How the American Middle Class Lost the Republic; Can it Be Taken Back?

Will the middle class ever regain control of the US political system?

  • No, it was never lost

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  • No, because it is a better form of politics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno

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  • Poll closed .
Just think, politics without Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Incentive enough?
Dude, I am talking about the MIDDLE CLASS not the GOP.

Jesus, can you liberals ever get around your partisan bias on EVERY TOPIC?

For Christ's sake, OR, I bet you are middle class too.

Why cant you see how we have been divided against ourselves with the current two party system that is essentiall a duopoly controlled by the rich?
Hey dude, do you really think you're going to get anywhere using the word "liberal" in the same vain you use the f-word?

Well, I'm a liberal. I'm about as liberal as one could get. And I agree with every word you said. Now, how do you explain that?
BTW, the illusion that the federal government was never controlled by monied interests is just that; an illusion.

It's just that up until the end of the 19th century and the outbreak of the political virus of progressivism, it was, to a great extent, kept in its proper box.
Dude, I am talking about the MIDDLE CLASS not the GOP.

Jesus, can you liberals ever get around your partisan bias on EVERY TOPIC?

For Christ's sake, OR, I bet you are middle class too.

Why cant you see how we have been divided against ourselves with the current two party system that is essentiall a duopoly controlled by the rich?
Hey dude, do you really think you're going to get anywhere using the word "liberal" in the same vain you use the f-word?

Well, I'm a liberal. I'm about as liberal as one could get. And I agree with every word you said. Now, how do you explain that?

I was not using liberal as a pejorative. When I wish to make a pejorative of what today passes for liberalism, I use the word libtard, like I use neocon to distinguish Big State 'conservatives from real conservatives.

And I think it entirely legit that you are a liberal; whats your point?

How do we get rid of the current sham of a 'two party' duopoly system if real liberals and real conservatives don't cooperate for whats best for us all and not just the rich and the corporations?

But anyone that calls themselves a liberal and likes Obamas rule by decree needs to rethink whats going on, just as many conservatives had to reconsider as Bush turned US civil rights upside down with the Patriot Act.
BTW, the illusion that the federal government was never controlled by monied interests is just that; an illusion.

Not true, IMO. The wealthy were kept quarantined by the Democrat alliance of urban political machines and rural farmers, and the GOP dominated by small businesses and white collar workers. The Duponts, Rockefellers and Carnegies were always at the risk of some of their private excesses getting out of control and having political crusades launched against them, hence their use of philanthropy to dampen down the critiques.

It's just that up until the end of the 19th century and the outbreak of the political virus of progressivism, it was, to a great extent, kept in its proper box.

Progressives accomplished a lot of good for our country, like the National Park system, laws regulating industrial practices regarding safety and hygiene for consumers and laborers, etc.

But they wandered off the farm of Reason and common sense when they decided that the globe had too many people and so they began pushing anti-human agendas that undermined the middle class, legalized murder, hampered law enforcement, and discouraged the bearing of children.
Just think, politics without Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Incentive enough?

Hell yeah!

And if you can dump Boner then sign me up!

I can agree to that.
We need to get all of those incumbents out of there in both parties. All they are about is getting re-elected and wanting the power. None of them want what is really good for this country or the people.
The percentage of incumbents who win reelection after seeking it in the U.S. House of Representatives has been over 80% for over 50 years, and is often over 90%.
Just think, politics without Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Incentive enough?

Hell yeah!

And if you can dump Boner then sign me up!

I can agree to that.
We need to get all of those incumbents out of there in both parties. All they are about is getting re-elected and wanting the power. None of them want what is really good for this country or the people.

Nah, we have a few good ones on both sides I would like to keep.

Don't ask me who, I cant remember them off hand, other than Rand Paul and Ted Cruze.
Hell yeah!

And if you can dump Boner then sign me up!

I can agree to that.
We need to get all of those incumbents out of there in both parties. All they are about is getting re-elected and wanting the power. None of them want what is really good for this country or the people.

Nah, we have a few good ones on both sides I would like to keep.

Don't ask me who, I cant remember them off hand, other than Rand Paul and Ted Cruze.

I'm talking about all of the career politicians in both parties.
McCain, Boehner, Pelosi, Reid, any of them that has been there for 20 or 30 years or longer.
Our government was not set up to have career politicians who represent themselves and what is good for the government. It was set up to have citizens who represent the people.
I can agree to that.
We need to get all of those incumbents out of there in both parties. All they are about is getting re-elected and wanting the power. None of them want what is really good for this country or the people.

Nah, we have a few good ones on both sides I would like to keep.

Don't ask me who, I cant remember them off hand, other than Rand Paul and Ted Cruze.

I'm talking about all of the career politicians in both parties.
McCain, Boehner, Pelosi, Reid, any of them that has been there for 20 or 30 years or longer.
Our government was not set up to have career politicians who represent themselves and what is good for the government. It was set up to have citizens who represent the people.

Well, Obama broke the mold on corrupt politicians. He's been able to do so much damage in such a short time.

Which means we need to be more selective who we put in the White House.

I think a Top Secret security background check is in order and the findings need to be made public. That would stop folks like Obama from ever getting in there in the first place. :cool:
BTW, the illusion that the federal government was never controlled by monied interests is just that; an illusion.

Not true, IMO. The wealthy were kept quarantined by the Democrat alliance of urban political machines and rural farmers, and the GOP dominated by small businesses and white collar workers. The Duponts, Rockefellers and Carnegies were always at the risk of some of their private excesses getting out of control and having political crusades launched against them, hence their use of philanthropy to dampen down the critiques.
You are engaging in the classic progressive misdirection: Claiming the exception as the norm.

For every Carnegie and Rockefeller, there were thousands of entrepreneurs who made very handy fortunes without all of the conspicuous excess.

Then you have people like George Vanderbilt, who pretty much put the whole town of Asheville N.C. to work, with the construction and operation of his working estate. In fact, the estate still is in the black to this very day.

It's just that up until the end of the 19th century and the outbreak of the political virus of progressivism, it was, to a great extent, kept in its proper box.

Progressives accomplished a lot of good for our country, like the National Park system, laws regulating industrial practices regarding safety and hygiene for consumers and laborers, etc.
All of which could have been done in the place that it should have been; the state level.

ut they wandered off the farm of Reason and common sense when they decided that the globe had too many people and so they began pushing anti-human agendas that undermined the middle class, legalized murder, hampered law enforcement, and discouraged the bearing of children.
That was always the natural end game of the kind of mindset that would seize land that belonged to the states. Why would such an overbearing authoritarian mind frame stop there?
Lordy, lordy. Yah, you guys are a hoot. Of course we can win it back. Just give the very wealthy more tax breaks. And make sure that there is no health insurance unless you work for a very large corperation. Kick the little brats out of school after the 8th grade, so they can become productive workers instead of educated people. After all, everyone realizes that well educated people tend to be liberal. Cut off all funding to R and D. After all, China is doing major funding there, why should we?

The Real GOP plan.

Dude, I am talking about the MIDDLE CLASS not the GOP.

Jesus, can you liberals ever get around your partisan bias on EVERY TOPIC?

For Christ's sake, OR, I bet you are middle class too.

Why cant you see how we have been divided against ourselves with the current two party system that is essentiall a duopoly controlled by the rich?

Damned right I am blue collar middle class. And have watched the middle class shrink and lose purchasing power ever since Reagan successfully busted the unions. And have seen the GOP cheering this as a good thing. So why should I not have a partisan attitude? I know who desires that I work for 50 cents an hour. Who would take away the benefits that the unions earned us with the blood of those early organizers.

As for who benefits from all of this, and how far it can go, read the history of Blair Mountain and Ludlow.

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