How powerful would god need to be?

Then the whole idea of Faith would be destroyed. This life is a test of Faith and the ability to do Right, even when Wrong is easier and more pleasant.
Then the whole idea of Faith would be destroyed. This life is a test of Faith and the ability to do Right, even when Wrong is easier and more pleasant.

nothing could be further from the truth, this life is about finding the truth, faith may be a means at various times during the search but in the end the discoveries are what matter. 10,000 pg books of forgeries has nothing to do with access and admission to the Everlasting.

You have an opinion what this life is all about, and that makes it your truth. Your truth is no better than anyone else's opinion about what this life is all about.

Many of you seem to believe that you have all the answers when none of you even know what all the questions are.

You cannot even prove that this universe existed before you woke up this morning. Perhaps you are just a tiny part of some cosmic game and it was just turned on.
Logically, there is a final state of fact which exists for all things. And once it is discovered it will be known it was always that way, even when it was believed to be otherwise. And it will always remain that way. Therefore, (objective) truth is eternal and unchanging. And this everyone understands to be God.
God the place or god the bible guy?
God the Father
So god is an actual being. You know that how?
nothing could be further from the truth, this life is about finding the truth, faith may be a means at various times during the search but in the end the discoveries are what matter. 10,000 pg books of forgeries has nothing to do with access and admission to the Everlasting.

You have an opinion what this life is all about, and that makes it your truth. Your truth is no better than anyone else's opinion about what this life is all about.

Many of you seem to believe that you have all the answers when none of you even know what all the questions are.

You cannot even prove that this universe existed before you woke up this morning. Perhaps you are just a tiny part of some cosmic game and it was just turned on.
Logically, there is a final state of fact which exists for all things. And once it is discovered it will be known it was always that way, even when it was believed to be otherwise. And it will always remain that way. Therefore, (objective) truth is eternal and unchanging. And this everyone understands to be God.
God the place or god the bible guy?
God the Father
So god is an actual being. You know that how?
Being the verb, not being the noun. Do you understand the difference?

By tasting the strawberry.
You confuse creation and creator.

I don't see how I am. The painter is not the painting.

He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

>24,000 written transcripts

My turn, what proof do you have that that wasn't the case?
>24,000 written manuscripts that don't prove anything.

Now, I'm agnostic, so it's possible, but your >24,000 manuscripts don't prove anything. Better luck next time.
I don't see how I am. The painter is not the painting.

He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

>24,000 written transcripts

My turn, what proof do you have that that wasn't the case?
>24,000 written manuscripts that don't prove anything.

Now, I'm agnostic, so it's possible, but your >24,000 manuscripts don't prove anything. Better luck next time.
Apparently is is considerably more evidence than you have.
Thus proving they reject all evidence off hand because they are certain they cannot be wrong.
You have an opinion what this life is all about, and that makes it your truth. Your truth is no better than anyone else's opinion about what this life is all about.

Many of you seem to believe that you have all the answers when none of you even know what all the questions are.

You cannot even prove that this universe existed before you woke up this morning. Perhaps you are just a tiny part of some cosmic game and it was just turned on.
Logically, there is a final state of fact which exists for all things. And once it is discovered it will be known it was always that way, even when it was believed to be otherwise. And it will always remain that way. Therefore, (objective) truth is eternal and unchanging. And this everyone understands to be God.
God the place or god the bible guy?
God the Father
So god is an actual being. You know that how?
Being the verb, not being the noun. Do you understand the difference?

By tasting the strawberry.
So god is not a being? But a place or state that we came from and will return? Geez, that's kinda logical, how did you do that? And what did you do with the real dingbat? :biggrin:
He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

>24,000 written transcripts

My turn, what proof do you have that that wasn't the case?
>24,000 written manuscripts that don't prove anything.

Now, I'm agnostic, so it's possible, but your >24,000 manuscripts don't prove anything. Better luck next time.
Apparently is is considerably more evidence than you have.
Made up stuff copied over and over is hardly proof. You can do better. C'mon, TRY DAMMIT!!!
AWWWW! You almost had it there. Ok, so what are you going on?

I've tried to write a response to this three times. Each time it ends up being a book rather than a response. Let me see if I can summarize....

I'm not a follower of an Abrahamic religion. I despise organized religion. I see myself as Spiritual rather than religious.

I grew up in a Conservative, Protestant household/family. Early in life I found my personal experiences didn't match with what I heard every Sunday.

As I got older I had paranormal and mirculous experiences that brought me to believe there were both Divine and Grotesque forces at work beyond our knowledge and control; and thst there definitely was existence, if not life, beyond this world.

In 2001 my father passed away from Cancer. He was the most Faithful and decent person I have ever known. I went seat hung for an answer. Nobody in the Religious world had one, thoigh some of hem tried to BS their way through the question. The more Spiritual/New Age groups provided a better, if still incomplete answer and pushed my dear h in different direction.

I then read "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". While I disagree with the author's conclusion, the book providdd me with an Epiphany.... Just because a Deity is Omnipotent and Omniscient doesn't mean they have to be Good or Caring.

After contemplating thst, combined with my other experiences, I came to a somewhat different conclusion thsn mist people....

My viewpoint/faith is thst this world exists solely as a test if the Soul. A test to determine if we csn/will do what's Right, even when it isn't easy or fun. At he end of our lives the Soul is Judged. Souls that have proven themselves worthy are allowed to move on to a Better Place. Souls thst have proven themselves irredeemable are sentenced to an Eternity of pain and torment. The majority of Souls are "reeducated" and returned to try sgain.
He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

>24,000 written transcripts

My turn, what proof do you have that that wasn't the case?
>24,000 written manuscripts that don't prove anything.

Now, I'm agnostic, so it's possible, but your >24,000 manuscripts don't prove anything. Better luck next time.
Apparently is is considerably more evidence than you have.
At least I admit that I have no proof of god and don’t make shit up.
Logically, there is a final state of fact which exists for all things. And once it is discovered it will be known it was always that way, even when it was believed to be otherwise. And it will always remain that way. Therefore, (objective) truth is eternal and unchanging. And this everyone understands to be God.
God the place or god the bible guy?
God the Father
So god is an actual being. You know that how?
Being the verb, not being the noun. Do you understand the difference?

By tasting the strawberry.
So god is not a being? But a place or state that we came from and will return? Geez, that's kinda logical, how did you do that? And what did you do with the real dingbat? :biggrin:
being: existence

Now do you understand?


He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

>24,000 written transcripts

My turn, what proof do you have that that wasn't the case?
>24,000 written manuscripts that don't prove anything.

Now, I'm agnostic, so it's possible, but your >24,000 manuscripts don't prove anything. Better luck next time.
Apparently is is considerably more evidence than you have.
Made up stuff copied over and over is hardly proof. You can do better. C'mon, TRY DAMMIT!!!
Made up stuff copied over and over more than 24,000 times?


He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

>24,000 written transcripts

My turn, what proof do you have that that wasn't the case?
>24,000 written manuscripts that don't prove anything.

Now, I'm agnostic, so it's possible, but your >24,000 manuscripts don't prove anything. Better luck next time.
Apparently is is considerably more evidence than you have.
At least I admit that I have no proof of god and don’t make shit up.

I win. You have nothing. :woohoo:

To the LDS, ex nihilo creation (creation from nothing) is a false concept. We do not believe that God can or ever did create anything out of nothing. We believe in the eternal existence of intelligence, matter (both physical and spiritual), and space. We believe that these are very important concepts if one is to come to a true understanding of God and existence itself.

It is because of the eternal existence of intelligence, that God could not create us to be perfect beings. Man was created by combining eternal intelligence, that has always existed, with eternal spirit matter to form our spirits. This was done through the process of procreation and thus we are called the children of God and he is called our Father. Since our intelligence already existed and God could not create it from nothing, it is what it is. God could not make it perfect. Thus man as an intelligence has always existed. It just so happens that we have not yet reached a state of perfection. Since God could not make us perfect through creation, he has other ways of bringing about our eternal progression. He teaches us correct principles and allows us to have free will to become like him. Without free will, we could never become like God. God is a being of perfect free will and chooses to do good continually. For us to be like him, we too would need to have free will and learn to choose, in and of ourselves, to do good continually. Thus free will is an essential part of God's plan. Another part of that learning is to learn to choose good in and of ourselves. For a time we lived in the presence of God and as his children we were very obedient to the principles of goodness while in his presence. Others, such as Lucifer and his followers, were not so obedient.

There came a time for man to be placed on his own and without the knowledge and presence of God to help him develop further in his eternal progression. Man was to learn to walk by faith and to learn to choose good in and of his own volition without the strong presence of God before him. He was also to experience a temporal existence of pain and suffering and death so that he would prize eternal life and the existence in the hereafter without all the sufferings of this life. Many of the experiences IN THIS TEMPORARY STATE were calculated to give us individual learning and experience. This life not only became a test to see what manner of man or woman we would choose to become but a grand experience of pain, suffering, death, etc so that we would know what those things are and what a wonderful existence the hereafter can be. Life is a difficult experience and God has not left us totally alone but has given us some knowledge of his existence and has pointed us in the direction of how to receive the best possible outcome. Life in mortality is a necessary step in God's greater plan to help us progress and become more like him. Mortality is only a small speck in our eternal existence but is necessary for our eternal progression. Many curse God for the pain, suffering, and death they experience in this life but what they don't realize is that it is for their own good in the eternities to come. They will live forever. They will live without many of the pains and sufferings of this life. It is all calculated for our good. It is important for man to come to this realization.

Doctrine and Covenants 121:6-8
6 Remember thy suffering saints, O our God; and thy servants will rejoice in thy name forever.
7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.
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God tossed Adam out of Eden for banging a chick. Meaning god wants everyone to be gay. And he couldn't even get THAT done.

As I heard it, Gd tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for eating an apple, and not because they had sex. Which version of the Bible do you have?
I don't see how I am. The painter is not the painting.

He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

You are not able to demonstrate in a better way that you do not have only a little lousy idea what you try to speak about. You don't have a good idea about science nor a good idea about religion at all. You could also be a parrot crying the whole time: "I'm Dawkins parrot. The most intelligent atheist of the world." ... To like to have physical answers on spiritual questions is as stupid as to like to have religious answers on physical problems. Same with biology. Example: A wavelength of 500 THz is for example "orange". But we are not able to say "spiritually" orange+orange is ultraviolett - orange is just simple orange - and it exists only colors which are more orange and less orange. We "calculate" this color in many different ways. The real color "orange" has in general 'only' a psychological quality. Perhaps you should try to understand why the genius Gustav Theodor Fechner spoke once about that the moon is made out of iodine or green cheese. Although this was only a satire showed this satire that we are able to use our knowledge about the methods of science in a perfect way - and say nevertheless in the end only bullshit. And you do not even try to find the correct way how to use scientific methods. I don't have have any idea how a scientist seriously could expect someone is able to put god under a microscope and reduce him in this way to a subject of biology or physics. How stupid are people who like to have such a proof and say on their own everyone is an idiot who is not able to do?

Is this your way of saying that you don't have a real answer?

I don't have any idea where your ignorant arrogance comes from. You are a brainwasher - that's all. I guess you know exactly what kind of ideas you prefer on whatever intention of mind manipulation. But such a behavior has absolutely nothing to do with serious religions or serious science - nor with a serious form of communication at all. Scientologist? Member of another criminal psycho-sect?

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He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

You are not able to demonstrate in a better way that you do not have only a little lousy idea what you try to speak about. You don't have a good idea about science nor a good idea about religion at all. You could also be a parrot crying the whole time: "I'm Dawkins parrot. The most intelligent atheist of the world." ... To like to have physical answers on spiritual questions is as stupid as to like to have religious answers on physical problems. Same with biology. Example: A wavelength of 500 THz is for example "orange". But we are not able to say "spiritually" orange+orange is ultraviolett - orange is just simple orange - and it exists only colors which are more orange and less orange. We "calculate" this color in many different ways. The real color "orange" has in general 'only' a psychological quality. Perhaps you should try to understand why the genius Gustav Theodor Fechner spoke once about that the moon is made out of iodine or green cheese. Although this was only a satire showed this satire that we are able to use our knowledge about the methods of science in a perfect way - and say nevertheless in the end only bullshit. And you do not even try to find the correct way how to use scientific methods. I don't have have any idea how a scientist seriously could expect someone is able to put god under a microscope and reduce him in this way to a subject of biology or physics. How stupid are people who like to have such a proof and say on their own everyone is an idiot who is not able to do?

Is this your way of saying that you don't have a real answer?

I don't have any idea where your ignorant arrogance comes from. You are a brainwasher - that's all. I guess you know exactly what kind of ideas you prefer on whatever intention of mind manipulation. But such a behavior has absolutely nothing to do with serious religions or serious science - nor with a serious form of communication at all. Scientologist? Member of another criminal psycho-sect?

I ask you to back up what you said with proof and you launch on a long rant that only disparages me. Again. Is that your way of saying that to can't back up what you say and that I piss you off for asking you to?
The Bible says the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Afterwards, Adam and Eve are dressed fig leaves. It is likely that the Tree of Knowledge was a Fig Tree. Someday I'll ask Jesus --- if I remember the question or even care to know!
He's not the painting either. He is God the Son; the Word made flesh.
So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

You are not able to demonstrate in a better way that you do not have only a little lousy idea what you try to speak about. You don't have a good idea about science nor a good idea about religion at all. You could also be a parrot crying the whole time: "I'm Dawkins parrot. The most intelligent atheist of the world." ... To like to have physical answers on spiritual questions is as stupid as to like to have religious answers on physical problems. Same with biology. Example: A wavelength of 500 THz is for example "orange". But we are not able to say "spiritually" orange+orange is ultraviolett - orange is just simple orange - and it exists only colors which are more orange and less orange. We "calculate" this color in many different ways. The real color "orange" has in general 'only' a psychological quality. Perhaps you should try to understand why the genius Gustav Theodor Fechner spoke once about that the moon is made out of iodine or green cheese. Although this was only a satire showed this satire that we are able to use our knowledge about the methods of science in a perfect way - and say nevertheless in the end only bullshit. And you do not even try to find the correct way how to use scientific methods. I don't have have any idea how a scientist seriously could expect someone is able to put god under a microscope and reduce him in this way to a subject of biology or physics. How stupid are people who like to have such a proof and say on their own everyone is an idiot who is not able to do?

Is this your way of saying that you don't have a real answer?

I don't have any idea where your ignorant arrogance comes from. You are a brainwasher - that's all. I guess you know exactly what kind of ideas you prefer on whatever intention of mind manipulation. But such a behavior has absolutely nothing to do with serious religions or serious science - nor with a serious form of communication at all. Scientologist? Member of another criminal psycho-sect?

I ask you to back up what you said with proof ...

Parrot of Dawkins, what about if you would read what other people say to you and you would start to try to think about? The mistake your prophet Dawkins makes, is it, that he makes the philosophy or epistemology in natural science to an absolute god of knowledge. We are for example not able to make an experiment in history - nevertheless we know a lot about history. For example: No one is able to replace world war 2 with something else, although it's perhaps possible that the organization with the strange name "national rifle association of America" destroyed or blocks information about the genocide on Red Indians in the 18th/19th century, which were caused from automatic rifles. If we do not know something then this makes nothing real or unreal. And lots of inventions of natural science and technics have negative effects too. Science is not a god and atheism is just simple a belief. You can use your atheistic methods with your own religion atheism - but if you like to speak about foreign religions, then you should first try to learn what this religions really say.

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So Jesus was sent by your invisible BIG GUY for real? What proof do you have that that was the case?

You are not able to demonstrate in a better way that you do not have only a little lousy idea what you try to speak about. You don't have a good idea about science nor a good idea about religion at all. You could also be a parrot crying the whole time: "I'm Dawkins parrot. The most intelligent atheist of the world." ... To like to have physical answers on spiritual questions is as stupid as to like to have religious answers on physical problems. Same with biology. Example: A wavelength of 500 THz is for example "orange". But we are not able to say "spiritually" orange+orange is ultraviolett - orange is just simple orange - and it exists only colors which are more orange and less orange. We "calculate" this color in many different ways. The real color "orange" has in general 'only' a psychological quality. Perhaps you should try to understand why the genius Gustav Theodor Fechner spoke once about that the moon is made out of iodine or green cheese. Although this was only a satire showed this satire that we are able to use our knowledge about the methods of science in a perfect way - and say nevertheless in the end only bullshit. And you do not even try to find the correct way how to use scientific methods. I don't have have any idea how a scientist seriously could expect someone is able to put god under a microscope and reduce him in this way to a subject of biology or physics. How stupid are people who like to have such a proof and say on their own everyone is an idiot who is not able to do?

Is this your way of saying that you don't have a real answer?

I don't have any idea where your ignorant arrogance comes from. You are a brainwasher - that's all. I guess you know exactly what kind of ideas you prefer on whatever intention of mind manipulation. But such a behavior has absolutely nothing to do with serious religions or serious science - nor with a serious form of communication at all. Scientologist? Member of another criminal psycho-sect?

I ask you to back up what you said with proof ...

Parrot of Dawkins, what about if you would read what other people say to you and you would start to try to think about? The mistake your prophet Dawkins makes, is it, that he makes the philosophy or epistemology in natural science to an absolute god of knowledge. We are for example not able to make an experiment in history - nevertheless we know a lot about history. For example: No one is able to replace world war 2 with something else, although it's perhaps possible that the organization with the strange name "national rifle association of America" destroyed or blocks information about the genocide on Red Indians in the 18th/19th century, which were caused from automatic rifles. If we do not know something then this makes nothing real or unreal. And lots of inventions of natural science and technics have negative effects too. Science is not a god and atheism is just simple a belief. You can use your atheistic methods with your own religion atheism - but if you like to speak about foreign religions, then you should first try to learn what this religions really say.

Have you been tested for senility yet?
Considering he made everything that means he can:
-Turn off the sun with a thought
-Have it go super nova
-Rewrite the laws of physics and do away with gravity
-blow up every star in the universe at his command
-Teleport entire planets from one side of his universe to the other.
-Create a unicorn
-Bring back the dinosaurs
-Bring back the dinosaurs in the same form and instance as they were 65 million years ago.
-Take every atom in your body and transform your body into any animal or sex you can imagine.

You'd think with such a powerful god he wouldn't care if we fucked the same gender or wanted to have some fun in our lives. Why does god hate fun and sex so much?
He would need at least two AR-15's.
It would be easy for such a powerful god to heal people that were suffering.
It would be easy for such a powerful god to stop hungry and sadness
It would be easy for such a powerful god to bring peace to this little planet
Unfortunately, GOD would need to rid the world of all those who disregard Him first. Getting as many as will accept and turn to Him is His first step.

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