How Rich Is Your Favorite Liberal Compared To Mitt Romney?

I don't get the point of this? Is this an attempt at an articulate argument to make people stop liking Barack as a president? Or are you just trolling?

Oh wait.. U Mad Bro? :razz:


I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.

Too bad you're so butt-hurt about it.
But seriously..
Here. Let me redirect you:

Which one of those people are running for President again?

Oh wait..
Don't forget obama's puppet master mudwhistle...

He's worth more than Bruce Springstein, Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore??!!?!?!?

Jesus H christ the guy is loaded. I bet he has a good grasp of what it's like to be a middle class person afraid of losing their job and their home.

I noticed how you so deftly skipped over Oprah, The Kerrys, Speilberg, Hanks, Zuckerberg, Jack Nicholson, Larry David, George Soros and the rest.

Which office are Theresa Heinz-Kerry or anyone else on your list running for?

Oh, and somebody that is limoed everywhere, never lifts a finger to do anything, hasn't held a job of note in his life, and flies in the most expensive private jet in the world knows what it's like to be in fear of losing his job? Obama is set for life. He can get $100k per speaking engagement for the rest of his life.

Obama wasn't born with an entire set of fine china in his mouth. Unlike Romney.
He's worth more than Bruce Springstein, Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore??!!?!?!?

Jesus H christ the guy is loaded. I bet he has a good grasp of what it's like to be a middle class person afraid of losing their job and their home.

And Obama does? How? He's had a pampered existence his entire life too.

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)
He's worth more than Bruce Springstein, Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore??!!?!?!?

Jesus H christ the guy is loaded. I bet he has a good grasp of what it's like to be a middle class person afraid of losing their job and their home.

And Obama does? How? He's had a pampered existence his entire life too.

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

No, that's where he learned communism and to hate the rich, the "CONSERVATIVE" rich that is.

You see the hypocrisy from the left now. Probably not, you leftists are all a bunch of fucking liars and two faced shit bags.
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Romney is worth $250M my ass.

He paid $480,000 to have his taxes done. On his 2010 return he claimed no morgage interest so apparently he buys his multimillion dollor homes, all four of them, cash. He gave away $4M to charity. (I would like to see the receipts on that.)

If you believe Romney is worth anything near only $250M your more than really, really bad at math.


Romney gives 10 of his income to the church every year. That is a staple of the LDS church.

He has given millions to charity. He paid $3 million in taxes in 2010.

But I'm not the one coming up with the $250m figure. According to everyone he is only worth $250 Million.

Sure thing there, 'I like stickers'.

For 2010, his gross income was $21,646,507, he paid $4,619,441 during the year, after Price Waterhouse did their magic he owed $3,250,000 in taxes so the IRS cut him a check for $1,609,441. Really 'one of us' isn't he? Only $250M my ass.

He doesn't have to be one of us.

Fact is no poor man will ever win the election without massive campaign funds. If he used his own money the liars on the left would say he's trying to buy the election.

I remember Ronald Reagan was pretty rich and he never took a cent of his pay. Romney did the same thing when he was Governor.

Quit whining.
He's worth more than Bruce Springstein, Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore??!!?!?!?

Jesus H christ the guy is loaded. I bet he has a good grasp of what it's like to be a middle class person afraid of losing their job and their home.

And Obama does? How? He's had a pampered existence his entire life too.

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

Working is a subjective term to Obama......
Romney is worth $250M my ass.

He paid $480,000 to have his taxes done. On his 2010 return he claimed no morgage interest so apparently he buys his multimillion dollor homes, all four of them, cash. He gave away $4M to charity. (I would like to see the receipts on that.)

If you believe Romney is worth anything near only $250M your more than really, really bad at math.

So success is bad? Let me know when The IRS investigates him. Until then, turn off your jealousy and aspire to be like him instread of tearing dowm what used to constitute a part of the American dream.
He's worth more than Bruce Springstein, Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore??!!?!?!?

Jesus H christ the guy is loaded. I bet he has a good grasp of what it's like to be a middle class person afraid of losing their job and their home.

And Obama does? How? He's had a pampered existence his entire life too.

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

How tiny was that apartment?

Cornell and Harvard Law isn't exactly "salt of the Earth." Obama has never struggled.
Romney is worth $250M my ass.

He paid $480,000 to have his taxes done. On his 2010 return he claimed no morgage interest so apparently he buys his multimillion dollor homes, all four of them, cash. He gave away $4M to charity. (I would like to see the receipts on that.)

If you believe Romney is worth anything near only $250M your more than really, really bad at math.

So success is bad? Let me know when The IRS investigates him. Until then, turn off your jealousy and aspire to be like him instread of tearing dowm what used to constitute a part of the American dream.

"aspire to be like him" See? There is your fundemental misunderstanding of the whole equation.

btw link to the one year of tax returns we have from Mr. Business. Mitt Romney's 1040 tax return for 2010 -
And Obama does? How? He's had a pampered existence his entire life too.

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

How tiny was that apartment?

Cornell and Harvard Law isn't exactly "salt of the Earth." Obama has never struggled.

Are you from Earth?
And Obama does? How? He's had a pampered existence his entire life too.

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

No, that's where he learned communism and to hate the rich, the "CONSERVATIVE" rich that is.

Oh right, of course. That makes perfect sense. You are quite a scholar.

Did you get your Phd from AM radio?
Romney is worth $250M my ass.

He paid $480,000 to have his taxes done. On his 2010 return he claimed no morgage interest so apparently he buys his multimillion dollor homes, all four of them, cash. He gave away $4M to charity. (I would like to see the receipts on that.)

If you believe Romney is worth anything near only $250M your more than really, really bad at math.

So success is bad? Let me know when The IRS investigates him. Until then, turn off your jealousy and aspire to be like him instread of tearing dowm what used to constitute a part of the American dream.

"aspire to be like him" See? There is your fundemental misunderstanding of the whole equation.

btw link to the one year of tax returns we have from Mr. Business. Mitt Romney's 1040 tax return for 2010 -

Who the fuck cares.

I think it's pretty clear that Obama has nothing to run on so he focused on this nonsense.
And Obama does? How? He's had a pampered existence his entire life too.

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

How tiny was that apartment?

Smaller than Romney's apt.

Cornell and Harvard Law isn't exactly "salt of the Earth." Obama has never struggled.

Obama went to Cornell? That slippery bastard snuck into colleges everywhere!
Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

How tiny was that apartment?

Cornell and Harvard Law isn't exactly "salt of the Earth." Obama has never struggled.

Are you from Earth?


Obama never struggled, he's as out of touch with the middle class as Romney. Not that I care, the policies earn my vote.
Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

How tiny was that apartment?

Cornell and Harvard Law isn't exactly "salt of the Earth." Obama has never struggled.

Are you from Earth?

So a Harvard Grad is salt of the Earth?????

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