How Stupid is Trump?

As a numbers guy, I'd be fascinated to see a study on the average and median number of posts it takes for our threads to devolve into grade-school level personal insults and name-calling.

Some, like this one, start at the first post, but I'd think the average has to be under four or five.


I'd also be very curious, from a behavioral perspective, what these people are like in real life.

The stupid ones are just as stupid in real life as they are here.
While it is far from my belief that Trump is stupid, since his nomination and election the whole situation has a sort of "Being There" feel.

1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron? NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

stupid enough to have a booming economy
stupid enough to have a less than 4% UE
stupid enough to have successful peace talks with NK

yea, he's a total moron

Thank Obama for the first 2. As for the third, that's still to be seen.

There's no facts to back up your claim, none at fucking all.

And, trump actually had peace talks with kim.

  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
LOL. Do you actually believe all the crap you posted? Thanks for the laughs.

I offered a rebuttal, you responded with an idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.

Grow up and try to defend Trump; I bet you cannot refute any one of my bullet points by posting evidence

[ I expect logical fallacies and attacks on my character ]

No, you offered bullshit talking points. Nice try, but no cigar.

There is a difference between talking points and facts, facts can be verified, talking points are usually not verifiable and mostly half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations.

Thanks for proving you lack the skills and intelligence to write a rebuttal to even one of my facts/bullet points.
I didn't see any facts. I saw bullshit talking points. No need for rebuttal, just getting called out.
As a numbers guy, I'd be fascinated to see a study on the average and median number of posts it takes for our threads to devolve into grade-school level personal insults and name-calling.

Some, like this one, start at the first post, but I'd think the average has to be under four or five.


I'd also be very curious, from a behavioral perspective, what these people are like in real life.
video game playing, Cheeto eaters who live in their mother's basement and think society owes them something for breathing. Basically, liberals.
  1. He lost the popular vote, and won MI, WI and PA by less than 1.5%
  2. He signed the Tax Bill, and it is a fraud. It did not benefit the blue collar workers in any of the states noted in #1, nor those in W Virginia or the rest of Appalachia.
  3. The GDP was 3.1 in Jul 2017, it has fallen to 2.2 presently
  4. He moved the Embassy, and people died
  5. N. Korea's Kim came to the table, and walked away with a big win. Time will tell if he will put his feet where is lips said he will go, or in time renege on his promise and invade the South.
In fact,
  • He has started a tariff war, which will harm farmers and American consumers
  • He has alienated our allies and degraded the Dept. of State
  • He has taken away health care from many Americans
  • He has signed a tax bill predicted to create trillion dollars deficits
  • He has destroyed the Republican Party, making their big tent and families first talking points laughable (gallows humor, of course).
  • He has created an enemies list, which is larger than his base.
  • He maligned President Obama and the Democrats, as only a despot in a banana republic would do.
  • He blames others constantly, when he is the one who created the "hot mess" which continues to burn.
  • He has kissed the ass of Putin, and even one of his supporters might wonder why.
LOL. Do you actually believe all the crap you posted? Thanks for the laughs.

I offered a rebuttal, you responded with an idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.

Grow up and try to defend Trump; I bet you cannot refute any one of my bullet points by posting evidence

[ I expect logical fallacies and attacks on my character ]

No, you offered bullshit talking points. Nice try, but no cigar.

There is a difference between talking points and facts, facts can be verified, talking points are usually not verifiable and mostly half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations.

Thanks for proving you lack the skills and intelligence to write a rebuttal to even one of my facts/bullet points.
I didn't see any facts. I saw bullshit talking points. No need for rebuttal, just getting called out.

You're entitled to your biased opinion, as am I. However, the facts sustain mine, your's is only a talking point, and not even yours - its an echo of another biased poster.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.
Shitstain obama was president of the Harvard Law Review because he is black and the fix was in. No one gets to be president of the Harvard Law Review without being published and published in Harvard Law Review. No one but obama who never published a.single law review article. Not one. His year as president is the least cited of all years back to the beginning.


How do you know that Obama was never published in the Review?
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.
Shitstain obama was president of the Harvard Law Review because he is black and the fix was in. No one gets to be president of the Harvard Law Review without being published and published in Harvard Law Review. No one but obama who never published a.single law review article. Not one. His year as president is the least cited of all years back to the beginning.


How do you know that Obama was never published in the Review?

Hannity told her.

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