How The Deep State Took Corbyn Down In The UK

Don't be ridiculous, i know just what is going on i have lived with it all my life, i told you what is going on you just don't get it, you seem to be in denial about the Deep state and whether it even exists, it does trust me.
I explained to you what the deep state is; to the left, it is corporations and those who support the positions, and to the right it is unions and other left wing organizations that want to radically transform the government. It is not the boogie man you imagine, it is not a mystery, it is just the opposition to what you want. It's politics, not a comic book monster.
The priority is to get the tories out. Do you want another 5 years of this shit ?
No, but it was the priority for Corbyn in 2019, but not the rightwing Labour MPs, their priority was to make sure he didn't win, that resulted in Bozo the clown being elected, those scumbags enabled Johnson, so sorry Labour if you can still call it that will have to do it without my vote.
I explained to you what the deep state is; to the left, it is corporations and those who support the positions, and to the right it is unions and other left wing organizations that want to radically transform the government. It is not the boogie man you imagine, it is not a mystery, it is just the opposition to what you want. It's politics, not a comic book monster.
It's clear you don't know what or who the deep state are, Unions have nothing to do with it, the media are part of it because Oligarchs own most of it, the intelligence services etc.
No, but it was the priority for Corbyn in 2019, but not the rightwing Labour MPs, their priority was to make sure he didn't win, that resulted in Bozo the clown being elected, those scumbags enabled Johnson, so sorry Labour if you can still call it that will have to do it without my vote.
Ive got friends like you.
Ive got friends like you.
Well Tommy i think there are more of us than some people think, situation we have now is very much like America, two major parties and two cheeks of the same backside, i for one refuse to play their game, Corbyn was the best chance for change in my lifetime, did you ever watch the tv series a very British Coup? it was based on the book by Chris Mullin former Labour MP? i believe that is what we are dealing with.
Well Tommy i think there are more of us than some people think, situation we have now is very much like America, two major parties and two cheeks of the same backside, i for one refuse to play their game, Corbyn was the best chance for change in my lifetime, did you ever watch the tv series a very British Coup? it was based on the book by Chris Mullin former Labour MP? i believe that is what we are dealing with.
Starmer is not inspiring. i can see his strategy and hope the good stuff comes in the secondc term.
I would prefer corbyn policies but I would also like to be rid of these twats.

Im a Plaid voter instinctively but I will also vote tactically to keep the tories out.

If you dont vote you are supporting sunak rees mogg and the rest of them.

You become part of the problem.
Starmer is not inspiring. i can see his strategy and hope the good stuff comes in the secondc term.
I would prefer corbyn policies but I would also like to be rid of these twats.

Im a Plaid voter instinctively but I will also vote tactically to keep the tories out.

If you dont vote you are supporting sunak rees mogg and the rest of them.

You become part of the problem.
I understand where you are coming from, but i refuse to support Labour under Starmer, he is also a big suppoprter of the Apartheid State Israel, he has expelled many members including jewish members the party workers who worked against Corbyn are still there, even rewarded, then we have that other big supporter of Israel Tom Watson, i believe he was undermining Corbyn from the start while pretending to support him, Starmer has no plan to take all the stolen utilities back under State control, he is fully on board with the criminal gang Nato under US leadership, what use is the man?
I understand where you are coming from, but i refuse to support Labour under Starmer, he is also a big suppoprter of the Apartheid State Israel, he has expelled many members including jewish members the party workers who worked against Corbyn are still there, even rewarded, then we have that other big supporter of Israel Tom Watson, i believe he was undermining Corbyn from the start while pretending to support him, Starmer has no plan to take all the stolen utilities back under State control, he is fully on board with the criminal gang Nato under US leadership, what use is the man?
I feel your pain but where do you go. ?
It's clear you don't know what or who the deep state are, Unions have nothing to do with it, the media are part of it because Oligarchs own most of it, the intelligence services etc.
On the left, that's how it looks, but when people on the right talk about the deep state, they mean stakeholders on the Left like unions and media that supports them and officials who support them.
It was a shame and an outrage that Jeremy Corbyn and so many other left and socialist activists were taken down by paid Labour Party MPs and bureaucrats in alliance with Establishment media outlets, Zionists, and others. The anti-Semitism charges against Corbyn were imo ridiculous.
It was a shame and an outrage that Jeremy Corbyn and so many other left and socialist activists were taken down by paid Labour Party MPs and bureaucrats in alliance with Establishment media outlets, Zionists, and others. The anti-Semitism charges against Corbyn were imo ridiculous.
Correct Tom, this guy shows what we are dealing with, it's sinister and dangerous, one thing about Corbyn he tries to see the good in people and compromise, tha's naive when dealing with rabid attack dogs, he should have sent libel writs out for some people i think he would have won, Chris Hedges explains who the deep state are, while i am no fan of Trumps politics i believe he is also a victim of the same people.
On the left, that's how it looks, but when people on the right talk about the deep state, they mean stakeholders on the Left like unions and media that supports them and officials who support them.
You are not making sense, those on the right don't talk about the deep state because it works for them.
You are not making sense, those on the right don't talk about the deep state because it works for them.
It appears that way to people on the left, but people on the right have their boogie men, too.

"Every time US president Donald Trump finds himself under attack or just stymied in one of his policy initiatives, his supporters blame the Deep State. The Deep State is behind the “Russiagate” probes. The Deep State doesn’t like his Muslim travel ban or his ObamaCare replacement bill. The Deep State keeps forcing him to break his campaign promises of a less misadventurous US foreign policy."

Basically, blaming the "deep state" is just an excuse for failure.
It appears that way to people on the left, but people on the right have their boogie men, too.

"Every time US president Donald Trump finds himself under attack or just stymied in one of his policy initiatives, his supporters blame the Deep State. The Deep State is behind the “Russiagate” probes. The Deep State doesn’t like his Muslim travel ban or his ObamaCare replacement bill. The Deep State keeps forcing him to break his campaign promises of a less misadventurous US foreign policy."

Basically, blaming the "deep state" is just an excuse for failure.
Did you watch the Chris Hedges vid ?

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