How should the Jews respond to the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport them?

What is the appropriate response(s) to the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews?

  • 1) The bus drivers should all be fired

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • 2) The Jewish group should sue the bus company to recover travel expenses

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • 3) The Jews should take no action, as that would be called “playing the victim card”

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters

True, secular Jews put their liberalism ahead of their Judaism. That’s why the fools refuse to attend a religious service and instead happily march with those siding with HAMAS and screaming “Death to Jews.”

As far as Soros, he freely admitted he grew up in an antisemitic home.
Look here mate - I am getting sick and tired of mentally depraved folks like you and your ilk.

1. I never - supported nor defend Hamas actions. They need to be punished - according to INTERNATIONAL LAW.
2. Israel needs to adhere to INTENTIONAL LAW just as well - and war-crimes such as in Gaza or in the West-bank need to be punished.

Only a full sized Idiot and Hypocrite will deny the war-crimes committed by Israel, it's illegal annexations of other peoples land and the illegal settlement policy, that these Zionists promote. But solely point towards October 7th and it's horror - whilst ignoring the entire history with ALL it's horrors.
And Im getting sick and tired of Anti Israel commentators like you.

Hamas started the damn War and people die in Wars. Claims of Genocide of Israel are BS. They could have flattened Gaza if they wanted too.

See how that works??
The Leftists’ excuses for the bus driver(s) clocking out and otherwise the company not being there for the Jews on the tarmac is pathetic. The Leftists have no problem re-living when white racists would pull this same shit with Blacks in the pre-civil rights era.
And Im getting sick and tired of Anti Israel commentators like you.
Because you and your ilk can't face up to FACTS
Hamas started the damn War and people die in Wars. Claims of Genocide of Israel are BS. They could have flattened Gaza if they wanted too.

See how that works??
Hamas started An attack on October 7th- not THE war, That one got started in 1948 and was in preparation since 1917.
You need to study the history of Israel from it's inception - and not from those point of views that only fit a one-sided personal narrative.

And no, the inception of today's Israel does not date back to 1100 B.C.
As many know - not all, as it was not covered on mainstream media and the WaPo buried it under “local news” - there were hundreds of Jews who were left stranded on the Dulles tarmac after antisemitic bus drivers refused to transport Jews to a DC rally that 1) supported Israel, 2) rallied for the release of the hostages, and 3) stood firm against antisemitism.

These Jews were from the Detroit area and charterEd three planes to bring them to Dulles, and had contracted with a bus company to transport them from the tarmac to the National Mall. In a coordinated and malicious plan, the bus drivers staged a massive sick-in and left these Jews, already sickened by the appalling rise in antisemitism, were left for as long as 11 hours on a cement tarmac.

How should the Jews, or perhaps the organization that arranged it, respond?

They should be able to sue for more than just expenses. They were robbed of the opportunity to protest at an important moment in history. What price do you put on THAT?!!
They can't sue a company just because a bunch of employees called in sick. They should cry extra hard.

Wrong. If they can prove that these drivers colluded to deny service to these people, they can sue. Breech of contract. All those drivers, if they called in sick, need to show doctors excuses and proof they went to see a doctor. If they don't have that, then they're in trouble. Bigly. The company is, for sure. To what degree the individual drivers would be responsible is unclear.
Because you and your ilk can't face up to FACTS

Hamas started An attack on October 7th- not THE war, That one got started in 1948 and was in preparation since 1917.
You need to study the history of Israel from it's inception - and not from those point of views that only fit a one-sided personal narrative.

And no, the inception of today's Israel does not date back to 1100 B.C.
They have been attacking Israel since 1948.

The grand Mufti was buds with Hitler. Arafat relative. They were part of the Waffen SS exterminating in Croatia Bosnia WWII

Add in the Armenian Genocide WWI time line Ottomans. The whole damn region must be gaurding the gates of Hell. Whole region is cursed.

All that and its ALL Israels fault.

That dog dont hunt. Go peddle your bs to the youth. They dumb enough to believe you.
They have been attacking Israel since 1948.

The grand Mufti was buds with Hitler. Arafat relative. They were part of the Waffen SS exterminating in Croatia Bosnia WWII

Add in the Armenian Genocide WWI time line Ottomans. The whole damn region must be gaurding the gates of Hell. Whole region is cursed.

All that and its ALL Israels fault.

That dog dont hunt. Go peddle your bs to the youth. They dumb enough to believe you.
Anyone who fails to support Israel is either:

1) ignorant
2) radical left
3) antisemitic

Often, they overlap.
It wasn’t against the law to have a logo of Aunt Jemima, either, but liberals raised a ruckus and they were forced to come up with a different logo.

Different standards for Jews, though.
What the hell does that have to do with if it is against the law to call in sick.
Why? What law says you have to support Israel?
What law says you can’t be an ignorant antisemite?

Why is it all about the law with you all of a sudden? You liberal antisemites are just fine with all the illegals streaming into this country, but when Jews are concerned, all of a sudden you bring up the law.

There’s no law that says that people can’t scream that they want Blacks to all go back to Africa, either, but that doesn’t mean such a comment isn’t driven by racism.

Those who support the HAMAS monsters, and the Palestinians who support them, over Israel is driven by antisemitism or ignorance.
A group of people couldn't go to a pro-war rally to support slaughtering civilians. Fuck them, cry more.
You really are a twisted demon aret you...You DEFEND the people who actually slaughtered innocent civilians and now you whine because Israel is trying to save their kidnapped victims and prevent Gaza from attacking Israel in the future
You really are a twisted demon aret you...You DEFEND the people who actually slaughtered innocent civilians and now you whine because Israel is trying to save their kidnapped victims and prevent Gaza from attacking Israel in the future
That liberal brings to mind Golda Meir’s observation that “People like Jews only when they are to pitied; they hate a Jew who hits back.”
They have been attacking Israel since 1948.
Wrong - the Zionist immigrants (Haganah) started attacking the local Arab-Palestinians from 1922 onward
The grand Mufti was buds with Hitler. Arafat relative.
Wrong - Hitler didn't give a shit about Arabs, nor the Mufti - and was never "buds" with any of them.
They were part of the Waffen SS
Wrong - neither Arafat nor any Arab-Palestinian was a member of the SS Handschar Div.
exterminating in Croatia Bosnia WWII
Wrong - the SS Handschar never took part in extermination or roundup actions of Jews, nor civilians.
They fought exclusively against Tito's partisans (terrorists) and the Soviets.
Add in the Armenian Genocide WWI time line Ottomans. The whole damn region must be gaurding the gates of Hell. Whole region is cursed.
Wrong - The Ottomans have nothing to to with the Arab-Palestinians - the latter factually fought against the Ottomans.
Add in the genocide towards the natives of the Americas - the whole damn region must be guarding the gates of Hell.
All that and its ALL Israels fault.
Wrong - Zionists in vast majority illegally immigrated into Palestine - committed atrocities against the "unarmed" Arab-Palestinians and additionally robbed their and other neighbors lands - until today.
That dog dont hunt. Go peddle your bs to the youth. They dumb enough to believe you.
7 statements of yours = 7 Wrong statements of yours
Stop looking in the mirror when you write your pathetic and utterly false posts. And READ up history books - instead of talking and posting endless bull.

Start reading with:

Moshe Dayan: The Story of My Life​

Since one like you wouldn't know who he is - photo for you


Amazon product ASIN 0446834254
Spend US$ 19.99 - educate yourself - and stop wasting peoples time, who know what they talk about.
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What law says you can’t be an ignorant antisemite?
None. Just because someone doesn't support Israel doesn't mean they are a anti-semite.
Why is it all about the law with you all of a sudden? You liberal antisemites are just fine with all the illegals streaming into this country, but when Jews are concerned, all of a sudden you bring up the law.
Wow, so anybody who disagrees with YOU is an anti-semite. The story says they called in sick, folks started talking about suing them and this and that. I asked the question when did it become against the law to call in sick?
There’s no law that says that people can’t scream that they want Blacks to all go back to Africa, either, but that doesn’t mean such a comment isn’t driven by racism.
What black folks have screamed for Jewish folks to go anywhere?
Those who support the HAMAS monsters, and the Palestinians who support them, over Israel is driven by antisemitism or ignorance.
I think anyone who murders innocent folks is a monster
That liberal brings to mind Golda Meir’s observation that “People like Jews only when they are to pitied; they hate a Jew who hits back.”
Golda Meir, had additionally observed and realized that the territory she and other Jews had migrated into was called Palestine - see postcard

The whole Mediterranean Sea area including at least a few hundred miles inward on land should be the richest place on Earth. Much of civilization has lived there for eons with wealth and infrastructure accumulating. Instead, the constant war drums that never ends makes a percentage of it look closer to apocalyptic.
The whole Mediterranean Sea area including at least a few hundred miles inward on land should be the richest place on Earth. Much of civilization has lived there for eons with wealth and infrastructure accumulating. Instead, the constant war drums that never ends makes a percentage of it look closer to apocalyptic.
The Industrial Revolution had changed all that - and just tourism + fishing isn't going to get a country rich.

That all the $$ spend on military and wars could have been put to better use, is understood.
Anyone who fails to support Israel is either:

1) ignorant
2) radical left
3) antisemitic

Often, they overlap.
Anyone who can't differentiate between Israel aka Israelis aka Jews, and the Zionist policy of Israel is either:

Plain dumb
A political radical

Usually they overlap.

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