How the establishment stole the nomination from Paul

It was the fake Paul supporters that turned off so many. Not Republicans.

The libs both in 2008 and 2012 have been out in force on every message board turning off "Joe conservative".

They plant themselves as firm supporters of the Doctor and alienate everyone around them. I love and admire Dr. Paul.

His stance on abortion and the economy and the fed is to be lauded. His service to his country is to be lauded.

But these fake Paul supporters have truly just turned mainstream conservatives off. Pity. They did their job all too well.
They'll disappear like a fart in the wind after the election. And good riddance.
They're counting on us to hold our noses and vote for Mitt anyway.

Kinda like kicking your dog, breaking his ribs and expecting him to lick your hand.
Has Romney's nomination actually been confirmed yet?
ah so you ASSume I am a fake RP supporter...well that makes you about as ignorant as some others here. Voted for Ron in 2008 and again this year and I will continue to support him no matter where he goes...You expect us to vote for the nazi romney after what he has done this past week? NO FUCKING WAY. Obviously you vote for party rather than person that's your problem not mine.
Fake Paul Supporters? What are you talking about?

I'm a major boarder in several countries. I can name the fakes on every board.

The first scent you get is when the poster always attacks conservatives and republicans but never posts against liberals.

The second flag is the old "OMG I just can't vote for <fill in the blank conservative> so I have to vote for Obama".

There's other flags but these are the first two that just sets any real Paul supporter clean off.
They're counting on us to hold our noses and vote for Mitt anyway.

Kinda like kicking your dog, breaking his ribs and expecting him to lick your hand.

I'm going to be straight up with you. Unless you go third party you have no hope. But if you sit this one out, you have no hope period.

If you allow Obama to be re-elected because you just can't deal with voting for Romney you are dead in the freaking water.

Look before we had the internet and as we were crawling thru the 90's we had to decimate the Progressive Conservatives up here, wander in the wilderness for almost two freaking decades, but now we have an awesome Conservative Party that really is quite like a Paul vision.

You could pull this off. But if you don't stop Obama, Lord help you. Don't sit it out.

But then get busy after the election.
Yep, Romney supporters masquerading as Paul supporters in order to make Paul look bad.

There were THOUSANDS of them this year...
They're counting on us to hold our noses and vote for Mitt anyway.

Kinda like kicking your dog, breaking his ribs and expecting him to lick your hand.

I'm going to be straight up with you. Unless you go third party you have no hope. But if you sit this one out, you have no hope period.

If you allow Obama to be re-elected because you just can't deal with voting for Romney you are dead in the freaking water.

Look before we had the internet and as we were crawling thru the 90's we had to decimate the Progressive Conservatives up here, wander in the wilderness for almost two freaking decades, but now we have an awesome Conservative Party that really is quite like a Paul vision.

You could pull this off. But if you don't stop Obama, Lord help you. Don't sit it out.

But then get busy after the election.

I understand what you're saying, but I don't know if I agree with it.

I'm thinking Rev. 22:20
Yep, Romney supporters masquerading as Paul supporters in order to make Paul look bad.

There were THOUSANDS of them this year...

With all due respect, you don't know the game at all.

They weren't Romney supporters. Do you go to other websites? Seriously. The onslaught was straight from the likes of TPM and MM supporters.

For example in the Herman Cain debacle, RP true supporters were following Dr. Paul's gracious lead and stayed hushed.

It was the "faux" RP supporters that were calling for Cain to step out of the race. Dr. Paul was awesome in his fair play.
At least Ron Paul would have been true to the conservative blood lust for a Mogadishu type of government
They're counting on us to hold our noses and vote for Mitt anyway.

Kinda like kicking your dog, breaking his ribs and expecting him to lick your hand.

I'm going to be straight up with you. Unless you go third party you have no hope. But if you sit this one out, you have no hope period.

If you allow Obama to be re-elected because you just can't deal with voting for Romney you are dead in the freaking water.

Look before we had the internet and as we were crawling thru the 90's we had to decimate the Progressive Conservatives up here, wander in the wilderness for almost two freaking decades, but now we have an awesome Conservative Party that really is quite like a Paul vision.

You could pull this off. But if you don't stop Obama, Lord help you. Don't sit it out.

But then get busy after the election.

I understand what you're saying, but I don't know if I agree with it.

I'm thinking Rev. 22:20

It's the stand we take before this moment. And we turn the tables over in His name.

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