How Police Treat Black and White Teens

Blacks have two advantages: physical strength and savagery. Unnecessary fisticuffs is a display of one's stupidity, not a test of one's manhood. Also, losing a fight that you can't avoid does not impugn your manhood.

I beat a guy once who picked the fight with me for no good reason. I felt terrible about it. It didn't reinforce my 'manhood' one bit.

As a life long power lifter and body builder I assure you that black people have no more physical strength than whites or Mexicans.

Put the time and effort in.
What point are you trying to make ? Because white supremacists just create stats out of thin air

I think that last post I made backed up what you were saying. I was agreeing with you. Even though you are so disagreeable. LOL.

I work with this South African woman. White. She's so racist it's funny. Like going back to America in the 60's the way she talks about black people.

As Devin Haney world champion boxer said

So therefore you need guns and stuff like that. But unarmed 1 on 1 combat ? Cmon. It's embarassing losing to white boy when I was growing up

So you lost to a white boy growing up? How else would you know that it's embarrassing?

I lost in Wrestling to this black guy my senior year. Cody was built like a god. Took 3rd his junior year. My senior year was only my 3rd year wrestling. I was Varsity my 1st year, All League my Junior year but got knocked out in regionals my junior year. So my senior year, Cody beat me during the regular season. Maybe a couple times. But every time we wrestled, I tested him and roughed him up. He was just a more skilled wrestler than me. So now I have to wrestle the great Cody to become All State. One of us is going home and will not be All State. Remember, he took 3rd the year before and had never lost to me. But this was for all the marbles. On the way to the match someone from Lakeland said, "hey Sealybobo, you got Cody next?" and I sadly said "yea" because I thought I was going to lose. He said, "Cody was complaining that he had to wrestle that crazy white boy". That was all it took. I knew he didn't want to be wrestling me. I whipped him.

What happened to him is my nightmare. I've actually had dreams I had one more year to wrestle and possibly place higher than I did the year before. Only I got knocked out instead of doing better. So I handed Cody my nightmare. I'm sure to this day he thinks of me and isn't happy. Me, I think of him and smile.
and I didn't even watch the video.
That's because you have been conditioned by the media to make those assumptions. The reality is that the police over arrest Whites, kill twice the number of Whites as they do Blacks each year, and kill more white violent suspects than they do Blacks each year, per capita. Blacks are 47.6 TIMES more likely to violently victimize a White person than the other way around. Yet, you act as if you know it all, and act like a conduit of the media's propaganda machine.
I work with this South African woman. White. She's so racist it's funny. Like going back to America in the 60's the way she talks about black people.
No. She's not talking about about black people. She is talking about black Americans and give me five minutes with her and I'd destroy her. You're just talking to some white ass kissing tether who probably wants some white dk.

South Africans are 90% of the pop. Yet they have allowed 10% or so whites and Asians to run them over. Yet we are 12% of the pop and go up the baddest, most powerful country on the planet and we srill fight and the fact that we stand up to these white supremacist have made America a safe place for immigrants to come.

No immigrants can be dissrespectful to black Americans. Nothing is going on in their country. That's why she had to flee. Dissrespectful B*tch, Even when you look at how black Americans portray African. We don't do all that flies on the face sh*t. We show Africa in a very positive light.

We do Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America" We do "Black Panther" We do Micheal Jackson "Remember the time" We are the ones writing books on African history. And she wants to come here n kiss up to a dirty white supremacists like you ?
So you lost to a white boy growing up? How else would you know that it's embarrassing?

Nope. Never lost to white boy growing up. 95% of white men could not beat me in unarmed 1 on combat. I'd destroy them,.

I lost in Wrestling to this black guy my senior year. Cody was built like a god. Took 3rd his junior year. My senior year was only my 3rd year wrestling. I was Varsity my 1st year, All League my Junior year but got knocked out in regionals my junior year. So my senior year, Cody beat me during the regular season. Maybe a couple times. But every time we wrestled, I tested him and roughed him up. He was just a more skilled wrestler than me. So now I have to wrestle the great Cody to become All State. One of us is going home and will not be All State. Remember, he took 3rd the year before and had never lost to me. But this was for all the marbles. On the way to the match someone from Lakeland said, "hey Sealybobo, you got Cody next?" and I sadly said "yea" because I thought I was going to lose. He said, "Cody was complaining that he had to wrestle that crazy white boy". That was all it took. I knew he didn't want to be wrestling me. I whipped him.

You probably cheated. Or got gifted a decision.

What happened to him is my nightmare. I've actually had dreams I had one more year to wrestle and possibly place higher than I did the year before. Only I got knocked out instead of doing better. So I handed Cody my nightmare. I'm sure to this day he thinks of me and isn't happy. Me, I think of him and smile.

Cody is a white boys name. A black guy called Cody ? That's very rare. Cody is up there with the likes of Tanner, Connor, Wyatt and Billy Bob as proper white boy names. So I doubt your story
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That's because you have been conditioned by the media to make those assumptions. The reality is that the police over arrest Whites, kill twice the number of Whites as they do Blacks each year, and kill more white violent suspects than they do Blacks each year, per capita. Blacks are 47.6 TIMES more likely to violently victimize a White person than the other way around. Yet, you act as if you know it all, and act like a conduit of the media's propaganda machine.
Cool story but the police go out of their way not to shoot white people. Even if they are resisting arrest. Even they have gun or weapon in their hand.

The police treat white people like they are pathetic little children
Cool story but the police go out of their way not to shoot white people. Even if they are resisting arrest. Even they have gun or weapon in their hand.

The police treat white people like they are pathetic little children

You still haven't learned how to read statistics, huh? Do you really think posting some absurd twitter video is an argument or is a counter to the data on the issues?!
The police kill TWICE the number of Whites than they do Blacks each year (including many unarmed White men) and nobody can name any of them. Did you ever wonder why?
For every 10,000 black people arrested for violent crime, 3 are killed. For every 10,000 white people arrested for violent crime, 4 are killed. The police are biased against Whites. Do some reading on the subject rather than just look at silly twitter videos like a second grader. Act like a man and do some study.

You still haven't learned how to read statistics, huh?

I can read stats but I know white supremacists create stats out of thin air.

Do you really think posting some absurd twitter video is an argument or is a counter to the data on the issues?!

Yes because seeing plenty of live real time videos is better and more powerful evidence than some stats which can be manipulated and you know they can be manipulated.

If I'm wrong then come back with counter videos of black people attacking cops, having a weapon on them and not being shot.

I'll wait.

The police kill TWICE the number of Whites than they do Blacks each year (including many unarmed White men) and nobody can name any of them. Did you ever wonder why?

Prove it.

Show me videos of white cops killing unarmed white kids and walking free. It's 2022. Everyone has a camera phone. If, as you say, the police are just running around blasting unarmed white people 24-7. Then there would be video's everywhere. So show me.
Cool story but the police go out of their way not to shoot white people. Even if they are resisting arrest. Even they have gun or weapon in their hand.

The police treat white people like they are pathetic little children

If black people are so afraid of being killed by the police perhaps they should stop committing crimes. Jes' sayin'.
You still haven't learned how to read statistics, huh?

I can read stats but I know white supremacists create stats out of thin air.

Do you really think posting some absurd twitter video is an argument or is a counter to the data on the issues?!

Yes because seeing plenty of live real time videos is better and more powerful evidence than some stats which can be manipulated and you know they can be manipulated.

If I'm wrong then come back with counter videos of black people attacking cops, having a weapon on them and not being shot.

I'll wait.

The police kill TWICE the number of Whites than they do Blacks each year (including many unarmed White men) and nobody can name any of them. Did you ever wonder why?

Prove it.

Show me videos of white cops killing unarmed white kids and walking free. It's 2022. Everyone has a camera phone. If, as you say, the police are just running around blasting unarmed white people 24-7. Then there would be video's everywhere. So show me.
Where do black people get their statistics? Jes' wondrin'.
You still haven't learned how to read statistics, huh?

I can read stats but I know white supremacists create stats out of thin air.
Nogs2 - Copy.jpg

Do you really think posting some absurd twitter video is an argument or is a counter to the data on the issues?!

Yes because seeing plenty of live real time videos is better and more powerful evidence than some stats which can be manipulated and you know they can be manipulated.

If I'm wrong then come back with counter videos of black people attacking cops, having a weapon on them and not being shot.

I'll wait.

Are yiou claiming that Obama and eric Holder are "White Supremacists? They released those stats, boy.
Are you claiming that video is the only way to know whether or not something really happened? Then where is the video of Slavery happening? How do you that that really happened? Where is the video of any one of the hundreds of shootings you claim, "White Supremacists," commit each month against Blacks? You claim that Whites rape Black women, but where is all the video of that? You will say anything to dismiss reality and to keep from admitting the truth, which is that Blacks are the least accomplished, most violent, criminally prone, half-wits on earth. The rest of the world has data, reports, and other social metrics (You know, bad voodoo) to get a bigger picture of reality than what you can claim to show in some out of context clip, whose authenticity is not clear, in a matter that hasn't been brought to trial. If you want clips, just look at the work of Colin Flaharty who wrote huge books filled with video clip links to Black violence against Whites. I don't think video clips are the best way to understand a whole subject, though.

The police kill TWICE the number of Whites than they do Blacks each year (including many unarmed White men) and nobody can name any of them. Did you ever wonder why?

Prove it.

Show me videos of white cops killing unarmed white kids and walking free. It's 2022. Everyone has a camera phone. If, as you say, the police are just running around blasting unarmed white people 24-7. Then there would be video's everywhere. So show me.

Go to the Left Wing Washinton Post and look at all the names and faces of the people killed by the police. They keep a running account of this since 2015 and there you will see that the police kill twice the number of Whites are they do Blacks.
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They spring from their drug-addled, half-witted imagination. Remember, the scientific Method is "White Supremacism."
Statistics have their value but I prefer case histories.

Exodus 21:29
"But if the ox were wont to push with his horn in time past..."
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Statistics have their value but I prefer case histories.
Any real report has them linked in their methodology section. And on any given year, there are over half a million cases of interracial violence between Blacks and Whites. And that is just one set of statistics. It is hard to read the case histories of that many cases per year.
Any real report has them linked in their methodology section. And on any given year, there are over half a million cases of interracial violence between Blacks and Whites. And that is just one set of statistics. It is hard to read the case histories of that many cases per year.
There are no such reports available to the public, for obvious reasons.
There are no such reports available to the public, for obvious reasons.
You can get them, but you have to know where to look. They have some reports on violence listed on Government websites that are available to the public, and some police departments have transparent data available to the public, as well. There are a lot of reports that are behind pay walls now, though. Some reports have been hidden by the government, such as the national rape statistics. They were hidden when Obama came into office because they showed that during the Bush years, interracial rape was about 30 thousand Black on White rapes per year, compared to less than one White and Black rape per year (averaged over a 6-year study period). Why those were hidden is obvious.
You can get them, but you have to know where to look. They have some reports on violence listed on Government websites that are available to the public, and some police departments have transparent data available to the public, as well. There are a lot of reports that are behind pay walls now, though. Some reports have been hidden by the government, such as the national rape statistics. They were hidden when Obama came into office because they showed that during the Bush years, interracial rape was about 30 thousand Black on White rapes per year, compared to less than one White and Black rape per year (averaged over a 6-year study period). Why those were hidden is obvious.
I've seen those rape stats. Horrifying.

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