Zone1 How should non-Jews fix antisemitism?

There was a thread a couple of days ago in which a black poster asked whites how they should fix racism, so I’m asked a similar question: what should non-Jews do to fix antisemitism?

Given that it can be argued that there is more pronounced prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks (link below), and that Jew-hate is on the rise worldwide, it’s an important question.

As a start, we need to ramp down on these hate crimes, since Jews are experiencing them at twice the rate of blacks or Muslims, and thus more attention should be paid there. Suggestions?

I think you should treat Jewish people the way you treat everyone else. Some people you like or cherish or respect or trust... and some you don't.
LOL another familiar islamo-nazi meme----you left out the blood in the matzoh libel

the very first sentence of your moronic citation
belies your infinite stupidity >>>>>Both Nazism and Zionism arose in tandem from small insignificant social movements in the early part of the 20th century,
in fact ZIONISM is as old as is Judaism and what
islamo nazis like to call "political zionism" precedes
your nazism by centuries. The CURRENT zionist project began at the very outset of the 19th century---
ie beginning of the 1800s with a program to purchase
land in "palestine". Even prior to the 19th century there were movements devoted to migration BACK TO
ZION. over the past 2000 years.
You engage in name-calling and ignore the facts.

You engage in name-calling and ignore the facts.

try again-----Shamir's effort of "CONCILIATION" with your nazi heroes was REMINISCENT of the "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" Every prisoner exchange involves
a measure of "CONCILIATION"----that morons like you HAPPILY call ALLIANCE
The USA attacked Germany in the Atlantic-----knocking down German U boats ---UNPROVOKED--
The USN was escorting merchant ships in a declared neutrality zone that excluded the warships of ALL combatants. German U Boats were attacking USN destroyers like Rueben James without provocation. The USN wasn't attacking U Boats. What eh US was doing was illegal because it was allowing British merchant ships to sail with its NEUTRAL convoys. But that didn't give German U Boats the right a deliberately attack US destroyers.
The USA attacked Germany in the Atlantic-----knocking down German U boats ---UNPROVOKED--
Quote: Nasser’s closing of the Straits of Tiran has been similarly distorted in the Mainstream Narrative. Finkelstein explains that Nasser may actually have had the legal right to close the Straits, that he probably did not intend to maintain the closure, and that he offered to take the dispute to the International Court of Justice, but Israel refused. And Israel would not have choked overnight, but got 95 percent of its imports through its other ports and had a several months’ reserve supply of oil.

Link: Israel provoked the Six-Day War in 1967, and it was not fighting for survival

Israel could have negotiated. Instead Israel attacked.
The USN was escorting merchant ships in a declared neutrality zone that excluded the warships of ALL combatants. German U Boats were attacking USN destroyers like Rueben James without provocation. The USN wasn't attacking U Boats. What eh US was doing was illegal because it was allowing British merchant ships to sail with its NEUTRAL convoys. But that didn't give German U Boats the right a deliberately attack US destroyers.
almost correct sophistry ---the WHO STARTED IT
sophistry still points to the USA for DECLARING WAR
FOR "no reason"
Quote: Nasser’s closing of the Straits of Tiran has been similarly distorted in the Mainstream Narrative. Finkelstein explains that Nasser may actually have had the legal right to close the Straits, that he probably did not intend to maintain the closure, and that he offered to take the dispute to the International Court of Justice, but Israel refused. And Israel would not have choked overnight, but got 95 percent of its imports through its other ports and had a several months’ reserve supply of oil.

Link: Israel provoked the Six-Day War in 1967, and it was not fighting for survival

Israel could have negotiated. Instead Israel attacked.
BRILLIANT BIT of Finkelstein stupidity-----guess what----the bombing of standing unoccupied planes
by Israel did not constitute a THREAT TO THE SURVIVAL OF EGYPT----either. As these things go---it was a tiny touch of vandalism
try again-----Shamir's effort of "CONCILIATION" with your nazi heroes was REMINISCENT of the "SERMON ON THE MOUNT" Every prisoner exchange involves
a measure of "CONCILIATION"----that morons like you HAPPILY call ALLIANCE
Look at the facts. Zionists love❤️Fascists.

BRILLIANT BIT of Finkelstein stupidity-----guess what----the bombing of standing unoccupied planes
by Israel did not constitute a THREAT TO THE SURVIVAL OF EGYPT----either. As these things go---it was a tiny touch of vandalism
Please stop lying. Many Egyptians died from the Israeli attacks.

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