Zone1 How They Lied To Me About Africa And Black Culture - Kevin Hart


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The so called liberal media has for years fed America a fake picture of Africa. That image gets repeated by many white Americans. Before European colonization, it is written that Africa had up to 10,000 states or nations with different languages and customs. There have been numerous kingdoms and dynasties on that continent. The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. This name translates to “mother of mankind,” or according to other sources, “the garden of Eden.”. This is what the continent was called by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Carthaginians, and Ethiopians. All of these were nations in Alkebulan. I write this so that we understand how distorted the European tale about Africa has been. Africa was not some barren land where everybody ran around in loincloths. We learn about the significant accomplishments of Egypt, but Egypt is in Africa. It was originally called Kemet and white racists try claiming that Egypt was a nation of whites.

How They Lied To Me About Africa And Black Culture - Kevin Hart
Much respect.


We've fought with many men acrost the seas,
An' some of 'em was brave an' some was not:
The Paythan an' the Zulu an' Burmese;
But the Fuzzy was the finest o' the lot.

We never got a ha'porth's change of 'im:
'E squatted in the scrub an' 'ocked our 'orses,
'E cut our sentries up at Sua~kim~,
An' 'e played the cat an' banjo with our forces.

So 'ere's ~to~ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in the Soudan;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.

We took our chanst among the Khyber 'ills,
The Boers knocked us silly at a mile,
The Burman give us Irriwaddy chills,
An' a Zulu ~impi~ dished us up in style:
But all we ever got from such as they
Was pop to what the Fuzzy made us swaller;
We 'eld our bloomin' own, the papers say,
But man for man the Fuzzy knocked us 'oller.

Then 'ere's ~to~ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' the missis and the kid;
Our orders was to break you, an' of course we went an' did.
We sloshed you with Martinis, an' it wasn't 'ardly fair;
But for all the odds agin' you, Fuzzy-Wuz, you broke the square.

'E 'asn't got no papers of 'is own,
'E 'asn't got no medals nor rewards,
So we must certify the skill 'e's shown
In usin' of 'is long two-'anded swords:
When 'e's 'oppin' in an' out among the bush
With 'is coffin-'eaded shield an' shovel-spear,
An 'appy day with Fuzzy on the rush
Will last an 'ealthy Tommy for a year.

So 'ere's ~to~ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' your friends which are no more,
If we 'adn't lost some messmates we would 'elp you to deplore;
But give an' take's the gospel, an' we'll call the bargain fair,
For if you 'ave lost more than us, you crumpled up the square!

'E rushes at the smoke when we let drive,
An', before we know, 'e's 'ackin' at our 'ead;
'E's all 'ot sand an' ginger when alive,
An' 'e's generally shammin' when 'e's dead.
'E's a daisy, 'e's a ducky, 'e's a lamb!
'E's a injia-rubber idiot on the spree,
'E's the on'y thing that doesn't give a damn
For a Regiment o' British Infantree!

So 'ere's ~to~ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in the Soudan;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
An' 'ere's ~to~ you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, with your 'ayrick 'ead of 'air --

You big black boundin' beggar -- for you broke a British square!

-Rudyard Kipling
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Minorities are demanding economic development for their communities. So why is tax money put in the pot by minorities primarily going into development of "white" communities?
Hold on…you don’t REALLY think blacks and or Mexicans pay income taxes do you?
It’s determined by culture which has firm ties to skin color…and I have a big enough nutsack to say it.
Chickenshit racist pussy ^^^
I'm sure this pathetic loser will cry like a bitch about being labeled a racist again.
It’s determined by culture which has firm ties to skin color…and I have a big enough nutsack to say it.

Scary shit huh Unkotare ?
Culture doesn’t have solid ties to skin color. Appalachian hillbillies are just as anti-education as inner city blacks and Latinos. There is trash in all races.
Culture doesn’t have solid ties to skin color. Appalachian hillbillies are just as anti-education as inner city blacks and Latinos. There is trash in all races.
True….all 73 of those hillbillies are fucking us over.

Culture doesn’t have solid ties to skin color.
Because you say so or do you have data to prove that?
Can you name ANY predominantly dark community, city, state or nation that is nice, clean, safe, properous and united? Why is that?

"There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.

There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."

Appalachia: The big white ghetto

In Appalachia, jobs have vanished, and people live for pills, soda pop, and welfare
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