How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

Seems straightforward. Where's all the BS GOP crap about being dishonest with his friends blah blah blah?

Pretending to smoke while not inhaling is being dishonest. That is what "not inhale" means.

To a neurotic level.
Who says he pretended or was dishonest? Jeebus you're FOS.

1. Remember that you are the fool that believed that he did not say that.

2. Being so twisted that you are hanging out with friends PRETENDING to smoke pot is the action of a fundamentally dishonest person. You were under the impression that cons were unhappy that this weirdo smoked weed. I was informing you of reality.
I know what he said, it's not the bs you're saying, dupe.
And does it even matter? I saw today 87% of conservatives and republicans are going to vote for trump no matter what a scumbag he is.

And now they'll claim to want to focus on the issues but only if they get to control the conversation because let's not forget

A. Their positions aren't popular

B. Caused the great 2007 bush recession

1. Are positions have been lied about forever. A real discussion of the issues, as opposed to one sided lies by the vile media, will gain support for them.

2. Mmm, no. The Housing BUbble was MOSTLY dem.
Don't be stupid. You claim our base are the poor who get handouts. Now you're saying we do nothing for the middle class. So why do we vote democratic? Oh I forgot, anyone who likes social security is a bum.

1. The Poor who feel dependent on social services certainly tend to vote democratic. But is services really the answer or is jobs? Are you happy with the past policies are giving services while exporting jobs? I'm not. Trump's supporters are not.

2. The Middle Class has been suffering with stagnate wages for decades. HIllary and the vast majority on this board support the status quo that that is a part of. Everyone who has argued that we can't compete because our workers are stupid/lazy or because "free markets" are good are supporting that. Hillary is not going to change that. Trump will at least try.

3. You vote democratic for a lot of reasons. But my point stands. Minorities vote in blocks and the Dems don't need you anymore. Between the ever growing minority voters and the Hard Core Left, the time of Dems needing you is over.

I hope you like the current situation. Because they are never going to lift a finger to improve things for you again.
Dems have all kinds of policies that would help the nonrich. Trump and the New BS GOP just want tax cuts for the rich and the usual bs, dupe.

The recent WTO ruling against the EU demonstrates that our FRIENDS are completely fucking US when it comes to trade.

ONly a fool would think that our enemies, like the CHinese are being nicer.

We need someone like Trump who is prepared to call then on that bullshit, even if it means getting rough.

HIllary will not stand up for the American Worker like that.

That is what the American workers, and their families need. NOt government programs.
You better vote out the GOP then

Did you really not notice how badly the Leadership's candidates were crushed by Trump and his supporters? Hell, the runner up wasn't even part of the Establishment. The hand picked guys were lucky to break into double digits over here in the GOP.

We did what we, as a Party, could do internally.

Now the question is, do we, as a Nation, want to do. Do you want to continue to be the World's Bitch on Trade and let our workers get fucked, or do we want to start standing up for our interests and our Citizens?
You haven't done enough. Lets see you do it in the Senate and House and Governors. You won't. And you can't change things, as we saw with Obama, by just voting in the right president. You have to have a Senate and House that will go along. But instead of outting the bad actors in 2010, stupid independents and undecideds got fed up with the GOP obstruction and gridlock so they sat it out. What did that accomplish? It put more Republicans back in the House and Senate. And as you just admitted, they suck royal balls.

And the GOP's plans are the same as they were the last 20 years. Nothing has changed with them. Only trump has said a few things about helping blue collar uneducated workers. How? By throwing out foreigners who compete for their jobs. By tariffs. He's not going to do either. This is just playing to the base. And what else do the Republicans want to do? The same shit that caused the great recession and made the rich richer and poor poorer. You want to do the same things that ruined the economy but you are convinced it was liberals and democrats that screwed up. You can't talk to people who are so fundamentally wrong.
Seems straightforward. Where's all the BS GOP crap about being dishonest with his friends blah blah blah?

Pretending to smoke while not inhaling is being dishonest. That is what "not inhale" means.

To a neurotic level.
Who says he pretended or was dishonest? Jeebus you're FOS.

1. Remember that you are the fool that believed that he did not say that.

2. Being so twisted that you are hanging out with friends PRETENDING to smoke pot is the action of a fundamentally dishonest person. You were under the impression that cons were unhappy that this weirdo smoked weed. I was informing you of reality.
You guys were upset. You said it was a reason to not vote for him. But we all knew you didn't really care just like you didn't really care about Monica. 87% of Republicans are still gonna vote for trump even though he's a rapist. That's deplorable.

1. About smoking pot? I'm sure some people do care. IMO, his bizarre defense was more of an issue than smoking pot.

2. Monica was relevant to the Sexual Harassment case. At the time we republicans were under the mistaken impression that such behavior was Taboo. Now we realize that it was ALWAYS just a tactic of the Left.

3. Trump is not a rapist. Bill almost certainly is.And Hillary enabled and defended him.
You seem so sure of yourself. LOL

Donald Trump’s Underage Rape Accusations Could Be The Deathbed Of His Political Aspirations
1. The Poor who feel dependent on social services certainly tend to vote democratic. But is services really the answer or is jobs? Are you happy with the past policies are giving services while exporting jobs? I'm not. Trump's supporters are not.

2. The Middle Class has been suffering with stagnate wages for decades. HIllary and the vast majority on this board support the status quo that that is a part of. Everyone who has argued that we can't compete because our workers are stupid/lazy or because "free markets" are good are supporting that. Hillary is not going to change that. Trump will at least try.

3. You vote democratic for a lot of reasons. But my point stands. Minorities vote in blocks and the Dems don't need you anymore. Between the ever growing minority voters and the Hard Core Left, the time of Dems needing you is over.

I hope you like the current situation. Because they are never going to lift a finger to improve things for you again.
Dems have all kinds of policies that would help the nonrich. Trump and the New BS GOP just want tax cuts for the rich and the usual bs, dupe.

The recent WTO ruling against the EU demonstrates that our FRIENDS are completely fucking US when it comes to trade.

ONly a fool would think that our enemies, like the CHinese are being nicer.

We need someone like Trump who is prepared to call then on that bullshit, even if it means getting rough.

HIllary will not stand up for the American Worker like that.

That is what the American workers, and their families need. NOt government programs.
You better vote out the GOP then

Did you really not notice how badly the Leadership's candidates were crushed by Trump and his supporters? Hell, the runner up wasn't even part of the Establishment. The hand picked guys were lucky to break into double digits over here in the GOP.

We did what we, as a Party, could do internally.

Now the question is, do we, as a Nation, want to do. Do you want to continue to be the World's Bitch on Trade and let our workers get fucked, or do we want to start standing up for our interests and our Citizens?
You haven't done enough. Lets see you do it in the Senate and House and Governors. You won't. And you can't change things, as we saw with Obama, by just voting in the right president. You have to have a Senate and House that will go along. But instead of outting the bad actors in 2010, stupid independents and undecideds got fed up with the GOP obstruction and gridlock so they sat it out. What did that accomplish? It put more Republicans back in the House and Senate. And as you just admitted, they suck royal balls.

And the GOP's plans are the same as they were the last 20 years. Nothing has changed with them. Only trump has said a few things about helping blue collar uneducated workers. How? By throwing out foreigners who compete for their jobs. By tariffs. He's not going to do either. This is just playing to the base. And what else do the Republicans want to do? The same shit that caused the great recession and made the rich richer and poor poorer. You want to do the same things that ruined the economy but you are convinced it was liberals and democrats that screwed up. You can't talk to people who are so fundamentally wrong.

We have had a freaking WAR over here. Your libs buddies have been laughing and gloating about it, and yet you pretend that nothing has changed.

Trump is change. Hillary is the status quo candidate.

YOu claim that Trump can't succeed, without more support.

But if you vote for HIllary you are ACTIVELY supporting the status quo.

And then you tell me that I am not doing enough.

BTW, I DO vote in primaries and I DO vote for the more conservative and nationalistic candidates when I have such a choice. I have been part of shit canning a rino senator in that.
Pretending to smoke while not inhaling is being dishonest. That is what "not inhale" means.

To a neurotic level.
Who says he pretended or was dishonest? Jeebus you're FOS.

1. Remember that you are the fool that believed that he did not say that.

2. Being so twisted that you are hanging out with friends PRETENDING to smoke pot is the action of a fundamentally dishonest person. You were under the impression that cons were unhappy that this weirdo smoked weed. I was informing you of reality.
You guys were upset. You said it was a reason to not vote for him. But we all knew you didn't really care just like you didn't really care about Monica. 87% of Republicans are still gonna vote for trump even though he's a rapist. That's deplorable.

1. About smoking pot? I'm sure some people do care. IMO, his bizarre defense was more of an issue than smoking pot.

2. Monica was relevant to the Sexual Harassment case. At the time we republicans were under the mistaken impression that such behavior was Taboo. Now we realize that it was ALWAYS just a tactic of the Left.

3. Trump is not a rapist. Bill almost certainly is.And Hillary enabled and defended him.
You seem so sure of yourself. LOL

Donald Trump’s Underage Rape Accusations Could Be The Deathbed Of His Political Aspirations

Yes, that actions of the lib media tells me that there is nothing there. I note you link to a site I never heard of.

If there was something there AT ALL. The slightest chance that it could stand up to the light of day,

major networks and lib publications would be short stroking it all over the place.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...

Nothing blind about peoples dislike for Hillary.

As for hating her?? Who would bother. She's not worth hating. She's just a waste of oxygen.
Functionally blind, hater dupe. Fact check.

Functionally stupid, hater idiot. You only look at the facts when you think that they agree with you.
And everyone else in the world but dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires, dupe.

Since there are more Dem millionaires in Congress guess you lie again.

Idiot Dupe
Who vote to raise their own taxes to invest in the the US and Americans, WAYYY overdue, idiot dupe.
I was talking as always of Murdoch, Kochs, Moonies, Adelson, . . Mercer etc who run your propaganda machine. A disgrace which Dems don't have.
Seems straightforward. Where's all the BS GOP crap about being dishonest with his friends blah blah blah?

Pretending to smoke while not inhaling is being dishonest. That is what "not inhale" means.

To a neurotic level.
Who says he pretended or was dishonest? Jeebus you're FOS.

1. Remember that you are the fool that believed that he did not say that.

2. Being so twisted that you are hanging out with friends PRETENDING to smoke pot is the action of a fundamentally dishonest person. You were under the impression that cons were unhappy that this weirdo smoked weed. I was informing you of reality.
I know what he said, it's not the bs you're saying, dupe.

I posted the video of him saying he didn't inhale.

You are delusional.
And you made it into ridiculous bs as dupes do
Pretending to smoke while not inhaling is being dishonest. That is what "not inhale" means.

To a neurotic level.
Who says he pretended or was dishonest? Jeebus you're FOS.

1. Remember that you are the fool that believed that he did not say that.

2. Being so twisted that you are hanging out with friends PRETENDING to smoke pot is the action of a fundamentally dishonest person. You were under the impression that cons were unhappy that this weirdo smoked weed. I was informing you of reality.
I know what he said, it's not the bs you're saying, dupe.
And does it even matter? I saw today 87% of conservatives and republicans are going to vote for trump no matter what a scumbag he is.

And now they'll claim to want to focus on the issues but only if they get to control the conversation because let's not forget

A. Their positions aren't popular

B. Caused the great 2007 bush recession

1. Are positions have been lied about forever. A real discussion of the issues, as opposed to one sided lies by the vile media, will gain support for them.

2. Mmm, no. The Housing BUbble was MOSTLY dem.
Yup, a huge tax cut for the rich, deregulation of real estate, and a military buildup is great change and will help the middle class. lol
Yup, Booshies had nothing to do with their administration- and their cronies taking over the real estate market and blowing it up. lol
Change the channel. Ay caramba, dupe.
Bill is almost certainly a rapist my butt. Crazy Juanita refuted that for years, then decided maybe she was lol.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
It's not hate,'s recognition of her careless incompetence as defined, and then ignored, by the FBI director.
Carelessness is no reason to hate her. Out of control spin nonstop for years is.
Bill is almost certainly a rapist my butt. Crazy Juanita refuted that for years, then decided maybe she was lol.
When Cruz started catching trump Donald immediately started crying it's a rigged system. But when he's winning he stops crying. He did the same thing with hillary.

It better not work. We can't let trump win just because he's a sore loser.

And his minions better accept the loss.
Pretending to smoke while not inhaling is being dishonest. That is what "not inhale" means.

To a neurotic level.
Who says he pretended or was dishonest? Jeebus you're FOS.

1. Remember that you are the fool that believed that he did not say that.

2. Being so twisted that you are hanging out with friends PRETENDING to smoke pot is the action of a fundamentally dishonest person. You were under the impression that cons were unhappy that this weirdo smoked weed. I was informing you of reality.
I know what he said, it's not the bs you're saying, dupe.

I posted the video of him saying he didn't inhale.

You are delusional.
And you made it into ridiculous bs as dupes do

1. Thanks for finally, implicitly admitted he said what you have been insisting he did not say. Let us note that your credibility is zero.

2. Not bs. It is a window into his character, and even mental health. His behavior showed him to be a deeply dishonest person.
Who says he pretended or was dishonest? Jeebus you're FOS.

1. Remember that you are the fool that believed that he did not say that.

2. Being so twisted that you are hanging out with friends PRETENDING to smoke pot is the action of a fundamentally dishonest person. You were under the impression that cons were unhappy that this weirdo smoked weed. I was informing you of reality.
I know what he said, it's not the bs you're saying, dupe.
And does it even matter? I saw today 87% of conservatives and republicans are going to vote for trump no matter what a scumbag he is.

And now they'll claim to want to focus on the issues but only if they get to control the conversation because let's not forget

A. Their positions aren't popular

B. Caused the great 2007 bush recession

1. Are positions have been lied about forever. A real discussion of the issues, as opposed to one sided lies by the vile media, will gain support for them.

2. Mmm, no. The Housing BUbble was MOSTLY dem.
Yup, a huge tax cut for the rich, deregulation of real estate, and a military buildup is great change and will help the middle class. lol
Yup, Booshies had nothing to do with their administration- and their cronies taking over the real estate market and blowing it up. lol
Change the channel. Ay caramba, dupe.

1. Thank you that partial list of the lies told. So, like I said. a serious and honest discuss would, imo, gain our positions much support.

2. There were no "bush cronies" taking over the real estate. The same policies, and same laws continued to drive the same behavior, and eventually the Bubble burst. Bush was just unlucky it happened on his watch.

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