MAGA members need to travel more


On boards like this it is very easy to see who does not travel out of the country much if at all.
Still waiting for you to take the ultimate journey (aka one-way trip) that you promised us you will take
Please tell me.
Shutting the fuck up instead of saying douche bag pretentious shit like "you unwashed rubes should travel more and become worldly sophisticates like us!" Sounds like those idiot college kids "protesting" something they didn't know the first thing about.
I cant speak for all MAGAs any more than libs speak for all illegal aliens

But thanks to biden the worst of the worst from around the world is coming to us
It is all Biden's fault?
The answer isn't tht easy.
A lot needs to be done but it is a comples issues that is going to require solving many causes. If we were only so lucky it is all Biden.
Shutting the fuck up instead of saying douche bag pretentious shit like "you unwashed rubes should travel more and become worldly sophisticates like us!" Sounds like those idiot college kids "protesting" something they didn't know the first thing about.
Not shutting up. I am trying to help those who lack experience, in many areas, that adds to their stupidity.
If you don't want to take my advice, that is on you.
I am guessing you have turned down many opportunities to be smarter. That is what stupid people do.
Still waiting for you to take the ultimate journey (aka one-way trip) that you promised us you will take

2029, that has been the plan all along. But even then it is not like we will not come back to CONUS.

you people are so odd about this, you think because someone becomes an Ex-pat they never come back.
The premise of yoar thread is based on a poisoning the well fallacy or a straw man fallacy;



It is absolutely absurd to bleev that those who like Trump haven't traveled, been to university, aren't well read, or are necessarily all bigots.

I could name plenty of famous folks that support Trump that belie yoar dumb premise.
All true


With the internet, anyone can travel

It boils down to what you think when you “travel”

Both sides

Do you think “they are a lot like us”

Or do you think “look at those weird foreigners”

That’s why I post this video often

To get people to say “but but wait … I thought”

Travel, try to understand people and cultures not like you.

Yeah, I've got that covered. It's a very safe bet a lot more than you. But I won't pat you on the head and "advise" you to broaden your horizons.
It is all Biden's fault?
The answer isn't tht easy.
A lot needs to be done but it is a comples issues that is going to require solving many causes. If we were only so lucky it is all Biden.
Its not altogether biden’s fault alone

But he has made absolutely no effort to stem the tide

Indeed in 2023 alone he FLEW IN 320,000 migrants to the US and granted them 2-year visas without review of an immigration judge

Thats inexcuseable
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2029, that has been the plan all along. But even then it is not like we will not come back to CONUS.

you people are so odd about this, you think because someone becomes an Ex-pat they never come back.
We can only hope

In the meantime you appear to be doing your best to leave America in the worst shape possible
2029, that has been the plan all along. But even then it is not like we will not come back to CONUS.

you people are so odd about this, you think because someone becomes an Ex-pat they never come back.
Yikes, you are going to become an imigrant in another country. An alien. A person who comes in and sucks off government help, yet you have never paid in.
Yeah, I've got that covered. It's a very safe bet a lot more than you. But I won't pat you on the head and "advise" you to broaden your horizons.
I am always trying to broaden my horizins. If you don' you become a very narrow thinker.

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