How should history be taught in public education

As important, perhaps even more important that teaching about historical events is teaching how to learn about historical events as with not assuming your side is always being honest and factual as per bias.
History is history, it should be taught as it actually happened, no conclusions, no agendas, no bias. Teach our kids what happened in the past. Let them learn from it. Let them draw their own conclusions regarding right and wrong.

Can you imagine the public screams in a school district if the district bought a textbook that did not infer patriotism, extol our founders and so on. No way is a school board going to allow that. The text should meet the public's expectations of what a school history text is, after all most people have had history, and they know what n a history school text is like.
History is history, it should be taught as it actually happened, no conclusions, no agendas, no bias. Teach our kids what happened in the past. Let them learn from it. Let them draw their own conclusions regarding right and wrong.

Can you imagine the public screams in a school district if the district bought a textbook that did not infer patriotism, extol our founders and so on. No way is a school board going to allow that. The text should meet the public's expectations of what a school history text is, after all most people have had history, and they know what n a history school text is like.

As I said, history books should tell history as it actually was. If Ben Franklin was a pervert who liked young girls, tell it. Jefferson screwed one of his slaves, tell it. If LBJ was working with the mob to kill JFK, tell it.

Tell the truth, even if it is offensive----------but tell the TRUTH.
The far right revisionists have already lost the battle for the American narrative.
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

First history is not about just "facts".

Second, no one can write an "unbiased" history. The best we can do is be aware for our biases and try to correct for them.

Third, most of the "junk history" of the last 50 years comes from the right, from Holocaust deniers to Southern revisionists, to American exceptionalists.

I would recommend Jim Loewen's "Lies my Teach Told Me", if you want an academically reputable treatment of the subject of teaching history.

Are you crazy? HIstory IS facts. Facts have no agenda. History should be taught as it actually happened, not as anyone wishes it had been.

The purpose of teaching history is so that we can learn from it and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

As to your stupid comment about 'junk history', historical revisionists are mostly left wingers and members of the teachers union, they are not teaching history, they are trying to indoctrinate liberal bullshit philosophy into young brains.

The holocaust happened, slavery happened, America is an exceptional nation. And you are full of shit.
thats a typical post for TROLLSTYLE.He doesnt believe the american sheople should be exposed to facts in history classes.just like you mentioned,the way they wished it had happened is the way he wants it be taught hense why he should change his user name to trollstyle.
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

unfortunately its not,it is taught with political bias and not accurately and truthfully.facts are always left out. Our corrupt schools are funded by the government unfortunately so thats why you only hear what they WANT you to hear.

The best way to get educated on american history for history callses growing up is the teacher should teach the classes from books on the library shelves and assign the students to look at books on that subject at the library as well.

Your going to learn far more truth going to the library and reading books there on historic events than actually happened the way it really did instead of the way they want you to think it happened in their versions they get to make up and tell us in our classrooms.
The history in the public and private schools below college level, is pretty much decided by politicians. The politicians write the curriculum, select the textbooks and so forth. That part is all political but what you have offsetting the politicians and their versions of history are a number of teachers that learned their history at the university level and teach using the university source for their history.
What is difficult to hide from the more able students is that America has grown more liberal over the years, no matter the politicians, textbooks or other, we have only to observe history as it is occurring.
A question I have asked a few times, but is never answered, does history make one more liberal or do only liberals become historians?

Republicans have a deep suspicion of education. Look at the Texas GOP Party Platform where they wanted to outlaw teaching children "critical thinking skills" because they felt that children would question their parents if "too" educated.
Look at the wild applause Rick Santorum got for saying Obama was a snob for wanting education available to all Americans.
Look at how many right wingers on the USMB mock education.
And finally, education tends to make people more liberal because they have a greater understanding.
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

Funny: Liberals say the same thing about Conservatives.

History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

Funny: Liberals say the same thing about Conservatives.


But what liberals are saying is true. How many times have Republican USMB members called me a liar for simply repeating what their leaders have said? Even when I link to video and post quotes, they still call me a liar. Take BP for instance. When I said Republicans blocked this administration from investigating BP for that horrendous oil spill, they said Republicans would never do that and vehemently called me a liar. Even after I posted video and quotes. They simply don't know what their leadership stands for. I suspect because they are voting white. It can't be just ignorance. It can't be just denial.
Worse, they insist it was confederate conservative white Republicans who freed the slaves. That is such an insult to black Americans and the country in general. I've asked if they thought Lincoln was a conservative and no one will answer it.
Talk about twisted history.
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

Funny: Liberals say the same thing about Conservatives.


But what liberals are saying is true. How many times have Republican USMB members called me a liar for simply repeating what their leaders have said? Even when I link to video and post quotes, they still call me a liar. Take BP for instance. When I said Republicans blocked this administration from investigating BP for that horrendous oil spill, they said Republicans would never do that and vehemently called me a liar. Even after I posted video and quotes. They simply don't know what their leadership stands for. I suspect because they are voting white. It can't be just ignorance. It can't be just denial.
Worse, they insist it was confederate conservative white Republicans who freed the slaves. That is such an insult to black Americans and the country in general. I've asked if they thought Lincoln was a conservative and no one will answer it.
Talk about twisted history.

Yepp, it's kind of sad.
History should be taught warts and all with an understanding that some of those warts were normal for that time. US History actually existed before the Civil Rights Movement, an era liberal professors obsess over. United States victory in WWII is frowned upon because that was a racist nation. History teachers and professors are afraid to teach that America at its Zenith was a segregated nation. This is unfair to the Greatest Generation of Americans. It was what it was. Just the way American culture operated. Does not detract from the victory. Instead we have to focus on "rights centered history" and the story of all the victims in American History. I feel that is biased and wrong.
History should be taught accurately and truthfully. There should be no political bias in history, just the facts.

The real problem is that liberals lie about the facts of history, because the facts do not support their agenda.

Funny: Liberals say the same thing about Conservatives.


But what liberals are saying is true. How many times have Republican USMB members called me a liar for simply repeating what their leaders have said? Even when I link to video and post quotes, they still call me a liar. Take BP for instance. When I said Republicans blocked this administration from investigating BP for that horrendous oil spill, they said Republicans would never do that and vehemently called me a liar. Even after I posted video and quotes. They simply don't know what their leadership stands for. I suspect because they are voting white. It can't be just ignorance. It can't be just denial.
Worse, they insist it was confederate conservative white Republicans who freed the slaves. That is such an insult to black Americans and the country in general. I've asked if they thought Lincoln was a conservative and no one will answer it.
Talk about twisted history.
Perhaps they would pay more attention if your avatar was not so condescending and an obvious piece of propaganda. So poor White people are ignorant and dumb if they vote Republican? What's liberals done for them?

Most biased revisionist history book ever by a former member of the Communist Party USA. This began the "America evil" sect of left wing professors and teachers.
The far right, as are the far left, terrified of history writing and teaching.

First comes the narrative, the telling of the events that occurred: this battle, that president, a plague annihilated that tribe, Anne Hutchinson banished by the ministers, and so forth and so on.

That is no issue.

The issue is the interpretation of 'why' the narrative occurred the way it did.

That is why the wankers of the far left and the far right are terrified of history in school.
History should be taught warts and all with an understanding that some of those warts were normal for that time. US History actually existed before the Civil Rights Movement, an era liberal professors obsess over. United States victory in WWII is frowned upon because that was a racist nation. History teachers and professors are afraid to teach that America at its Zenith was a segregated nation. This is unfair to the Greatest Generation of Americans. It was what it was. Just the way American culture operated. Does not detract from the victory. Instead we have to focus on "rights centered history" and the story of all the victims in American History. I feel that is biased and wrong.
As some might remember at the end of the Korean War 24 American POW's did not want to come home. In short it was something of a disgrace the way some American POW's had treated other Americans in the POW camps. The term brainwashing became a household sign of something. A Col. Meyers was put in charge of what happened to these Americans military men. One of the things, just one, was the American history some GI's had been taught in their school rooms, those that were taught American history warts and all were able to withstand the brainwashing attempts better than others. They had heard of some of the evils practiced in the US in their plain old history class and were not impressed. Parson Weem's history may have been dumped, or it may still be around.

Most biased revisionist history book ever by a former member of the Communist Party USA. This began the "America evil" sect of left wing professors and teachers.

That nice Jewish man was a communist?
Zinn was born to a Jewish immigrant family in Brooklyn. His father, Eddie Zinn, born in Austria-Hungary, emigrated to the U.S. with his brother Samuel before the outbreak of World War I. Howard's mother, Jenny (Rabinowitz) Zinn,[4] emigrated from the Eastern Siberian city of Irkutsk.
History is history, it should be taught as it actually happened, no conclusions, no agendas, no bias. Teach our kids what happened in the past. Let them learn from it. Let them draw their own conclusions regarding right and wrong.

Can you imagine the public screams in a school district if the district bought a textbook that did not infer patriotism, extol our founders and so on. No way is a school board going to allow that. The text should meet the public's expectations of what a school history text is, after all most people have had history, and they know what n a history school text is like.

As I said, history books should tell history as it actually was. If Ben Franklin was a pervert who liked young girls, tell it. Jefferson screwed one of his slaves, tell it. If LBJ was working with the mob to kill JFK, tell it.

Tell the truth, even if it is offensive----------but tell the TRUTH.

damn straight,best post ever on this thread.could not have said it any better myself.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
If you were teaching a history class in a high school and there was a passage in the textbook you believed was wrong, so you checked at the university and other sources and decided the passage was clearly wrong. You went to the principal, a former coach, and asked his advice. After looking at you as if you were nuts the principal said teach the textbook version. It was not your error and in the end no one even cared. The district is paying your salary, to teach as the district decides and furnishing the text is their call, not a teacher's. Would you play it safe?
Of course not, the teach can say "this is what the book says," then "now let me tell you what really happened and why." Teachers in social sciences do that all the time when the far right crazies capture school boards until the crazies are defeated in the next election.

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