How socialism ruined my country


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Brazilian journalist named Felipe Moura Brasil breaks down how his country was ruined by Socialist policies and warns American millennials that the system is not as glorious as it’s currently portrayed in the U.S..

How Socialism Ruined My Country

Can't teach a dumbed down society anything until they live it themselves until then we will keep seeing protesting idiots who don't know a damn thing.

I've said for some time, if I had a 5 minute weekly show on Fox News, or, even one of the Snowflake networks, socialism would be exposed in great detail for Americans and I would convert many. Canada; in particular Ontario, is finished, the slow drip from mediocrity due to nepotism, cronyism and unaccountability. It will only get worse as we progress, on top of the abuses of citizens liberties and ambitions.

Socialism and Communist is the bane of human existence.

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