I have removed Chicago and New York off my travel list. Too many teenage zoo animals

NYC has one of the lowest crime rates for large cities yet you MAGAts keep harping on it. If any of the southern cities had nearly the same criminal rate it would be a friggin miracle.
NYC dont have a low SHIT
NYC dont have a low SHIT

NYC and it's Burroughs Murder rates per annum: 488

Crime in the U.S.


Memphis is the U.S. city with highest violent crime rate per 100,000 residents
Leading cities with the largest number of violent crimes per 100,000 residents in the United States in 2022

Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn (MI) is least peaceful metropolitan area
Are all black teenagers half retarded? I mean why is it so hard for a black teen to enjoy nice weather in 2024? I think I may travel to a more calm part of the country................Connecticut and Boston
48-16 and you shit yourself
NYC and it's Burroughs Murder rates per annum: 488

Crime in the U.S.


Memphis is the U.S. city with highest violent crime rate per 100,000 residents
Leading cities with the largest number of violent crimes per 100,000 residents in the United States in 2022

Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn (MI) is least peaceful metropolitan area

lol more black people live in the South, and all you're doing is pointing out the obvious relation between black populations and violent crime rates.
Exactly, they think Im blind and retarded

If you think that NYC and Chicago are the highest crime rated cities, you very well might be. Memphis gets that nod with a part of Detroit taking home the lease crime per capita.
Any Chicago resident can tell you which neighborhoods to avoid. I assume the same is true of NY.

If a city has people on places to avoid in that city, then I want to avoid that city entirely.

It's as dumb as living in a city that women are told "don't go there at night". F that, they should be able to go anywhere they want anytime they want.

If a city has a known bad area then that whole city is bad because they tolerate the crime, drugs, degenerates or crazy people that in that bad area.
If a city has people on places to avoid in that city, then I want to avoid that city entirely.

It's as dumb as living in a city that women are told "don't go there at night". F that, they should be able to go anywhere they want anytime they want.

If a city has a known bad area then that whole city is bad because they tolerate the crime, drugs, degenerates or crazy people that in that bad area.
Everyone ought to have the right to make those decisions but as you get older you will find that your choices become limited.
If a city has people on places to avoid in that city, then I want to avoid that city entirely.

It's as dumb as living in a city that women are told "don't go there at night". F that, they should be able to go anywhere they want anytime they want.

If a city has a known bad area then that whole city is bad because they tolerate the crime, drugs, degenerates or crazy people that in that bad area.
So what big city dont have a bad area????????????????????????
Are all black teenagers half retarded? I mean why is it so hard for a black teen to enjoy nice weather in 2024? I think I may travel to a more calm part of the country................Connecticut and Boston
San Francisco and L.A. still work for you?
Both NYC and Chicago have decided to decline to publish their crime stats to the FBI for the UCR. THey also decline to prosecute crimes that are considered insufficiently felonious, so any and all stats coming out of those cities - other than perhaps homicides - are not to be trusted.

However, the dangers of those cities are exaggerated on certain news outlets. Both enjoy millions of tourists every year because there is lots to see and do.

Go where you want, but if you avoid these two great cities because of perceived danger that can easily be avoided, it's your loss.

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