How should history be taught in public education


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Republicans throw a conniption over the teaching of U.S. history - LA Times

The latest right wing attack on the teaching of US history is wholly ideological

Does the AP US history course exclude Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, as rightwingers maintain? Nope

The control of teaching history controls how the citizens view themselves and their country's past in the flow of time.

I have no problem with a factual description of our past: it allows us to celebrate the good and hopefully correct the errors as we go forward.
Republicans have done some good things BUT NOT IN THE PAST 30 OR SO YEARS. Sadly, it looks like they've sold-out, lock, stock & barrel to the monied-interests to ensure their reelection prospects & cushy jobs after their *cough* "service".

They can't re-write the last 30+ years of contemporary republican destruction.

I wish they'd return to their roots :(

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History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.
Republicans have done some good things BUT NOT IN THE PAST 30 OR SO YEARS. Sadly, it looks like they've sold-out, lock, stock & barrel to the monied-interests to ensure their reelection prospects & cushy jobs after their *cough* "service".

They can't re-write the last 30+ years of contemporary republican destruction.

I wish they'd return to their roots :(


Wow. Just fucking wow.

You should read through the Sample test.

We need to Reform our educational system -- totally and completely
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

First history is not about just "facts".

Second, no one can write an "unbiased" history. The best we can do is be aware for our biases and try to correct for them.

Third, most of the "junk history" of the last 50 years comes from the right, from Holocaust deniers to Southern revisionists, to American exceptionalists.

I would recommend Jim Loewen's "Lies my Teach Told Me", if you want an academically reputable treatment of the subject of teaching history.
What should be the purpose of teaching history in our schools?
Who should make that decision of purpose?

To me the purpose of teaching history in schools is:

1. to develop critical thinking skills.

2. to learn how historians do history, and do some of it yourself.

3. to provide the toolkit of historical method to apply to other disciplines.

4. to develop a sense of context for events and people.

The issue of who decides is a political one. Most school boards vote for hack history. That does the teachers, historians, students, taxpayers, and the general public a disservice. But it is what they think the public wants.
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

First history is not about just "facts".

Second, no one can write an "unbiased" history. The best we can do is be aware for our biases and try to correct for them.

Third, most of the "junk history" of the last 50 years comes from the right, from Holocaust deniers to Southern revisionists, to American exceptionalists.

I would recommend Jim Loewen's "Lies my Teach Told Me", if you want an academically reputable treatment of the subject of teaching history.

Are you crazy? HIstory IS facts. Facts have no agenda. History should be taught as it actually happened, not as anyone wishes it had been.

The purpose of teaching history is so that we can learn from it and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

As to your stupid comment about 'junk history', historical revisionists are mostly left wingers and members of the teachers union, they are not teaching history, they are trying to indoctrinate liberal bullshit philosophy into young brains.

The holocaust happened, slavery happened, America is an exceptional nation. And you are full of shit.
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

First history is not about just "facts".

Second, no one can write an "unbiased" history. The best we can do is be aware for our biases and try to correct for them.

Third, most of the "junk history" of the last 50 years comes from the right, from Holocaust deniers to Southern revisionists, to American exceptionalists.

I would recommend Jim Loewen's "Lies my Teach Told Me", if you want an academically reputable treatment of the subject of teaching history.

Are you crazy? HIstory IS facts. Facts have no agenda. History should be taught as it actually happened, not as anyone wishes it had been.

The purpose of teaching history is so that we can learn from it and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

As to your stupid comment about 'junk history', historical revisionists are mostly left wingers and members of the teachers union, they are not teaching history, they are trying to indoctrinate liberal bullshit philosophy into young brains.

The holocaust happened, slavery happened, America is an exceptional nation. And you are full of shit.

the fact that jake snarkey disagrees with this post validates the accuracy of it.:biggrin:
The fact is that the junk history of the last sixty years has been recreated by the junky far right reactionaries and libertarians. David Barton or the racists with agendas? Not to worry, blowfish, we will keep pointing out the junk.
The fact is that the junk history of the last sixty years has been recreated by the junky far right reactionaries and libertarians. David Barton or the racists with agendas? Not to worry, blowfish, we will keep pointing out the junk.

Your posts validate the inadequacy of our educational system. You are a VICTIM of leftist propaganda.

There is no agenda with history, it is what it is. When you lying leftists attempt to revise history you damage the nation and the future of our children and grandchildren-----------------------TELL THE TRUTH. The good and the bad. The truth will set you free from your leftist indoctrination. You are no better than a kid who has been indoctrinated in muslim hate in a madrassa.
Your posts validate the inadequacy of our educational system. You are a VICTIM of leftist propaganda.

There is no agenda with history, it is what it is. When you lying leftists attempt to revise history you damage the nation and the future of our children and grandchildren-----------------------TELL THE TRUTH. The good and the bad. The truth will set you free from your leftist indoctrination. You are no better than a kid who has been indoctrinated in muslim hate in a madrassa.
Your extremism makes me seem liberal, when in fact your distortion of fact and narrative is the cause for your misperception.

Compared to you, I am far better educated, certainly more knowledgeable how the world works, and very successful in business, and now that I am retired, I am comfortable, content, and happy.

I know it sux to be you, but you earned it.
Redfish is clearly projecting when he writes, "Jake is a sick human being. Full of hate and lies.."
Your posts validate the inadequacy of our educational system. You are a VICTIM of leftist propaganda.

There is no agenda with history, it is what it is. When you lying leftists attempt to revise history you damage the nation and the future of our children and grandchildren-----------------------TELL THE TRUTH. The good and the bad. The truth will set you free from your leftist indoctrination. You are no better than a kid who has been indoctrinated in muslim hate in a madrassa.
Your extremism makes me seem liberal, when in fact your distortion of fact and narrative is the cause for your misperception.

Compared to you, I am far better educated, certainly more knowledgeable how the works, and very successful in business, and now that I am retired, I am comfortable, content, and happy.

I know it sux to be you, but you earned it.

Truly life is good for those who work hard, are responsible for themselves, charitable to others, and plan prudently for the future.

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