Zone1 How should non-Jews fix antisemitism?

You have been misinformed. The Palestinians are defending themselves against the brutal Israeli army of occupation.

Another lie Olmert offered them ALMOST everything they wanted
Anti semitic must be anti-semitic and not an accusation because someone disagreed with a person who is Jewish. Powerful people are powerful people.
Another lie Olmert offered them ALMOST everything they wanted
Forgot ONE more thing . The topic is Antisemitism and I brought up several examples of PRIOR to 1948 and those after which have nothing to do with the Jewish State . All you can come up with is Don’t hate black people because you’re a empty vessel who shares their views
Israel will always be in existence whether you like it or not . Keep finding excuses for their attacks and expect Israel to do nothing
You are such a clown.

Israel discriminates against and brutalizes Palestinians. Israel possesses a vast military apparatus, thanks in part to the U.S. taxpayer, that kills hundreds of Palestinians. And you can only talk about feeble Palestinian “attacks”.

Here’s some pictures of dead Palestinians for you to enjoy:
You are such a clown.

Israel discriminates against and brutalizes Palestinians. Israel possesses a vast military apparatus, thanks in part to the U.S. taxpayer, that kills hundreds of Palestinians. And you can only talk about feeble Palestinian “attacks”.

Here’s some pictures of dead Palestinians for you to enjoy:
YAWN…… Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and the Rockets intensified . From now on I’m going to refer to the INITIAL topic which was Antisemitism. It existed for almost 2,000 years BEFORE 1948 and all the empty Vessel ( You) can come up with is don’t hate Blacks ? BTW , most of the Antisemitism has Nothing to do with Israel . Kanya West is just ONE example
It‘s typical Israeli policy to issue warnings to reduce civilian casualties. Israel goes further to reduce collateral damage than any other nation that I am aware of.
Israel is a great humanitarian nation, with amazing programs and efforts to save lives. One such example is the Save-a-Heart Foundation, which provides heart operations to poor children throughout the world at no charge. Most of the children are Arabs, including from Gaza.

Compare that to the Palestinians, whose goal is to murder as many Israeli children as possible.

Israel is a great humanitarian nation, with amazing programs and efforts to save lives. One such example is the Save-a-Heart Foundation, which provides heart operations to poor children throughout the world at no charge. Most of the children are Arabs, including from Gaza.

Compare that to the Palestinians, whose goal is to murder as many Israeli children as possible.

A great humanitarian nation?!

How about when the Israelis lied to the U.S. to inveigle us into the 2nd Gulf War?

Was that humanitarian? How many died in that war?

Some individual South Africans were nice people. Did that make apartheid any less evil?

The Israelis kill far more children.

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YAWN…… Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and the Rockets intensified . From now on I’m going to refer to the INITIAL topic which was Antisemitism. It existed for almost 2,000 years BEFORE 1948 and all the empty Vessel ( You) can come up with is don’t hate Blacks ? BTW , most of the Antisemitism has Nothing to do with Israel . Kanya West is just ONE example
Wrong again.

A great humanitarian nation?!

How about when the Israelis lied to the U.S. to inveigle us into the 2nd Gulf War?

Was that humanitarian? How many died in that war?

Some individual South Africans were nice people. Did that make apartheid any less evil?
When was the last the Palestinians donated their time and money to SAVE the life of a Jewish child?!

Your over-the-top, one-sided, irrational hatred of the sole little Jewish. country is due to antisemitism. At the same time, you object to how blacks are treated.

Leftists are such hypocrites.
If there was a way to "fix" bigotry and racism we would have done it by now

It's time to accept that both bigotry and racism are indelibly ingrained in human behavior.
When was the last the Palestinians donated their time and money to SAVE the life of a Jewish child?!

Your over-the-top, one-sided, irrational hatred of the sole little Jewish. country is due to antisemitism. At the same time, you object to how blacks are treated.

Leftists are such hypocrites.
Palestinian doctors serve Israeli patients all the time.

But you can’t recognize this because you are a contemptible bigot who only sees Palestinians as mindless savages.
Palestinian doctors serve Israeli patients all the time.

But you can’t recognize this because you are a contemptible bigot who only sees Palestinians as mindless savages.
YOU are the contemptible bigot. Are these doctors donating their time and money, and raising money from their fellow Palestinians, to save Jewish children?

I didn‘t say that Palestinians are mindless savages. You libs pull that all the time - claim people say things they didn’t, and they condemn them for it.

But Israelis are, overall, superior to Palestinians.
If there was a way to "fix" bigotry and racism we would have done it by now

It's time to accept that both bigotry and racism are indelibly ingrained in human behavior.
TRUE STATEMENT----even apes do it. It is a
survival trait in a world full of hostile "others"
HOWEVER for an answer to "why Antisemitism"
That's easy---just read the koran and the "new"
Testament. I have had very very candid
conversation with ALL SORTS OF PEOPLE. I have
never run into a Hindu, Zoroastrian, or Taoist
anti-semite. Historically---there was some tension
between zoroastrians and jews based on theology - (like more than 2000 years ago----but it's gone
based on the fact that zoroastrians got bigger
problems now ----to wit---islam.
YOU are the contemptible bigot. Are these doctors donating their time and money, and raising money from their fellow Palestinians, to save Jewish children?

I didn‘t say that Palestinians are mindless savages. You libs pull that all the time - claim people say things they didn’t, and they condemn them for it.

But Israelis are, overall, superior to Palestinians.
Well Israelis and their lobby are certainly superior at causing wars and mass death.

Israelis are also clearly superior at betraying the American people.

Oh and Israelis are also superior at war profiteering in Africa.
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Well successful at murdering children definitely.

Successful at bigotry.

The next time you discriminate against or kill a Palestinian think about how your ancestors suffered in a similar way and how ashamed of you they would be.
try learning some reality----the CHILDREN OF GAZA enjoy a FAR FAR better mortality rate than that of virtually ANY OTHER MUSLIM POPULATION IN THE
WORLD or any non muslim population in any shariah
shit hole. Speaking of SHAME-----examine your own dirty ass
Wrong again.

As usual you are wrong. Kenya West’s remarks had nothing to do with Israel . He is only one SMALL example. As previously stated; Hatred for Jews was almost 2000 years prior to 1948. Stop deflecting
BTW, why did Farrakhan say that BLACK SLAVERY does not and never existed and doesn’t exist today??

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