti-American Indian or Alaska Native bias;
  • 279 because of anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
{Really ? So why in that case in the past month or so there have been dozens of bomb threats phoned in against Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the country}

Because black people keep making those threats.

Why is it that 100% of "hate crimes" are hoaxes?
No they were white. You could smell the boysenberry pie down the phone and they were playing "Sweet Caroline" down the phone

You know you white people love some boysen berry pie.

What have you to say about your peop;le commiting these crimes ?


Yes, and they were found guilty in criminal court then tried separately for federal hate crimes.

These incidents you list are not 100% of all hate crimes, just a hand full. Here are accurate stats from the Sothern Poverty Law Center:

The targets of hate crime​

In its most recent report, the FBI reported 8,263 against persons, institutions, and property in 2020, compared to 7,314 reported in 2019, a 13% increase and the highest number reported since 2001.
Of the 8,263 hate crimes reported in 2020:
  • 2,871 were because of anti-Black bias;
  • 1,376 because of sexual orientation or gender identity bias;
  • 869 because of anti-white bias;
  • 683 because of antisemitic bias;
  • 517 because of anti-Hispanic or anti-Latino bias;
  • 110 because of anti-Muslim bias;
  • 96 because of anti-American Indian or Alaska Native bias;
  • 279 because of anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
Yes, and they were found guilty in criminal court then tried separately for federal hate crimes.

Are you from China?

You clearly have no grasp of US Law.

These incidents you list are not 100% of all hate crimes, just a hand full. Here are accurate stats from the Sothern Poverty Law Center:

The targets of hate crime​

In its most recent report, the FBI reported 8,263 against persons, institutions, and property in 2020, compared to 7,314 reported in 2019, a 13% increase and the highest number reported since 2001.
Of the 8,263 hate crimes reported in 2020:
  • 2,871 were because of anti-Black bias;
  • 1,376 because of sexual orientation or gender identity bias;
  • 869 because of anti-white bias;
  • 683 because of antisemitic bias;
  • 517 because of anti-Hispanic or anti-Latino bias;
  • 110 because of anti-Muslim bias;
  • 96 because of anti-American Indian or Alaska Native bias;
  • 279 because of anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.

The SPLC is a racist hate group and has zero credibility. They PERPETRATE many of the hoaxes in their anti-white Pogrom. Fuck the Klan - which is what SPLC is.

Let's give you a more comprehensive list.

No they were white.

Uh no.

There was former Intercept journalist Juan Thompson, who sent bomb threats to Jewish community centers and tried to frame an ex-girlfriend, who then blamed the “white New York media” when caught.



Always a hoax - 100% of the time
Uh no.

There was former Intercept journalist Juan Thompson, who sent bomb threats to Jewish community centers and tried to frame an ex-girlfriend, who then blamed the “white New York media” when caught.


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Always a hoax - 100% of the time
So racism doesn't exist ? I'm not sure what your point is.

I could say rape doesnt exists for white wpmen against black men because there have been tons of exampls of white women lying about black men.



Meanwhile in the white world


White people are always lying and stealing and giving each other smacks on the wrists. Don't even get me started.

Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy and fairness. We don't have people in places with muscle who can who can sideways and creak open a door for us.

We are obligated to practice meritocracy because there is no mechanism that allow us to cheat the system. Where as everybody else is caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.

:Don't even go there dude. Bevcause it'll be too easy for me to point out all the lying, back stabbing in white society. Don't even go there
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So racism doesn't exist ? I'm not sure what your point is.

I could say rape doesnt exists for white wpmen against black men because there have been tons of exampls of white women lying about black men.

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View attachment 607341

Meanwhile in the white world

View attachment 607343

White people are always lying and stealing and giving each other smacks on the wrists. Don't even get me started.

Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy and fairness. We don't have people in places with muscle who can who can sideways and creak open a door for us.

We are obligated to practice meritocracy because there is no mechanism that allow us to cheat the system. Where as everybody else is caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.

:Don't even go there dude. Bevcause it'll be too easy for me to point out all the lying, back stabbing in white society. Don't even go there

Straw man bullshit is all you have, Klan boi.

Racism is on display for all to see in every post you vomit out.

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