How Rich Is Your Favorite Liberal Compared To Mitt Romney?

No, that's a fact. The Koch Brothers could buy Soros and have enough left over to purchase a couple Waltons...

Which Walton? I always preferred Erin...

a "close quote"? is that like a quote, minus the accuracy and the actual words the person said?

"in my later high schools years I attended class sparingly, drank heavily and took drugs enthusiastically". - Barrack Obama

This passage can be found in his book "Dreams of my father" or you can get the audio version and hear Obama read it word for word.


Do You Want a President Who Snorted Cocaine, Drank to Excess, and Hung Out with Communists or a Prankster? « International Press Association

Flashback: Obama admitted to drunk driving, too |

Dreams from My Father - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So in other words you freely admit to "close" quoting instead of quoting the author?

Hey, at least your honest about it. Maybe that explains why he didn't start out at Columbia, huh?

Oh, my God!!!!!!!

You sure are grasping at straws, aren't you.

Pathetic little twat.
Interestingly, the most charitable state is Utah.t.

That's because the majority of residents in Utah believe they must give 10% of their salary to their church or they'll burn in hell.

Maybe it would help if you knew what you were talking about.

The Later Day Saints, or LDS church believes in tithing a minimum of 10% to the church.

It's not a matter of going to hell or not.

But most Mormons are charitable people, especially the ones that live around Salt Lake.

Sorry if that burns your ass.


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It is widely advertized that Mitt Romney is worth about $250 million dollars.

wow...your posts are starting to look like Mr. Shaman's... unreadable.

but i do adore when a rightwing extremist decides who my favorite anything is...


The sign of a left wing lunatic losing an argument... call the other guy an 'extremist'. Laughable. Everyone who disagrees with your messiah is an 'extremist' huh Jilly? :lol::lol:

Extremism to them is having tradition, values, and principles.

Pretty soon they'll let fly with a racism accusation.

'Well, everyone knows Mormons are all white and racist", even though many are Samoan, American Indian, just about any nationality.
Yup, and those good rich Dems are for raising their own taxes, and justice and fairness for the nonrich, while the greedy Pub donors are for cutting taxes on their bloated heir selves, unshackling the Wall St. a-holes that got us in this mess, and screwing the working families and the environment. The Pub celebrities should think about the good of the country- as should all the brainwashed functional idiot hater dupes..

Teddy/Romneycare for all! Already proves O-care will save Medicare/aid and the country's global competitiveness. Change the channel from your lying bought off BSers.
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