How Rich Is Your Favorite Liberal Compared To Mitt Romney?

Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

How tiny was that apartment?

Smaller than Romney's apt.

I'm sure.

Cornell and Harvard Law isn't exactly "salt of the Earth." Obama has never struggled.

Obama went to Cornell? That slippery bastard snuck into colleges everywhere!

Oops, I meant Columbia.

Still quite a prestigious school. Not one a struggling youth attends.
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"why do libs always cry about Romney being rich?!"
"Obama doesn't know what it's like to struggle!"

I am loling over here
By the end of July, the two biggest Super PACs allied with Romney, Restore Our Future and American Crossroads, had raised about a hundred and twenty-two million dollars. The most prominent Super PACs allied with Obama, Priorities USA Action and American Bridge 21st Century, had raised only about thirty million.

Read more Can Obama Win Over the Billionaires? : The New Yorker
By the end of July, the two biggest Super PACs allied with Romney, Restore Our Future and American Crossroads, had raised about a hundred and twenty-two million dollars. The most prominent Super PACs allied with Obama, Priorities USA Action and American Bridge 21st Century, had raised only about thirty million.

Read more Can Obama Win Over the Billionaires? : The New Yorker

Yes.....folks don't really like Obama as much as it has been rumored.

It's reflected in the lack of enthusiasm.
I recently read that the richest actor is Samuel L. Jackson.

What does this have to do with the op?

Not a damned thing.

What does the op have to do with anything at all?

That's easy -- rw's can't stand successful LIB-RULES!

Fact - most politicians are wealthy. So what?

What I object to is ANY politician investing in other countries but not his own and then lying about it. Mittens is corrupt and dishonest. So is the little scum veep candidate. That's what makes them both unfit to be prez.

Go ahead and vote for them but admit the truth - that you are casting a vote AGAINST your own country - just like Mittens.
By the end of July, the two biggest Super PACs allied with Romney, Restore Our Future and American Crossroads, had raised about a hundred and twenty-two million dollars. The most prominent Super PACs allied with Obama, Priorities USA Action and American Bridge 21st Century, had raised only about thirty million.

Read more Can Obama Win Over the Billionaires? : The New Yorker

Yes.....folks don't really like Obama as much as it has been rumored.

It's reflected in the lack of enthusiasm.

The whole "magic Negro" thing as columnist David Ehrenstein called him, wore off long ago. He's just another empty suited, clueless dunderhead... totally lost.
Yeah, I bet living in a tiny apartment in Chicago while working as an organizer was high paying position! He was living the life of luxury, donchaknow! Just like the Romneys, of that I'm certain! (minus the boats, the planes, the summers in France etc....)

How tiny was that apartment?

Smaller than Romney's apt.

Cornell and Harvard Law isn't exactly "salt of the Earth." Obama has never struggled.

Obama went to Cornell? That slippery bastard snuck into colleges everywhere!
Sure did. Foreign exchange program. He represented Indonesia.
Next to George Soros, Romney is poverty stricken.

The Koch Brothers make George Soros an apparent pauper.

Unlike Soros and Koch, Romney is running for elected office.

Apparently, the above facts are so repulsive to BluePhantom that he felt the need to neg rep actual facts.

Typical conservatarian. Facts bad! Science Bad!
It is widely advertized that Mitt Romney is worth about $250 million dollars.

wow...your posts are starting to look like Mr. Shaman's... unreadable.

but i do adore when a rightwing extremist decides who my favorite anything is...


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