How this garlic farm went from a labor shortage to over 150 people on its applicant waitlist

Happy content workers make for better workers. Miserable slaves are not nearly as productive. A good owner or management should understand that. If you treat employees well, it will be reflected in their performance. You pay a worker $7-8 an hr, you get a $7-8 an hr worker. It is what it is.

Not according to a Harvard Business study:

Do Employees Work Harder for Higher Pay?

You get what you pay for. Somewhere along the line, many Americans have forgotten that. Generally speaking, if you pay a worker shitty wage, you'll get a shitty worker. For example, check out Costco sometime. Then check out Walmart. Much better service at Costco. How you treat your workers, does have a big impact on their performance.

Which is in contrast to the study I posted by Harvard. They found that the only time workers did better or more work is when they were paid out of the blue; a bonus or something unexpected. As for standard pay no matter what it was, workers didn't do anymore work than workers who made less. I used to have another study that said the same thing. Workers who got raises performed better for a period of two weeks to a month. After that, they resumed to their normal output before the raise.
Happy content workers make for better workers. Miserable slaves are not nearly as productive. A good owner or management should understand that. If you treat employees well, it will be reflected in their performance. You pay a worker $7-8 an hr, you get a $7-8 an hr worker. It is what it is.

Not according to a Harvard Business study:

Do Employees Work Harder for Higher Pay?

You get what you pay for. Somewhere along the line, many Americans have forgotten that. Generally speaking, if you pay a worker shitty wage, you'll get a shitty worker. For example, check out Costco sometime. Then check out Walmart. Much better service at Costco. How you treat your workers, does have a big impact on their performance.

Which is in contrast to the study I posted by Harvard. They found that the only time workers did better or more work is when they were paid out of the blue; a bonus or something unexpected. As for standard pay no matter what it was, workers didn't do anymore work than workers who made less. I used to have another study that said the same thing. Workers who got raises performed better for a period of two weeks to a month. After that, they resumed to their normal output before the raise.

My experiences have shown otherwise. So i disagree with this study's findings. Happy content workers are better workers.
Good to see more folks trying to help American Workers, but i'm afraid it's too late. The 'American Dream' is likely gone for good.

Wow, this is great, people thinking and talking together sharing thoughts, not just blame & shame. wish I had more to contribute. it bothers me when I go in a store with auto check out, I like to support the people at the counter, what ever there getting paid its better than no job. could we close the auto Mc & wendy's if we went some where else?
How is it funny?

Are you saying that HOW you get to a point, can't effect the results?

All the reasons given for why $15 will doom jobs would be in effect regardless of how you get there.

HOw do you know that?

$15 is $15 no matter how you get to it.

YOu made a claim. I asked you how you knew that.

Your response did not explain how you knew that. Presumably because you can't.

THis is where you admit that you can't support your claim and you are dropping it,

or you double down on your dishonesty.

Again $15 is $15. You made the claim it isn't. I don't need to prove $15 is $15. That is very clear.

You made the claim that "the reasons why 15$ an hour would doom jobs are still there".

I asked you how you knew that.

Your position seems to be that how you get somewhere does not effect the results.

I can see why you are hesitant to clearly say that.

But you certainly have NOT supported your claim that "all the reasons are still there".


You can't support your claim, yet you refuse to drop it.

You lose.
Here is a better idea. Let's train Americans to do highly skilled, highly paid jobs and let Third Worlders do Third World work.

The American economy is not suffering because of some Mexicans picking garlic. It is suffering because we have severely shortchanged our own people's future.
I expect an elitist view from you. Not all Americans are capable of highly skilled work. The very thought makes no sense. FYI.... we provide a free public education at tax payers expense. What each individual chooses to do with it, is up to them.

Not much one can do with the shit education they are getting.
That's up to you. If your community is providing a shit education to your kids, do something about it. Stop whining to me about your local problems.

LOL, the American Educational System is shit. If you aren't smart enough to see it blame your education.
Stop making excuses for your failure. My local education system is one of the best in the country. Fix yours instead of whining.

Being "one of the best in the country" doesn't mean shit when the entire system sucks. Go dig some ditches boy, it's all you're qualified for.
I expect an elitist view from you. Not all Americans are capable of highly skilled work. The very thought makes no sense. FYI.... we provide a free public education at tax payers expense. What each individual chooses to do with it, is up to them.

Not much one can do with the shit education they are getting.
That's up to you. If your community is providing a shit education to your kids, do something about it. Stop whining to me about your local problems.

LOL, the American Educational System is shit. If you aren't smart enough to see it blame your education.
Stop making excuses for your failure. My local education system is one of the best in the country. Fix yours instead of whining.

Being "one of the best in the country" doesn't mean shit when the entire system sucks. Go dig some ditches boy, it's all you're qualified for.
I'll agree with one point. Many schools are organized around the lowest common denominator, but being involved parents it is not hard to have your children placed into advanced classes at a young age. Fortunately my local system challenges kids and children are quickly placed on the correct learning path for them. In first grade my daughter was moved to the gifted program and she loves it.

Democrats run many of the countries school systems and in many areas are failing horribly. That is why I am in favor of school choice and competition.
I was having dinner one night with a few Teachers I know, they were lamenting the conditions they had to work in and the fact that virtually no authority to do, or make the kids do anything. So I asked them, "Tell me, if a child does no homework, does not participate, takes no tests, they will still move on to the next grade"? They grew uncomfortable and just looked at one another for what seemed like for forever. Finally one said, "Those are our instructions". Of course this is Ca so that accounts for some of it.
I was having dinner one night with a few Teachers I know, they were lamenting the conditions they had to work in and the fact that virtually no authority to do, or make the kids do anything. So I asked them, "Tell me, if a child does no homework, does not participate, takes no tests, they will still move on to the next grade"? They grew uncomfortable and just looked at one another for what seemed like for forever. Finally one said, "Those are our instructions". Of course this is Ca so that accounts for some of it.

I think it's more of a union problem, especially now that they have competition with home school and charter schools. Union teachers need to be transcending in results even if they are fake.

During the housing bubble it was damn near impossible to find good tenants. You just about had to take anybody interested in the apartment. I advertise on CraigsList and have had some good results. So after I placed the ad, I was getting emails that were almost unreadable. They looked like they were written by ten year olds. Some of them I couldn't even understand what they were asking or telling me.

In desperation, I had to bring some of them down to look at the apartment. What I found shocking is that most of them were high school graduates. In normal times, I would have deleted all of those emails, but again, tough times only allowed me to delete half of them.

If I won't even accept an application for an apartment based on their writing skills, HTF do these people get jobs filling out job applications like that?
Happy content workers make for better workers. Miserable slaves are not nearly as productive. A good owner or management should understand that. If you treat employees well, it will be reflected in their performance. You pay a worker $7-8 an hr, you get a $7-8 an hr worker. It is what it is.

Not according to a Harvard Business study:

Do Employees Work Harder for Higher Pay?

You get what you pay for. Somewhere along the line, many Americans have forgotten that. Generally speaking, if you pay a worker shitty wage, you'll get a shitty worker. For example, check out Costco sometime. Then check out Walmart. Much better service at Costco. How you treat your workers, does have a big impact on their performance.

Which is in contrast to the study I posted by Harvard. They found that the only time workers did better or more work is when they were paid out of the blue; a bonus or something unexpected. As for standard pay no matter what it was, workers didn't do anymore work than workers who made less. I used to have another study that said the same thing. Workers who got raises performed better for a period of two weeks to a month. After that, they resumed to their normal output before the raise.

My experiences have shown otherwise. So i disagree with this study's findings. Happy content workers are better workers.

And my experiences support the study, and I work in industry all day long so I probably have more exposure to different industries with different pay scales than you do. This was especially true during the union days.

If I went to a new company I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. It was by the attitude of the employees, how much they cared about their job, how quickly or slowly they loaded or unloaded my truck. Non-union employees clearly beat out union employees almost every time.

Unions have disappeared, but I still know what companies pay well and which ones don't. I see no problem with lower paying shippers than I do with higher paying shippers.

In fact, my employer refuses to go to UAW plants anymore and I couldn't be happier. It can take us four times longer to get out of there than our other customers. There have been times I spent five hours just to get unloaded whereas a non-union shop would have me unloaded in a half hour. UAW shippers were the highest paid among the places we delivered to, but the worst workers you ever wanted to see in your life.
Sorry Ray I am an advocate for post secondary degrees for all. We don't want ANY adults working for less than 20 BUCKS per hour plus full bennies. One can work really hard at 18 bucks per hour. Those pitiful jobs will see zero advancement no matter how hard one works. Heroism and loyalty are two traits no longer applicable in America.

Why are you so stupid? I started off a $3.35 an hour and worked my way up...

any minimum wage is still, the bottom.
Yes you are right in a sense. There were 3 requirements for my kids.. 1). Get all A's in high school. 2). No military service. 3). A college degree. All my kids fulfilled these requirements so they weren't stuck working for a pittance such as 25 bucks an hour for some loser boss. Get your degree in a field so you can use it against a sense. I taught my kids that loyalty is not a trait that is wanted anymore. Its every man for himself. god first family second country somewhere on the list.

Instead of teaching your kids not to work for 25 bucks an hour, why did you not teach them to open up their own business and pay 25 bucks an hour?
Most are not capable. His certainly are not, based on the values he instilled in them.
Especially modern day, alleged capitalists who cannot make like Henry Ford and achieve gains from efficiency through higher paid labor.
Happy content workers make for better workers. Miserable slaves are not nearly as productive. A good owner or management should understand that. If you treat employees well, it will be reflected in their performance. You pay a worker $7-8 an hr, you get a $7-8 an hr worker. It is what it is.

Not according to a Harvard Business study:

Do Employees Work Harder for Higher Pay?

You get what you pay for. Somewhere along the line, many Americans have forgotten that. Generally speaking, if you pay a worker shitty wage, you'll get a shitty worker. For example, check out Costco sometime. Then check out Walmart. Much better service at Costco. How you treat your workers, does have a big impact on their performance.

Which is in contrast to the study I posted by Harvard. They found that the only time workers did better or more work is when they were paid out of the blue; a bonus or something unexpected. As for standard pay no matter what it was, workers didn't do anymore work than workers who made less. I used to have another study that said the same thing. Workers who got raises performed better for a period of two weeks to a month. After that, they resumed to their normal output before the raise.
It was an Ivy League MBA who almost single-handedly overturned a maxim that infers, it merely takes massive federal budget surpluses, to make more money.
I was having dinner one night with a few Teachers I know, they were lamenting the conditions they had to work in and the fact that virtually no authority to do, or make the kids do anything. So I asked them, "Tell me, if a child does no homework, does not participate, takes no tests, they will still move on to the next grade"? They grew uncomfortable and just looked at one another for what seemed like for forever. Finally one said, "Those are our instructions". Of course this is Ca so that accounts for some of it.
Should we ask for input from a school of human resources management?

Delegation is also a skill. Thirty students means, "thirty potential interns".
Happy content workers make for better workers. Miserable slaves are not nearly as productive. A good owner or management should understand that. If you treat employees well, it will be reflected in their performance. You pay a worker $7-8 an hr, you get a $7-8 an hr worker. It is what it is.

Not according to a Harvard Business study:

Do Employees Work Harder for Higher Pay?

You get what you pay for. Somewhere along the line, many Americans have forgotten that. Generally speaking, if you pay a worker shitty wage, you'll get a shitty worker. For example, check out Costco sometime. Then check out Walmart. Much better service at Costco. How you treat your workers, does have a big impact on their performance.

Which is in contrast to the study I posted by Harvard. They found that the only time workers did better or more work is when they were paid out of the blue; a bonus or something unexpected. As for standard pay no matter what it was, workers didn't do anymore work than workers who made less. I used to have another study that said the same thing. Workers who got raises performed better for a period of two weeks to a month. After that, they resumed to their normal output before the raise.

My experiences have shown otherwise. So i disagree with this study's findings. Happy content workers are better workers.

And my experiences support the study, and I work in industry all day long so I probably have more exposure to different industries with different pay scales than you do. This was especially true during the union days.

If I went to a new company I knew nothing about, I could tell you within five minutes if they were union or not. It was by the attitude of the employees, how much they cared about their job, how quickly or slowly they loaded or unloaded my truck. Non-union employees clearly beat out union employees almost every time.

Unions have disappeared, but I still know what companies pay well and which ones don't. I see no problem with lower paying shippers than I do with higher paying shippers.

In fact, my employer refuses to go to UAW plants anymore and I couldn't be happier. It can take us four times longer to get out of there than our other customers. There have been times I spent five hours just to get unloaded whereas a non-union shop would have me unloaded in a half hour. UAW shippers were the highest paid among the places we delivered to, but the worst workers you ever wanted to see in your life.

Again, my experiences tell a different story. When workers are treated well, they feel a sense of worth and do perform better. Check out Costco sometime. It's a good company that treats its workers well. Then check out a place like Walmart. Its workers are usually miserable and don't perform well. You do get what you pay for. That's just fact.
I was having dinner one night with a few Teachers I know, they were lamenting the conditions they had to work in and the fact that virtually no authority to do, or make the kids do anything. So I asked them, "Tell me, if a child does no homework, does not participate, takes no tests, they will still move on to the next grade"? They grew uncomfortable and just looked at one another for what seemed like for forever. Finally one said, "Those are our instructions". Of course this is Ca so that accounts for some of it.
The next question is who? I like the first question.

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