Zone1 How should non-Jews fix antisemitism?

Perhaps if there was peace from the restart of Israel in that part of the world. Easier said than done.
Perhaps if there was peace from the restart of Israel in that part of the world. Easier said than done.

The population of Palestine doubled in 15 years with European immigrants.

Imagine if that happened in the US.
No Israeli flagged vessel had crossed the straits of Tiran in the previous 14 months. Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the problem. The Israelis wanted war.. they wanted more land and water.
Stop lying . The Straits were International Waters and Nasser closed them . He even bragged he was going to alienate Israel 🇮🇱
Please tell us why he sent the UN “ peacekeepers “ away??
He wanted War and he got his ASS handed to him ✡️🇮🇱👍
Stop lying . The Straits were International Waters and Nasser closed them . He even bragged he was going to alienate Israel 🇮🇱
Please tell us why he sent the UN “ peacekeepers “ away??
He wanted War and he got his ASS handed to him ✡️🇮🇱👍

It goes back to the Suez Crisis and the Lavon Affair. The Israelis wanted war. ... They wanted more land and water assets... They carried out many, many provocations against Syria, Lebanon and Egypt for a decade. Read Moishe Dayan.
It goes back to the Suez Crisis and the Lavon Affair. The Israelis wanted war. ... They wanted more land and water assets... They carried out many, many provocations against Syria, Lebanon and Egypt for a decade. Read Moishe Dayan.
You can’t stop lying; can you? The UN “ peacekeepers “ were put there in 1956. May 16, 1967 Nasser DEMANDED they leave and they did On May 20th he stated “ It was time to take the INITIATIVE in destroying the Zionist presence in the Arab Homeland “
You can’t stop lying; can you? The UN “ peacekeepers “ were put there in 1956. May 16, 1967 Nasser DEMANDED they leave and they did On May 20th he stated “ It was time to take the INITIATIVE in destroying the Zionist presence in the Arab Homeland “

Eisenhower was going to finance the Aswan dam until Israel carried out the Lavon Affair which drove Egypt into the arms of the Soviets.
wrong----nazis are christians and muslims.
Surada disagrees-----well---maybe she has encountered HINDU
nazis or Buddhists nazis or Taoist nazis. I have no----HOWEVER---
for muslims in India HINDUS who adhere to their religion and would
like for INDIA to be a HINDU country just as Pakistan is a MUSLIM
country are derided as EVIL
depoprovera is a short acting and VERY SAVE birth control device----it is a favorite amongst female physicians in the USA
Eisenhower was going to finance the Aswan dam until Israel carried out the Lavon Affair which drove Egypt into the arms of the Soviets.
Yeah----you have repeated that idiotic islamo-naxi meme many times. It made no sense the FIRST time you farted it out----and it still makes no sense
Surada disagrees-----well---maybe she has encountered HINDU
nazis or Buddhists nazis or Taoist nazis. I have no----HOWEVER---
for muslims in India HINDUS who adhere to their religion and would
like for INDIA to be a HINDU country just as Pakistan is a MUSLIM
country are derided as EVIL

depoprovera is a short acting and VERY SAVE birth control device----it is a favorite amongst female physicians in the USA
to what do you disagree, suradie? ROFLMAO
You should understand how the conflict evolved and how furious Eisenhower was to be tricked by the Lavon Affair.
You should understand how the conflict evolved and how furious Eisenhower was to be tricked by the Lavon Affair.
Eisenhower withdraw his support which made Egypt strike a stronger alliance with the Soviet Union and contributed to the Suez Canal Crisis . Why not admit that you’re a LIAR who refuses to acknowledge that the UN “ peacekeepers “ deliberately left the area knowing there was going to be War and Nasser announced to the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY his goal was Israel’s destruction.
Eisenhower withdraw his support which made Egypt strike a stronger alliance with the Soviet Union and contributed to the Suez Canal Crisis . Why not admit that you’re a LIAR who refuses to acknowledge that the UN “ peacekeepers “ deliberately left the area knowing there was going to be War and Nasser announced to the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY his goal was Israel’s destruction.

Nasser had announced a summit to resolve the problem of the strait of Tiran. Read Moishe Dayan.
Your comparison between the Israeli aggression in 1967 and the contemptible Japanese sneak attack is apt.
There is no comparison. Israel launched a pre-emptive attack hours or a day before the Arab League planned to open hostilities with a full-scale invasion of Israel. Arab units wer already in their pre-assaulkot positions and teh Arab aircraft were loaded and fueled for ethe attack. That's why the IAF attack on the Arab airfields was so devastating.
There is no comparison. Israel launched a pre-emptive attack hours or a day before the Arab League planned to open hostilities with a full-scale invasion of Israel. Arab units wer already in their pre-assaulkot positions and teh Arab aircraft were loaded and fueled for ethe attack. That's why the IAF attack on the Arab airfields was so devastating.
True. If Israel had waited until the Arabs struck first, the Israelis would have been unable to defend her.

And world opinion was critical as well. Israel had alerted the U.S. shortly before the pre-emptive strike that it was necessary, without which Israel would be destroyed, and the U.S. gave its approval.

Things weren’t as clear cut a few years later, when the Arabs attacked Israel on Yom Kippur. Golda Meir was getting intelligence information that the Arabs were planning an attack, but there wasn’t as much certainty surrounding the imminence of it as the 1967 War. Thus, knowing how many in the world hated Jews, she was fearful of acting pro-actively and decided to wait.

That delay almost cost Israel her existence, and Golda wrote it was the biggest regret of her life. She actually reported that she was suicidal over it, knowing that the country may cease to exist due to her lack of aggression. Thank G-d, the Jews overcame.
There is no comparison. Israel launched a pre-emptive attack hours or a day before the Arab League planned to open hostilities with a full-scale invasion of Israel. Arab units wer already in their pre-assaulkot positions and teh Arab aircraft were loaded and fueled for ethe attack. That's why the IAF attack on the Arab airfields was so devastating.

Egyptian troops were deployed to Yemen from 1962-1970. Neither Jordan nor Syria we're on a war footing. Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the situation with the Straits of Tiran.
2to what do you disagree, suradie? ROFLMAO
She disagrees that Nasser announced to the ENTIRE WORLD he was going to destroy the “ Zionist presence in the Arab Homeland”. and the UN “ peacekeepers “ were deliberately sent away. 🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️
Nasser had announced a summit to resolve the problem of the strait of Tiran. Read Moishe Dayan.
Please tell us why there should have been a “ summit” to allow Israelis right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS??? No comment on his goal for Israel’s destruction? Does that sound like someone who wants a “ summit” ????? Still can’t admit you’re a LIAR 🤥. 🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️✡️🇮🇱
Egyptian troops were deployed to Yemen from 1962-1970. Neither Jordan nor Syria we're on a war footing. Nasser had called for a summit to resolve the situation with the Straits of Tiran.
Another stupid comment. Nasser bragged to the ENTIRE WORLD he was going to destroy the “ Zionist Entity “ The Straits of Tiran are INTERNATIONAL WATERS. When asked why Israel should “ negotiate “ or why the UN “ peacekeepers “ left there is no response 🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱✡️
She disagrees that Nasser announced to the ENTIRE WORLD he was going to destroy the “ Zionist presence in the Arab Homeland”. and the UN “ peacekeepers “ were deliberately sent away. 🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️

Please tell us why there should have been a “ summit” to allow Israelis right to INTERNATIONAL WATERS??? No comment on his goal for Israel’s destruction? Does that sound like someone who wants a “ summit” ????? Still can’t admit you’re a LIAR 🤥. 🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️✡️🇮🇱

Another stupid comment. Nasser bragged to the ENTIRE WORLD he was going to destroy the “ Zionist Entity “ The Straits of Tiran are INTERNATIONAL WATERS. When asked why Israel should “ negotiate “ or why the UN “ peacekeepers “ left there is no response 🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱✡️
at the time in question---I had JUST FINISHED my "FINALS" in college---
(PS I ACED EVERY COURSE----gawd help me---even calculus.) I was
"home" doing NUTHIN' and spent the ENTIRE time with the TV---
doing "CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST" Suradie is confused. "Ilove"
got it absolutely right. Nasser --VERY OPENLY---and his idiot minions---
a bunch of arabs in the UN wearing sunglasses----INSISTED---that
DA JOOOOS IS GONERS (the arabs ALSO ---gawd help their molars--
There was a thread a couple of days ago in which a black poster asked whites how they should fix racism, so I’m asked a similar question: what should non-Jews do to fix antisemitism?

Given that it can be argued that there is more pronounced prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks (link below), and that Jew-hate is on the rise worldwide, it’s an important question.

As a start, we need to ramp down on these hate crimes, since Jews are experiencing them at twice the rate of blacks or Muslims, and thus more attention should be paid there. Suggestions?

I refuse to participate in either.
Blacks need to change their collective "culture.". Jews are hated, by those who hate them, because Satan is the god of this world.

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