How Staged Was This?

Damn, that took forever to get an answer. Now that we got one --- where did they do that?

I'll check back in March.
I know this will shock and anger you, but the world doesn't revolve around you.

Your call is very important to us and we will pass your message along to the White House.
And be sure to tune in to Tweeter at 3:42am for the President's response.
Uh huh. Say, did you have anything to say in re: Mayor Pete exploiting a child, or have you been ordered to try to distract attention away from it?

Didn't look into it, don't live there, don't really care. On my screen the title centres around the word "staged" so that's where I went.
For someone who doesn't care, you seem to have a deep emotional investment in trying to distract from it. Orders from the DNC, or from Soros (not that there's any difference)?

What are you gonna do, shoot me if I don't take the angle you demand I take? :gay:
9 years old.

Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment in front of thousands of supporters Saturday when a 9-year-old boy asked for his help coming out as gay.

"Would you help me tell the world I’m gay too? I want to be brave like you," the boy wrote on a card that was read by the moderator during Buttigieg's rally in Denver.

"Wow!" Buttigieg responded.

The crowd began chanting "Love is love!" as Zachary Ro made his way to the stage.

Zachary handed Buttigieg a bracelet he'd made and the candidate slipped it on his wrist.

"I don’t think you need a lot of advice from me on bravery. You seem pretty strong," Buttigieg told Zachary. "It took me a long time to figure out how to tell even my best friend that I was gay, let alone to go out there and tell the world."

Pete Buttigieg: Boy asks candidate for help coming out as gay
9 years old.

Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment in front of thousands of supporters Saturday when a 9-year-old boy asked for his help coming out as gay.

"Would you help me tell the world I’m gay too? I want to be brave like you," the boy wrote on a card that was read by the moderator during Buttigieg's rally in Denver.

"Wow!" Buttigieg responded.

The crowd began chanting "Love is love!" as Zachary Ro made his way to the stage.

Zachary handed Buttigieg a bracelet he'd made and the candidate slipped it on his wrist.

"I don’t think you need a lot of advice from me on bravery. You seem pretty strong," Buttigieg told Zachary. "It took me a long time to figure out how to tell even my best friend that I was gay, let alone to go out there and tell the world."

Pete Buttigieg: Boy asks candidate for help coming out as gay
It's sickening, isn't it? This goes hand in hand with the Left and our media TRYING to make Drag Queens and Transgender individuals NORMAL. Just dreadful.

Relax. Once you realize this message board participation consists of around 70% right wing morons, it's gets easier to understand your audience and react accordingly.
ANOTHER creep that most likely considers pedophilia to be normal. Disgraceful AND disgusting.

What other things will you invent about me? Don't keep me in suspense, you clueless asshole. Let's hear all the dirty laundry, you scourge!
When I was 9, i dont [sic] think too many of us had even heard of gay.

Back then, the media wasn't shoving it at us, as they do, now. I faintly remember, as a young child, coming across the word “gay” as an insult but not really understanding much beyond that what it was supposed to mean.
I didnt know what "gay" was when I was a kid but I for damn sure knew when a boy wasnt acting like the other boys.

You mean like focusing on academics and exploring the world of knowledge??? Guess I was gay back then...

You wore lip gloss and played with dolls instead of playing sports like the other boys?

Not quite.. While the boys were playing stick ball in the street and playing with GI Joes, I was playing monopoly and studying with the girls.. Because --- I preferred being trusted by the girls AND their parents. Which led to skills later on in life where I found parents literally pushing their daughters at me...

Not bragging but ---

Appears you wasted a lot of time getting started there chief.... :rolleyes:
you need to learn to distinguish between the issue of gay rights and that of the sexualization of children.

a person does not have to support the latter in order to support the former.

Whether it is admitted or not, the two have always been linked. NAMBLA was part of the early homosexual-rights movement, and the recent push by the homosexual movement you impose their agenda on young children is undeniable.

Relax. Once you realize this message board participation consists of around 70% right wing morons, it's gets easier to understand your audience and react accordingly.
ANOTHER creep that most likely considers pedophilia to be normal. Disgraceful AND disgusting.

What other things will you invent about me? Don't keep me in suspense, you clueless asshole. Let's hear all the dirty laundry, you scourge!
Relax. Once you realize this message board participation consists of around 70% right wing morons, it's gets easier to understand your audience and react accordingly.
ANOTHER creep that most likely considers pedophilia to be normal. Disgraceful AND disgusting.

It is very telling, indeed, that those on the left wrong will claim that being opposed to the sexual exploitation of children makes one a “right wing moron”. Few will openly admit to the LIbEral agenda to normalize pedophilia, but few do a very good job of completely hiding it, either.
Relax. Once you realize this message board participation consists of around 70% right wing morons, it's gets easier to understand your audience and react accordingly.
ANOTHER creep that most likely considers pedophilia to be normal. Disgraceful AND disgusting.

It is very telling, indeed, that those on the left wrong will claim that being opposed to the sexual exploitation of children makes one a “right wing moron”. Few will openly admit to the LIbEral agenda to normalize pedophilia, but few do a very good job of completely hiding it, either.

You need to explain fully, in detail, how I have have proposed any agenda to normalize pedophilia. Otherwise, you sick fuck, I'ma gonna report your bullshit comment.
Relax. Once you realize this message board participation consists of around 70% right wing morons, it's gets easier to understand your audience and react accordingly.
ANOTHER creep that most likely considers pedophilia to be normal. Disgraceful AND disgusting.

It is very telling, indeed, that those on the left wrong will claim that being opposed to the sexual exploitation of children makes one a “right wing moron”. Few will openly admit to the LIbEral agenda to normalize pedophilia, but few do a very good job of completely hiding it, either.

Politics in America has apparently become an adult X rated blood sport.. It should NOT involve children ever...

Not even Greta Thunberg, the "Person of the Year"...

You don't toss children and women like hand grenades in a voluntary blood sport...
You don't toss children and women like hand grenades in a voluntary blood sport...

The left wrong does, and thinks nothing of it. They have no scruples at all about using children as pawns, to their own detriment, in order to promote an insane and immoral agenda. They don't care how many children have their lives f•••ed up, or how badly, if it helps promote this agenda.

Do you see any LIbErals in this thread condemning the sexual exploitation of children? Do you even see any of them acknowledging that this is what is happening here?

Just more proof that the difference between right and left is exactly the same as the difference between right and wrong, which is the same as the difference between good and evil.

Remember this picture from an attempted invasion of our country, a couple years ago? What kind of savages drag women and children into a war zone, to be used as cannon fodder? Certainly not conservatives.

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A nine-year-old? Puh-leeeze.

Denver, Colorado (CNN)Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment with a young supporter in Denver on Saturday night.

"Thank you for being so brave," the boy, later identified as 9-year-old Zachary Ro, wrote in a question submitted via fishbowl during the presidential hopeful's Saturday rally, "Would you help me tell the world I'm gay, too? I want to be brave like you."

'I want to be brave like you': 9-year-old asks Pete Buttigieg to help him tell the world he's gay - CNNPolitics

Jealous much? :itsok:

I am a member of the LGBT community. Bisexual and proud.

But even I thought that was bullshit, Pogo.

C'mon mate.

Kid's not even old enough to vote, let alone decide his sexual preference. I had transgender tendencies at his age. I grew out of them. It took me until my 30th birthday to understand my interest in both sexes. You don't make this decision immediately, you don't suddenly say "oh I'm gay" and you're gay. You don't say you're gay because your parents think you are. That's not for them to decide. Moreover, you aren't gay because a majority of people around you think you are. Children are gullible. And for that reason, they should not be used as guinea pigs for social experiments.

Question is, who convinced the kid that he was gay? Hmm?

Good to see you TK, welcome back. :)

Actually my post wasn't about the kid. It was about the poster and the way he was whining. I found that whine much more revealing than whatever this kid was up to.
Good to see you too, Pogo :D

Oh... um. Since I'm already out of the closet, uh... Pineapple.

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We have a 38 year old homosexual man with a degree in history giving advice of a sexual nature to a freaking 9 year old boy he never met before? He'd be arrested if he was on the street corner or lurking around the video game store or the schoolyard but he is a hero because he is a democrat politician. WTF?
Where the fuck is the sexual abuse moron! Sex was never mentioned. Being supportive of a child who is questioning their sexuality is not abuse. Telling him that he is mentally ill and will burn in hell, like you dumb fucks would do is what abuse looks like.
Visualize Buttkiss lurking around a schoolyard advising young boys about their sexual orientation. He'd be picked up in a heartbeat. What's the difference in being on a stage and doing the same thing? Homosexual politicians have no business dealing with young boys who allegedly question their sexuality anymore than heterosexual men who advise 9 year old girls about their sexuality.

Heterosexual men do this all the time, though. Not only at the age of 9 but upwards of that, too. Heterosexual men have been all over little girls.
All pedophiles should be hung by the neck until dead, dead, dead.
Thats a stupid ass statement. A 18 yr old senior in high school bones his 17 yr old girl friend and he can be convicted as a pedo.
Obviously, the difference in ages makes a difference.

How about anyone over 18 having sex with anyone less than 12 should hang? Or do you oppose that idea, too?
Thats a good plan depending on if you are talking about american society.
When I was 9, i dont [sic] think too many of us had even heard of gay.

Back then, the media wasn't shoving it at us, as they do, now. I faintly remember, as a young child, coming across the word “gay” as an insult but not really understanding much beyond that what it was supposed to mean.
I didnt know what "gay" was when I was a kid but I for damn sure knew when a boy wasnt acting like the other boys.

You mean like focusing on academics and exploring the world of knowledge??? Guess I was gay back then...

You wore lip gloss and played with dolls instead of playing sports like the other boys?

Not quite.. While the boys were playing stick ball in the street and playing with GI Joes, I was playing monopoly and studying with the girls.. Because --- I preferred being trusted by the girls AND their parents. Which led to skills later on in life where I found parents literally pushing their daughters at me...

Not bragging but ---

Appears you wasted a lot of time getting started there chief.... :rolleyes:
I wasted a lot of time but I made up for it after I hit 18. The good thing is parents typically hated me (until they got to know me) and you know how that makes women/girls act. :rolleyes:
We have a 38 year old homosexual man with a degree in history giving advice of a sexual nature to a freaking 9 year old boy he never met before? He'd be arrested if he was on the street corner or lurking around the video game store or the schoolyard but he is a hero because he is a democrat politician. WTF?
He gave sexual advise by saying the kid was brave? WTF you been smokin?
Here are the comments. Not one mention of sex or anything sexual.

“Thank you for being so brave,”
9-year-old Zachary Ro wrote in a question read during the openly gay candidate’s rally in Denver. “Would you help me tell the world I’m gay, too? I want to be brave like you.”

“I don’t think you need a lot of advice from me on bravery. You seem pretty strong,”
Buttigieg told the child. “It took me a long time to figure out how to tell even my best friend that I was gay, let alone to go out there and tell the world. And to see you willing to come to terms with who you are in a room full of 1,000 people, thousands of people you’ve never met, that’s really something.”

The former mayor then told Zachary that he does have some tips for him “that might be useful.”

“The first thing is that it won’t always be easy, but that’s OK because you know who you are. And that’s really important, because when you know who you are, you have a center of gravity that can hold you together when all kinds of chaos is happening around you,” Buttigieg said.

“The second thing I want you to know is that you’ll never know who’s taking their lead from you, who’s watching you and deciding that they can be a little braver because you have been brave,”
he continued.


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