How should the Jews respond to the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport them?

What is the appropriate response(s) to the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport Jews?

  • 1) The bus drivers should all be fired

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • 2) The Jewish group should sue the bus company to recover travel expenses

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • 3) The Jews should take no action, as that would be called “playing the victim card”

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
By joining forces with christians, white people, Asians and conservatives to help put a stop to this bullshit nonsense going on in a country. Those groups of Americans on the whole have no issue with each other and share common goals.

American Jews, christians, white people, Asians, and conservatives really are all on the same side of the fence. The problem is while they don't bother each other on the whole, they each sit together with their own group. But if the groups all shook hands and worked together America would change the better..
Another liberal making excuses? The antisemites all conspired to stage a sick-in in order to strand Jews on the tarmac.
Just curious, if they called in sick how are you going to sue them? It isn't against the Law to call in sick and how do you know they did it because the passengers were Jewish. Were they demanding a pay raise, better benefits?

"How should the Jews respond to the antisemitic bus drivers who refused to transport them?"​

The same way that Christians respond to Jews spitting on them in Israel.
You’re more perturbed that a few Jews apparently spit on Christians for some reason than you are that Muslims decapitated, burned alive, and raped to death 1400 innocent Jews.

Double standards = antisemitism
Just curious, if they called in sick how are you going to sue them? It isn't against the Law to call in sick and how do you know they did it because the passengers were Jewish. Were they demanding a pay raise, better benefits?
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck….it’s a duck.

But thanks for showing how tolerant you are about antisemitism. Your reaction would be different if bus drivers refused to transport blacks to a Black History event.
The bus drivers are ducks?

I think that's definitely the basis of some kind of lawsuit.

But yeah, Israel murders children by the thousands, and the worst people celebrate this and whine about bus drivers to boot.
file a lawsuit, for violating the civil rights act of 1964
I wish they would, but it seems the Jews think if they make a fuss about the antisemitism, it will make things even worse.

Same thing happened when a black liberal on the DC Council blamed “greedy Jews” for starting a snowstorm. Jews were told that if they make a big deal about it, the blacks in the Councilman’s district will hate Jews even more.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck….it’s a duck.

But thanks for showing how tolerant you are about antisemitism. Your reaction would be different if bus drivers refused to transport blacks to a Black History event.
Again, it's argumentative why they called in sick, but where is it against the Law to call in sick?
Again, it's argumentative why they called in sick, but where is it against the Law to call in sick?
EVERY single bus driver who was supposed to take Jews to the Israel event ALL called in sick, and you’re making excuse for the obvious antisemitism!

You wouldn’t be so forgiving if white bus drivers refused to transport blacks to an African celebration event.

What you show is the tolerance and excuse-making for Jew-hate on the Left while simultaneously raising an uproar on every PERCEIVED slight against blacks.
As many know - not all, as it was not covered on mainstream media and the WaPo buried it under “local news” - there were hundreds of Jews who were left stranded on the Dulles tarmac after antisemitic bus drivers refused to transport Jews to a DC rally that 1) supported Israel, 2) rallied for the release of the hostages, and 3) stood firm against antisemitism.

These Jews were from the Detroit area and charterEd three planes to bring them to Dulles, and had contracted with a bus company to transport them from the tarmac to the National Mall. In a coordinated and malicious plan, the bus drivers staged a massive sick-in and left these Jews, already sickened by the appalling rise in antisemitism, were left for as long as 11 hours on a cement tarmac.

How should the Jews, or perhaps the organization that arranged it, respond?

Talk to a reliable Bus company - don't just haggle for the best price.

Any normal person will - sue the respective transportation company (and will win, if that "story" is true).
Only "Holocaust guilt&pity syndrome - profiteers" will make an antisemitic case out of this. Since it is obviously about ISRAELS war-crime actions in regards to Gaza, and the crime against humanity Palestinian issue.

Again Hypocrites at their best.
Talk to a reliable Bus company - don't just haggle for the best price.

Any normal person will - sue the respective transportation company (and will win, if that "story" is true).
Only "Holocaust guilt&pity syndrome - profiteers" will make an antisemitic case out of this. Since it is obviously about ISRAELS war-crime actions in regards to Gaza, and the crime against humanity Palestinian issue.

Again Hypocrites at their best.
What War Crimes. You mean when Hamas had orders kill as many civilians as pissible. Rape women then shoot them??

Oh. I guess you Hamas supporters look the other way there huh.???

To the op. Sue the hell out of that Bus company
EVERY single bus driver who was supposed to take Jews to the Israel event ALL called in sick, and you’re making excuse for the obvious antisemitism!
I am not making excuses for a damn thing. When did it become against the Law to call in sick?
You wouldn’t be so forgiving if white bus drivers refused to transport blacks to an African celebration event.
Hell of they called in sick what could I say?
What you show is the tolerance and excuse-making for Jew-hate on the Left while simultaneously raising an uproar on every PERCEIVED slight against blacks.
So you are accusing me of what you do.
By joining forces with christians, white people, Asians and conservatives to help put a stop to this bullshit nonsense going on in a country. Those groups of Americans on the whole have no issue with each other and share common goals.

American Jews, christians, white people, Asians, and conservatives really are all on the same side of the fence. The problem is while they don't bother each other on the whole, they each sit together with their own group. But if the groups all shook hands and worked together America would change the better..
Actually, Jews are almost always supportive of left-leaning causes and ideologies.

Think George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Mark Zuckerberg, Karl Marx, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, and the list goes on and on and on.

Barbara Lerner Spectre (a Jewess) wants to "diversify" Western Europe and turn it into a multiracial, melting pot. In other words ... she would like to see the destruction of the West without actually coming out and saying it:

What War Crimes. You mean when Hamas had orders kill as many civilians as pissible. Rape women then shoot them??

Oh. I guess you Hamas supporters look the other way there huh.???

To the op. Sue the hell out of that Bus company
Look here mate - I am getting sick and tired of mentally depraved folks like you and your ilk.

1. I never - supported nor defend Hamas actions. They need to be punished - according to INTERNATIONAL LAW.
2. Israel needs to adhere to INTENTIONAL LAW just as well - and war-crimes such as in Gaza or in the West-bank need to be punished.

Only a full sized Idiot and Hypocrite will deny the war-crimes committed by Israel, it's illegal annexations of other peoples land and the illegal settlement policy, that these Zionists promote. But solely point towards October 7th and it's horror - whilst ignoring the entire history with ALL it's horrors.
I am not making excuses for a damn thing. When did it become against the Law to call in sick?

Hell of they called in sick what could I say?

So you are accusing me of what you do.
It wasn’t against the law to have a logo of Aunt Jemima, either, but liberals raised a ruckus and they were forced to come up with a different logo.

Different standards for Jews, though.

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