How this garlic farm went from a labor shortage to over 150 people on its applicant waitlist


You should have read your own article: “The one constant is that no matter how much we pay, domestic workers are not applying for these jobs,” Resnick said. “Raising wages only serves to cannibalize from the existing workforce; it does nothing to add new laborers to the pool.”

Americans are not flocking to the farms. Sorry!
So a $15 per hour minimum wage is a foolish endeavor, correct?
I don't feel either way about minimum wage. But you cannot argue in favor of paying $15 to garlic pickers and then argue against a $15 wage without sounding like a complete idiot.

Once again one company raising wages compared to all company's raising wages per a government mandate.

Jesus how economically illiterate is the left?

Clearly she's just not very bright. What type of moron tries to equate a government mandated wage with an independent business owner setting wages for his employees. Just plain stupid.
Here is the reason Americans don't do the farm jobs: They have to move around a lot.

How real is the
 farm labor shortage?

When Jesus Lamas Sr. arrived early one morning to start his workers on some late June apple thinning, only half of his 30-person crew was there to greet him.

The rest didn’t show, probably because they switched to a neighboring orchard to harvest cherries and make more money.

“If employers are just stealing workers from each other, then that’s a pretty good definition of a labor shortage,” said Mike Gempler, executive director of the Washington Growers League, a Yakima firm that represents growers on labor issues.

I live in Bakersfield, the workers move with the Crop. Each crop has it's own time table.
Which is why Americans won't do those jobs.
They would if we stopped paying them not to.
Here is a better idea. Let's train Americans to do highly skilled, highly paid jobs and let Third Worlders do Third World work.

The American economy is not suffering because of some Mexicans picking garlic. It is suffering because we have severely shortchanged our own people's future.

Let's train Americans to do highly skilled, highly paid jobs and let Third Worlders do Third World work.

Sounds good.
Boot the illegals and set up a temporary worker program
I meant more pay equals more production.

Like this union guy asleep?



You should have read your own article: “The one constant is that no matter how much we pay, domestic workers are not applying for these jobs,” Resnick said. “Raising wages only serves to cannibalize from the existing workforce; it does nothing to add new laborers to the pool.”

Americans are not flocking to the farms. Sorry!
So a $15 per hour minimum wage is a foolish endeavor, correct?
I don't feel either way about minimum wage. But you cannot argue in favor of paying $15 to garlic pickers and then argue against a $15 wage without sounding like a complete idiot.

$15 for some jobs make sense, $15 for other jobs would be stupid.
Sorry Ray I am an advocate for post secondary degrees for all. We don't want ANY adults working for less than 20 BUCKS per hour plus full bennies. One can work really hard at 18 bucks per hour. Those pitiful jobs will see zero advancement no matter how hard one works. Heroism and loyalty are two traits no longer applicable in America.
What is going to be below garlic farmers? I don't see how the same people can call for doom with a $15 min wage, but then applaud it when the market reaches $15. Doesn't make a lot of sense.

The difference is between encouraging an economy where market forces lead to rising wages and better standards of living for Americans,

rather than using government force to make employers pay more when the economy does NOT call for it, and won't support it.

I understand the difference. Either way I don't see doom. But the right has claimed $15 would doom jobs.

$15 would prevent many unskilled workers from ever getting a job.
It would cost other low-skilled workers the jobs they already have.
Says greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers and their dupes...

Obviously, because value added doesn't have to be higher than employee expense. DERP!
OHHH, an idiot marketing major? Wondering how you got so out of touch lol....What about bring back happy employees, a healthy nonrich class, and demand?
The difference is between encouraging an economy where market forces lead to rising wages and better standards of living for Americans,

rather than using government force to make employers pay more when the economy does NOT call for it, and won't support it.

I understand the difference. Either way I don't see doom. But the right has claimed $15 would doom jobs.

$15 would prevent many unskilled workers from ever getting a job.
It would cost other low-skilled workers the jobs they already have.
Says greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers and their dupes...

Obviously, because value added doesn't have to be higher than employee expense. DERP!
OHHH, an idiot marketing major? Wondering how you got so out of touch lol....What about bring back happy employees, a healthy nonrich class, and demand?

OHHH, an idiot marketing major?

But enough about you. Too bad you failed Econ, eh?
Sorry Ray I am an advocate for post secondary degrees for all. We don't want ANY adults working for less than 20 BUCKS per hour plus full bennies. One can work really hard at 18 bucks per hour. Those pitiful jobs will see zero advancement no matter how hard one works. Heroism and loyalty are two traits no longer applicable in America.

So you don't want to see individual liberal of you.

My niece graduated college with a biology degree to get into the medical field. That was five years ago and she's still waiting tables at a restaurant. My nephew is married to a woman who graduated with a degree in advertising. She currently works at a bank processing loans.

My sister went to college to become a dietary technician, and she does well, but she'll be paying off her kids loans until the day she retires.

Now if you really want to see people making 20 bucks an hour plus great benefits, you can't do it by complaining on a blog. You have to start your own company and pay your workers that much.
Yes you are right in a sense. There were 3 requirements for my kids.. 1). Get all A's in high school. 2). No military service. 3). A college degree. All my kids fulfilled these requirements so they weren't stuck working for a pittance such as 25 bucks an hour for some loser boss. Get your degree in a field so you can use it against a sense. I taught my kids that loyalty is not a trait that is wanted anymore. Its every man for himself. god first family second country somewhere on the list.
Sorry Ray I am an advocate for post secondary degrees for all. We don't want ANY adults working for less than 20 BUCKS per hour plus full bennies. One can work really hard at 18 bucks per hour. Those pitiful jobs will see zero advancement no matter how hard one works. Heroism and loyalty are two traits no longer applicable in America.

Why are you so stupid? I started off a $3.35 an hour and worked my way up...

Yes you are right in a sense. There were 3 requirements for my kids.. 1). Get all A's in high school. 2). No military service. 3). A college degree. All my kids fulfilled these requirements so they weren't stuck working for a pittance such as 25 bucks an hour for some loser boss. Get your degree in a field so you can use it against a sense. I taught my kids that loyalty is not a trait that is wanted anymore. Its every man for himself. god first family second country somewhere on the list.

Instead of teaching your kids not to work for 25 bucks an hour, why did you not teach them to open up their own business and pay 25 bucks an hour?
Yes you are right in a sense. There were 3 requirements for my kids.. 1). Get all A's in high school. 2). No military service. 3). A college degree. All my kids fulfilled these requirements so they weren't stuck working for a pittance such as 25 bucks an hour for some loser boss. Get your degree in a field so you can use it against a sense. I taught my kids that loyalty is not a trait that is wanted anymore. Its every man for himself. god first family second country somewhere on the list.

Instead of teaching your kids not to work for 25 bucks an hour, why did you not teach them to open up their own business and pay 25 bucks an hour?
Most are not capable. His certainly are not, based on the values he instilled in them.
Happy content workers make for better workers. Miserable slaves are not nearly as productive. A good owner or management should understand that. If you treat employees well, it will be reflected in their performance. You pay a worker $7-8 an hr, you get a $7-8 an hr worker. It is what it is.

Not according to a Harvard Business study:

Do Employees Work Harder for Higher Pay?

You get what you pay for. Somewhere along the line, many Americans have forgotten that. Generally speaking, if you pay a worker shitty wage, you'll get a shitty worker. For example, check out Costco sometime. Then check out Walmart. Much better service at Costco. How you treat your workers, does have a big impact on their performance.

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