How Stalin helped Hitler rise to power

This is something very few know about and very embarassing for the leftwingers thus the msm has suppressed this story for decades.

The chart is from one of my favorite political orientation debate starters. If we take their flat piece of paper and work it into a globe its amazing how close all the authoritarians are.

Funny thing is someone with both extreme leftest and extreme right leanings and end up showing to be a moderate.

Far as the main stream suppression of Soviet what sales to Germany, thats a stretch. My.favorite BBB documentary was talking about oil and wheat shipments from Russia to Germany in the months and weeks before the invasion of Russia. Stalin really wanted to put off that war. He knew his purges left the Red Army in a bad spot.

I see no conspiracy here. Americans I know are largely undereducated ppl with no knowledge of history. Those who do tv specials talk about things like the division of Poland, the delay in Russia liberating Warsaw and Stalin being a despot also.

What is important to your point in neither of our political teams (aka parties) wants associated with Hitler. Throwing him on the other is childish, but this is an American dominated board. What matter is you, I hopefully all ppl want to treat Jews, Germans, gays, straights, blacks, whites, transvestites, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, and whoever else the same and we will use the power of the Constitution to force that on Americans who forgot their European ancestors first came here to escape persecution by their other european ancestors.


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Except that Stalin was a state capitalist and not remotely communist in any way.
Also, Russian wheat never made it to the international market, so had no effect on the US dust bowl.
The main cooperation between Germany and Russia was in dividing Poland.
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The fact is, NAZI Germany and the old Soviet Union were both SOCIALIST regimes and were in competition, which obviously didn't fit with one another's agenda...

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The fact is, NAZI Germany and the old Soviet Union were both SOCIALIST regimes and were in competition, which obviously didn't fit with one another's agenda...

Sorry, not at all. Ernst Röhm created the SA (SturmAbteilung), originally as a socialist organization, but in 1933, the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler had all the socialists killed because the aristocracy, military, and corporations refused to back Hitler unless did that. And at that point, the Nazis were no longer socialist, but instead fascists, which is an oligarchy actually.

And while the Russian revolution also started as communist, once Stalin took over, he killed off all the communists and created state capitalism.

So actually you got them both wrong, and neither were really socialist at all.
And if they were both the same economic or political system, then they would have gotten along fine.
Obviously the reason Hitler attacked Russia is because the capitalists who secretly backed him told him to.

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