How the DNC really views Black Lives Matter


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Secret e-mails from years ago show us what the DNC really thinks of BLM. Their operatives were given e-mails saying that BLM is really a terrorist group, but to gain their support act as though you care about their plight but don't promise anything.
Obama gave BLM national legitimacy since it represented one of his favorite ways of dividing America. Black people who were either abused or killed by police. Time after time Obama weighed in on these isolated incidents and BLM continued to grow in influence. BLM cares not one bit about Black people. They never mention the plight of the inner cities and the daily murders that occur. They are a fraudulent organization endorsed by an anti-American President.
Dems. relationship with Blacks is changing all the time. Right now they're using them to tank our economy to try to make Trump look bad. But they have always used them ever since the plantation days. Democrats usually try to keep them poor, pissed off and dependent on government. That way they can control them by throwing them a few crumbs. The last thing they want to see is Blacks getting good jobs and chasing the American Dream like Trump had them doing. Dems. play Blacks by dwelling on racism and victimhood. This works on the dumb ones, the lazy ones and the criminalistic ones but Blacks who are ambitious and want a fair shot at success don't want anything to do with Dems. Dems. think they own Blacks just like Biden does when he said "If you can't figure out who you like better, me or Trump, you aren't Black.
Dems. relationship with Blacks is changing all the time. Right now they're using them to tank our economy to try to make Trump look bad. But they have always used them ever since the plantation days. Democrats usually try to keep them poor, pissed off and dependent on government. That way they can control them by throwing them a few crumbs. The last thing they want to see is Blacks getting good jobs and chasing the American Dream like Trump had them doing. Dems. play Blacks by dwelling on racism and victimhood. This works on the dumb ones, the lazy ones and the criminalistics ones but Blacks who are ambitious and want a fair shot at success don't want anything to do with Dems. Dems. think they own Blacks just like Biden does when he said "If you can't figure out who you like better, me or Trump, you aren't Black.

Dems have literally owned them in the past. Figuratively speaking, their contempt for blacks rages on but they're able to package this contempt and put on a smile as they repeatedly strike blow after blow after blow to the black populace.
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Secret e-mails from years ago show us what the DNC really thinks of BLM. Their operatives were given e-mails saying that BLM is really a terrorist group, but to gain their support act as though you care about their plight but don't promise anything.
How BLM feels about the GOP: Party of Racists.

So no worries for the DNC.

Secret e-mails from years ago show us what the DNC really thinks of BLM. Their operatives were given e-mails saying that BLM is really a terrorist group, but to gain their support act as though you care about their plight but don't promise anything.
How BLM feels about the GOP: Party of Racists.

So no worries for the DNC.

Nope, the dems are the party of slavery and segregation. BLM is a racist organization.

Secret e-mails from years ago show us what the DNC really thinks of BLM. Their operatives were given e-mails saying that BLM is really a terrorist group, but to gain their support act as though you care about their plight but don't promise anything.
How BLM feels about the GOP: Party of Racists.

So no worries for the DNC.

Nope, the dems are the party of slavery and segregation. BLM is a racist organization.

Haha, sure. If i had my way, i would put your retarded ass on every morning show and prime time news cast. Just put a mic in your idiot face and let you talk.
I'll give BLM high credit for interfering with thugs during this. I'd like to see them make thugs their public enemy, and continue when this occurs. Meanwhile, PROG-nation has begun blaming Trump for the unrest.

Who'd think those who create unrest would blame Trump? Of course they would, these are PROGS. Fucking chaotic.
Obama gave BLM national legitimacy since it represented one of his favorite ways of dividing America. Black people who were either abused or killed by police. Time after time Obama weighed in on these isolated incidents and BLM continued to grow in influence. BLM cares not one bit about Black people. They never mention the plight of the inner cities and the daily murders that occur. They are a fraudulent organization endorsed by an anti-American President.
Notice that every time there was an act of Islamic terrorism, Obama refused to utter the words "Islamic terrorism" because he did not want people to take their anger out on innocent Muslims. And in the UK they did the same thing by referring to Islamic terrorism as peoples from Asia. LOL.

However, when it came to innocent police officers being assassinated all over the country after the event in Ferguson, Obama continued to feed into the notion that law enforcement was all racist. The blood of those innocent officers is partially on his hands.
I'll give BLM high credit for interfering with thugs during this. I'd like to see them make thugs their public enemy, and continue when this occurs. Meanwhile, PROG-nation has begun blaming Trump for the unrest.

Who'd think those who create unrest would blame Trump? Of course they would, these are PROGS. Fucking chaotic.
Random acts of terror don't accomplish much other than being labelled a terrorist organization by the state and society. Conversely, MLK had peaceful demonstrations and was able to accomplish much.

Or the idiots can continue to throw rocks like they do in Palestine and eventually send their children out into the streets with explosives that accomplish nothing.

Organizing marches all around the country and getting media attention and getting invited to swanky events by politicians is a lot more fun than a boring office job.

If these activist groups went out of business, thousands of hangers-on would be unemployed. If they can't find some trouble, they will create it.
The DNC has never backed BLM. They are cowards that bend over for the corporate elite.

Secret e-mails from years ago show us what the DNC really thinks of BLM. Their operatives were given e-mails saying that BLM is really a terrorist group, but to gain their support act as though you care about their plight but don't promise anything.

Did you read what it says?

They say lead from behind and don't co-opt because they'll be mad lol

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