How stupid must a person be to still believe in Obama?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?
Sadly his ardent supporters still believe in him and explain his failures as belonging to
1) Trying to negotiate with Republicans (really!)
2) Being sabotaged by Democrats
3) Inheriting a really really bad situation from GW Bush
4) Global warming.
5) Insert excuse here.

The most amazing is his undiminished suppprt among blacks. His presidency has seen unprecedented levels of poverty and joblessness across the spectrum of blacks and yet his approval rating is still over 90%. Go figure.
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?
If "experience" was the criteria for being a good president, then serving as vice president should represent a huge advantage.

Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and WHW Bush were all experienced politicians who were vice presidents prior to becoming president.

According to "bucs90's" reasoning they should all qualify as being among America's greatest presidents. They're don't!

There is no set formula that prepares an individual to be a good president - they are all confronted by a different set of circumstances and they all must learn on the job.
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After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?

It is not quite like a hippie social revolution happened all over again. I did rather have some hope of that. Still have racist pig white folks and poor me blacks out there though.

Obamacare as it is called really impressed me as a step towards reality. More important than Gitmo to me. Iraq, ah. I really wanted to maintain bases there for fifty years as a way of intimidating the Muslim world until we outgrew their oil.

Are you disappointed about butterfly bushes and video games still costing money or something?
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?

Oh, you didn't get any of the hope & change? Must be a con voter, and you haven't got anything coming coming. So stop whining.

You're hilarious. Obama has done all he can. And the fact that Obama will easily win re-election speaks to your ignorance. People see what republicans will offer. The death of the american dream, no minimum wage, and more deregulation that will lead to another Great recession. They hate America, and offer no solution.

The first thing they need to do is get rid of the tea party and any other racist faction. Right now the republicans are a punch line. They will never be taken seriously until they realize the greatness of America and start believing in the American dream.

You're hilarious. Obama has done all he can. And the fact that Obama will easily win re-election speaks to your ignorance. People see what republicans will offer. The death of the american dream, no minimum wage, and more deregulation that will lead to another Great recession. They hate America, and offer no solution.

The first thing they need to do is get rid of the tea party and any other racist faction. Right now the republicans are a punch line. They will never be taken seriously until they realize the greatness of America and start believing in the American dream.

You are not thinking through deregulation. And that comes from a Liberal view.

Who pays for all these regulations? YOU!!! You pay for inspectors, for investigators, for lawyers, for courts, and judges, etc. What you don't pay in taxes, you pay in higher product prices. Does all the regulations stop anything bad from happening?? NO!!!

The way to handle corporations who do the consumer harm is use the courts and class action lawsuits. Then you hit the corporation in the pocket book. You send them to jail, or you put them out of business.

In any event, regulation only means something if people follow the rules, and they don't.
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?

It takes a special kind of stupid that can only be obtained by actively seeking it daily. I can give some people who voted for Obama a pass because of what John Adams once said:

The people "have a right, an indisputable, inalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge -- I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers."

These people didn't have all the facts when they cast their vote for Obama. It's still no excuse, but I would guess they only wanted what was best for the country and Obama seemed to be promising that. Now, of course, the facts are out and to actually support Obama on anything is supremely stupid.
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

You should wait until you know how to use the words "your" and "you're" properly before questioning another's intelligence.
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

You should wait until you know how to use the words "your" and "you're" properly before questioning another's intelligence.

Considering I wasn't saying "You are" should make you want to rethink your criticism.

Not my fault you don't understand what I'm saying.
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

Does that make you an imbecile for supporting McCain & Palin? Just get consistent in your logic.:lol:
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

You should wait until you know how to use the words "your" and "you're" properly before questioning another's intelligence.

Considering I wasn't saying "You are" should make you want to rethink your criticism.

Not my fault you don't understand what I'm saying.

Way to double down on stupid.


your   /yʊər, yɔr, yoʊr; unstressed yər/ Show Spelled
[yoor, yawr, yohr; unstressed yer] Show IPA

1. (a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective): Your jacket is in that closet. I like your idea. Compare yours.
2. one's (used to indicate that one belonging to oneself or to any person): The consulate is your best source of information. As you go down the hill, the library is on your left.
3. (used informally to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things of a particular type): Take your factory worker, for instance. Your power brakes don't need that much servicing.
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

They were born stupid and will die stupid. It's just that simple.

You're hilarious. Obama has done all he can. And the fact that Obama will easily win re-election speaks to your ignorance. People see what republicans will offer. The death of the american dream, no minimum wage, and more deregulation that will lead to another Great recession. They hate America, and offer no solution.

The first thing they need to do is get rid of the tea party and any other racist faction. Right now the republicans are a punch line. They will never be taken seriously until they realize the greatness of America and start believing in the American dream.

You're right that Obama has done all he can. He has failed. That is the best he is capable of.
Don't be too certain about re-election in 2012, which is still a long ways off. At this juncture GWH Bush looked like a shoe in.
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

You should wait until you know how to use the words "your" and "you're" properly before questioning another's intelligence.

Considering I wasn't saying "You are" should make you want to rethink your criticism.

Not my fault you don't understand what I'm saying.

Double score for Avie. Not only did you make a good point, you also gave Art the opportunity to make himself look like the obsessive idiot he is. Cool. :clap2::clap2:
You should wait until you know how to use the words "your" and "you're" properly before questioning another's intelligence.

Considering I wasn't saying "You are" should make you want to rethink your criticism.

Not my fault you don't understand what I'm saying.

Double score for Avie. Not only did you make a good point, you also gave Art the opportunity to make himself look like the obsessive idiot he is. Cool. :clap2::clap2:

Not to be the Grammar police....Article 15 was correct about the usage of "your" being incorrect.
Considering I wasn't saying "You are" should make you want to rethink your criticism.

Not my fault you don't understand what I'm saying.

Double score for Avie. Not only did you make a good point, you also gave Art the opportunity to make himself look like the obsessive idiot he is. Cool. :clap2::clap2:

Not to be the Grammar police....Article 15 was correct about the usage of "your" being incorrect.

It is good you don't want to be the grammar police, because you are as suited to that as Obama is to being president.
The use of "your" was perfectly correct. You're would have been incorrect.
To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

After having looked at this again, you are correct....needed to follow the complete sentence....tho, "you" would have been better.

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