How Stupid Does This Look Now As Moscow, And Ukrainian Protesters Stand Up To Real Tyranny?

What is stupid is having far left hypocrite morons spout off about what real tyranny looks when before the war in Ukraine started their idea of tyranny was anyone disagreeing with them about anything.
Of course the right wing Trumpist ‘conservatives’ (they aren’t, they have betrayed all the true principles of conservatism) love Putin and Russia.

Russia is the last bastion of lily whiteness in Europe. Diversity is not embraced there. As David Duke once said, Russia is the last salvation of the white race. Nevermind if the population is mired in poverty and alcoholism and brainwashed by many decades of authoritarian propaganda - they’re WHITE!!

It’s some kind of sick cosmic joke that the party of Ronald Reagan is now largely desperate to suck Putin’s balls.
What is stupid is having far left hypocrite morons spout off about what real tyranny looks when before the war in Ukraine started their idea of tyranny was anyone disagreeing with them about anything.
That and their failure to understand tyranny begins with what they have done the last couple of years in particular.
Of course the right wing Trumpist ‘conservatives’ (they aren’t, they have betrayed all the true principles of conservatism) love Putin and Russia.

Russia is the last bastion of lily whiteness in Europe. Diversity is not embraced there. As David Duke once said, Russia is the last salvation of the white race. Nevermind if the population is mired in poverty and alcoholism and brainwashed by many decades of authoritarian propaganda - they’re WHITE!!

It’s some kind of sick cosmic joke that the party of Ronald Reagan is now largely desperate to suck Putin’s balls.

I will say this again....

I see a shit ton of Conservatives on this board gushing over themselves to praise Putin....

I don't give a fuck how many temper tantrums and hissy fits you throw -- that FACT REMAINS
Says the wokester throwing a temper tantrum.
Of course the right wing Trumpist ‘conservatives’ (they aren’t, they have betrayed all the true principles of conservatism) love Putin and Russia.

Russia is the last bastion of lily whiteness in Europe. Diversity is not embraced there. As David Duke once said, Russia is the last salvation of the white race. Nevermind if the population is mired in poverty and alcoholism and brainwashed by many decades of authoritarian propaganda - they’re WHITE!!

It’s some kind of sick cosmic joke that the party of Ronald Reagan is now largely desperate to suck Putin’s balls.
Conservatism is all about self determination and freedom to choose as long as it doesn't harm others. As such, we understand that socialism and communism are opposed to these principles and do not support such governments or their leaders.

You seem somehow limited by nonexistent race issues and sexually frustrated. Lots of liberal psychologists you could see.
The young girl protesting outside the Kremlin and refusing to back away is the one standing up to tyranny. The Ukrainian lady giving out sunflower seeds to Russian soldiers and telling them to their faces that their dead bodies will fertilize her flowers is standing up to tyranny. The old men picking up arms in Kiev to face the third largest army in the world, with no support from NATO or the U.S., is standing up to tyranny.

Real consequences. Real stakes. Not dressing up your stupid hillbilly truck with stickers and Trump flags just to protest an extremely minor inconvenience.

These right-wing clowns know there is no danger of being arrested or killed. Even the Trumpers who did face any kind of consequence for storming the Capitol over an entirely false grievance quickly folded and begged for mercy when it happened. Those people, the ones who wave stupid flags, make noise, and want everyone to see them as “defenders of liberty,” would actually be the first to run during a real invasion. The juxtaposition is striking.

Words like tyranny get thrown around so much on the right it has almost lost its meaning. Yet these trying times remind everyone that not always getting your way in a democracy is not at all the same as actual tyranny. I never thought much of these so-called convoys, but now that the world is getting a taste of what real tyranny is all about and witnessing ordinary people brave enough to risk death in order to stand up to it, it makes this whinny temper-tantrum road trip all that more pathetic.

Pathetic dweebs, that worship the champ of pathetic dweebs, trying to remain relevant. I hear the pathetic dweeb spoke someplace tonight. I'm sure we will hear from another pathetic dweeb, that will give us the details.

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Why did the left go from begging for a reset..... from asking russian pres Medvedeve to forward a message to Vlad that after he is re-elected.....he would have more ....flexibility, to know they want to destroy Russia? Vlad has information. Vlad has been critical of The Democrats, especially of Biden. Does Russia have something on Humper and the left needs to destroy this guy? Interesting isn't it. They were all up Vlad's butt during Obama..and now he's the devil incarnate.
Yea, accurately pointing out the fact that a shit ton of Conservatives are praising Putin may be seen as a temper tantrum to a fragile right wing cuck.....

But what you can't do is refute a single thing I said.....
I did. On several of your points. Your handlers didn't give you very good information.
Why did the left go from begging for a reset..... from asking for a message to be passed to Vlad that after he is re-elected......
After Helsinki, not a single Trumper can tell me shit about Russia and Putin.....


yall are forever having to talk out of both sides of your mouth because facts aren't on your side...

On one comment, you morons are going on and on about how Dems were trying to make peace with Russia and being too soft...and in the very next comment, claiming Dems are warmongers and begging for a war with Russia....yawll are clowns

Meanwhile.......the fact still remains... that even Conservatives were pissed at how Trump got on his knees for Putin ...and that will never change....

I think I see where you're going with this fuckboy. It's like comparing the 13 Ukraine border guards who told the Russian gunship to "fuck off" and then were summarily killed as heroes, to these fucking animals:


There is no equivalence. We're on the same page.
Oh, sure, backpedal, you chickenshit. You accused ME, personally, of supporting the invasion:

"Says the guy who claims Democrats are totalitarians while simultaneously cheerleading for totalitarian invasion of Ukraine...."

So you can eat shit.
So, tell are Democrats totalitarian??

Because they don't want to snatch away healthcare from millions of Americans like Republicans fantasize about doing??

Are they totalitarian because they believe in expanding and protecting Social Security? Securing civil rights for all people -- including people you Conservatives hate??

All you dumb asses do is blabber hyperbolic bullshit and never talk about a single policy because when you do, you are forced to admit that there is a reason why Democratic policies are popular and Republicans rely on manufactured culture war bullshit and fearmongering
The young girl protesting outside the Kremlin and refusing to back away is the one standing up to tyranny. The Ukrainian lady giving out sunflower seeds to Russian soldiers and telling them to their faces that their dead bodies will fertilize her flowers is standing up to tyranny. The old men picking up arms in Kiev to face the third largest army in the world, with no support from NATO or the U.S., is standing up to tyranny.

Real consequences. Real stakes. Not dressing up your stupid hillbilly truck with stickers and Trump flags just to protest an extremely minor inconvenience.

These right-wing clowns know there is no danger of being arrested or killed. Even the Trumpers who did face any kind of consequence for storming the Capitol over an entirely false grievance quickly folded and begged for mercy when it happened. Those people, the ones who wave stupid flags, make noise, and want everyone to see them as “defenders of liberty,” would actually be the first to run during a real invasion. The juxtaposition is striking.

Words like tyranny get thrown around so much on the right it has almost lost its meaning. Yet these trying times remind everyone that not always getting your way in a democracy is not at all the same as actual tyranny. I never thought much of these so-called convoys, but now that the world is getting a taste of what real tyranny is all about and witnessing ordinary people brave enough to risk death in order to stand up to it, it makes this whinny temper-tantrum road trip all that more pathetic.

Pathetic dweebs, that worship the champ of pathetic dweebs, trying to remain relevant. I hear the pathetic dweeb spoke someplace tonight. I'm sure we will hear from another pathetic dweeb, that will give us the details.

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Tucker Carlson is a degenerate anti-American lying POS.

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